Fullness of Joy Fellowship

Fullness of Joy Fellowship

Fullness of Joy Fellowship provides Permanent, Emergency and Transitional Housing. One God
One Faith
One Church
One School


Pray that you will be faithful

Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more" (Ps 83:4).

God calls us to know the signs of the times. The final end time conflict will arise when nations of the world will come against Israel. The Bible is clear that Jesus will return to the physical place of Jerusalem to collect His bride, represented as all those who believe and trust in Jesus, the Messiah. "Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready" (Rev 19:7). "I sawthe Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband" (Rev 21:2).

Israel will always be a place of conflict in the world because Satan knows that this is the place Jesus must come back to in order to collect His bride. And when Jesus does that, it will be the end of Satan's influence on the earth through anti-Christ nations. But until Jesus returns, the land of Jerusalem will be in a tug of war among the nations.

There is a growing intolerance in the world for anyone who has a belief system in absolutes. Christians will be viewed as rigid, inflexible and intolerant of other faiths. There will be a season of political moderate philosophy among many nations and individuals. This moderate philosophy will even happen among Christians, Muslims, and political groups. This will open the door to the influence of the antichrist to come against any group believing in absolutes.

A growing trend of anti-Semitism and persecution will emerge against Jews and committed Christians. Christians will be called to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel. When this happens it will be one of the reasons Jews will believe in the Messiah.

There has been a season of peace for followers of Christ in the western, European and Asian world. But know that a season of persecution is to come. "However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name" (1 Peter 4:16-17).




I don't know who needs to hear this but....⚑🧐












β€œMistakes make you learn better” It is a popular belief that learning can be mastered only when we make fewer mistakes. Contrary to popular belief, when a person makes a mistake while learning, it improves their memory for the right information.


As a researcher and storyteller about people who make a large positive impact in the world and what they do differently, I’ve seen that individuals who have the real β€œgoods” to inspire others have something that other folks don’t.


My door is always open. My place is safe . Tea can be on in minutes, and the living room is a place of peace and non judgment. Anyone who needs to chat is welcome anytime. It's no good suffering in silence. I have food in the fridge, coffee and tea in the cupboard. I have listening ears, shoulders to cry on and prayers to share. I will always be available...you are always welcome!! This is an old value that has been lost to technology... a text, facetime, or emoji is not the equivalent of making time for those we love or care about! I promise to sit at the table while we talk...this is a value that we should bring back!! Or I can come to you.






Well Friends help me wish farewell to this man of God. Robert came to the United States from to help us continue the build of . With his work we were able to advance the ministry just a little further.πŸ˜‡ God Bless you return home to from all of us Here at the The and CommunityπŸ₯°


That is all...

Fullness of Joy Fellowship

Fullness of Joy Fellowship is a bridge from crisis to stability and self-sufficiency. Fullness of Joy Fellowship, offers a variety of services intended to prepare women and children for positive, productive futures. The initial stage is devoted to introducing women and children to the Fullness of Joy Fellowship program and live-in accommodations. It is at this point that staff begins to engage the women through introductory crisis support groups. Children who come to Fullness of Joy with their mothers also receive support through childcare, tutoring, and Christian mentoring.

Fullness of Joy Fellowship's , Tiny Village are a collection of Micro Dwellings specifically created and sustained for the low-income population. At The Tiny Village each resident will take part in building there own tiny home, (between 80 &1,000 square feet) and will have the option of living alone or with roommates. There is no time limit to finish the program, and no one will not be made to leave unless rules are (repeatedly)broken. These small gestures towards the individual's autonomy will build self worth and structure independence which is the main component each resident will need to move forward, positively. Fullness of Joy Fellowship wants to address this critical need for affordable housing, so we’ve created The Tiny Village.The statistics on the homeless population is alarming , but given enough time and patience we can sustain and elevate those in need as the number of homeless dwindle.

The mission of Fullness of Joy Fellowship is to support and strengthen the community by providing Emergency Housing, Transitional Housing and supportive services to people who are homeless or at risk. Fullness of Joy Fellowship also advocates for collaborative, locally driven solutions to end homelessness.
