Ivan Ang

Ivan Ang

I help people be their best today for an even better tomorrow. Why? Have you ever felt that way? The COVID pandemic has only heightened this need.

When you spend years growing a financial planning practice and managing the wealth for high net-worth families, you have worked with some of the most successful people from many different walks of life. But as a successful financial planner, Ivan Ang walked away from his boutique wealth advisory practice. Because those people, whose money he was helping to grow, all still had one major challenge i


Together, we’re stronger!

Have you ever had a fellow team member that complemented your work personality perfectly? Share in the comments!

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


If you’re looking to hire someone new onto your team, let your team members talk with the candidate, especially if they will be working together.

Of course, experience and qualifications are significant, but compatibility and social skills are essential too!

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


When it comes to growth, change is the only way forward. From changing your environment to changing limiting beliefs about yourself, learn how to make a plan for change to achieve the growth you need.

All are welcome, but space is limited for The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session!

Don't miss out! Register here: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001


“...It stands for 'Finding An Important Lesson, Inviting Needed Growth.” -Gary Busey

Sometimes you need to fail in order to grow!

Can you think of a time when a failure led to growth? Share in the comments below…

(Also, check out my upcoming The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session here: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001)


Did you RSVP yet?

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session is a webinar not to be missed! I begin on Tuesday, November 28th at 10:00 am AEDT. Spots are limited so make sure to snag yours before time runs out: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001

SHARE with anyone who will benefit!


Whether it’s bagels in the breakroom or a virtual forum to share pictures of pets and children, provide your team with space to “gather around the watercooler” to help encourage bonding and relationships—which will undoubtedly carry over into their work-life!

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Reaching your potential is a constant journey of discovery, growth, and insight which requires curiosity, consistency, and willingness to change. Once you jump on the growth bandwagon, success will be the only stop!

Learn how to embrace the power of your choices as a vehicle for effective change toward positive growth by signing up for my upcoming webinar!

SHARE with your friends and check out https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001 to learn more!


The Law of the Mirror is just one of the 15 Invaluable laws we discuss during my upcoming webinar, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session.

Growth is dependent upon how you value yourself. Many of us need practice in valuing ourselves a bit higher!

Ready to learn more? Click here: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001


Share your experience below if you’ve learned from the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth before…

By being present at my upcoming webinar on the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, you’ll get to experience the power of a mastermind. Masterminds have been around for decades, but have only recently caught on as a way of helping others navigate through challenges by means of collective intelligence.

Some of the many benefits of participating in this 15 Laws of Growth webinar include:

Participating in an exclusive community

Collaboration among like-minded peers

Stretching beyond your boundaries in a judgment-free space

All are welcome to join me for The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session on Tuesday, November 28th at 10:00 am AEDT! Reserve your spot here: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001


Instead of asking a group of people to speak up and say “no,” allow them to say “yes” by inquiring whether anyone is concerned with the path being taken.

After all, conflict isn’t something that should necessarily be avoided—conflict can lead to innovation and productivity.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Growth isn’t something that just magically happens. You have to plan for it.

How many of you have said…

“It’s not the right time,”

“It will happen automatically,”

Or “I have to find the best way to start”?

You may not have realized it, but by giving in to these thoughts, you’re stunting your own growth!

Learn about growth gaps during The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session so you can start working toward your plan!

Find out more and RSVP here: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001


When it comes to achieving growth, fear is usually the main obstacle we all must face. Fear of change, fear of failure, and fear of what others think are all common forces we must overcome.

What do you fear?

If your desire to grow is stronger than your fear, then join me for The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session on Tuesday, November 28th at 10:00 am AEDT! I am dedicated to helping you maximize your capacity for growth.

Can I count you in?

Visit https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001 for more information


Whether you’re looking to grow on a personal or professional level, I can help! Join me to unlock your untapped potential for growth.

During The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session I will be sharing the key to reaching your own potential through the Laws of Growth.

Grab a friend and register here: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001


By defining roles beyond specific tasks, you can better classify personality types and ensure that everyone works within their talent. After all, every individual has a set of skills that they can bring to the table—by granting them the power to work within their genius, you make the whole team stronger!

Here are some possible roles that different members can take on:

- Cheerleader/Champion: someone who enjoys promoting ideas, driving change, and encouraging positivity

- Creator: someone who likes brainstorming, designing solutions, and tackling creative direction

- Implementer: someone who enjoys taking charge of managing workflow and administrative tasks

- Facilitator/Diplomat: someone who does a good job managing relationships and ironing out road bumps that pop up between personalities

What role would you take on within your team?

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


What does growth look like to you?

Join me on Tuesday, November 28th at 10:00 am AEDT to find out more about John Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.

RSVP here: https://ivanang.leadingthebest.com/WEIVL0001


Not everyone “clicks” right off the bat, likewise, teammates might not always see eye to eye, but we have more in common with one another than we think!

Whenever there is a team conflict, make time for mediation to work out differences—disagreements create room for growth and strength.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


While you might work best under pressure, leaving all your work until the last minute might stress out colleagues if there isn’t a day-by-day action plan written out. When you find yourself working with someone with a different work style than you, find ways to compromise.

Have you ever worked with someone who completes tasks very differently from you? What did you learn from that experience?

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Have you worked on a team with someone who ended up becoming a close friend of yours? Tag them in this post and share what you appreciate most about working with them!

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


It’s easy to get stuck in our own bubble and assume that others think and feel the way we do, but that’s often not the case!

When you’re part of a team, it’s critical that you show sensitivity to other’s perspectives and frequently ask for their input and feedback on any decisions you make.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Oftentimes, we listen to respond, not to hear what the other person is saying.

Work on your active listening skills by paying attention to the speaker’s tone of voice, assessing their body language, and paraphrasing what they’re saying back to them to ensure that their message is getting across the way they are intending.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Did you know that over 50% of our communication is non-verbal?

To ensure that you’re picking up on the real intent of what your team members are saying to you, pay special attention to the way they physically move when they’re saying something.

This is especially important if you’re in a position of authority, since team members lower in the hierarchy may be hesitant to speak their truth in your presence.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


No one person can bring EVERYTHING to the table. We have to rely on the skillsets of those on our team!

Have you ever been surprised by what you’ve been able to contribute? Have you ever been a part of a team that has challenged you to do more than you thought you were capable of? Share in the comments!

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


People aren’t perfect—we all make mistakes!

Be mindful that it takes time to learn new skills, remember that people can’t read your mind, and always veer toward the path of over-communicating so that people aren’t left confused after speaking with you.

Patience is a virtue!

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Influential leaders know that retaining a sense of calm can inspire trust and loyalty, especially when the alternative is unpredictability.

If you have trouble separating your emotions, work on toning down your reactions so that the rest of your team can feel comfortable coming to you with any issue or concern.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Whether it’s an expectation for respect or a set of rules and norms that help maintain company culture, clarifying guidelines is an excellent way to establish boundaries and help the team ensure efficiency and success.

When it comes to rules and expectations, is your team all on the same page?

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


When you’re trying to solve a problem that affects the whole team, ask the team members for their thoughts and feedback.

If applicable, put it to a vote and let democracy help dictate the outcome. While you don’t HAVE to side with the majority, it could help make your final decision.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


When you’re on a team, no ONE person is responsible for accomplishing a goal. It’s always a team effort.

Even if you did play a large role, be humble. If you watched your teammates work hard, give credit where credit is due.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Create a regular time for team members to share their ideas and brainstorm ways to improve.

Whether this is a monthly meeting that addresses stress points or a virtual bulletin board with comment forums, there are many ways to encourage new ideas and discussion.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Each person has a specific set of skills, interests, talents, and drawbacks—when you know what each person has to offer, you can utilize individuals to help boost overall productivity and help with individual job satisfaction.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


When you hire someone new, assign a mentor to introduce them to the workflow.

Not only will this help your team members develop connections, but it will ensure that new employees feel like they have a “place” and a “person” as soon as they join the team.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


You don’t have to spend an afternoon practicing trust falls, but you might consider offering incentives for employees who choose to take on projects as a team. You might also encourage team members to chat outside of work by hosting virtual happy hours or celebrating milestones together.

If possible, consider investing in a fun activity that all the team members can engage in, like a workplace wellness program.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


This is key for all employees, but especially for anyone in a leadership role. While you want to remain professional and authoritative, you also want to show your human side to the rest of the team.

Share when you’re struggling.

Confess to times when you make a mistake.

Own up when you don’t know the answer.

The rest of your team will respect you more for doing so.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Communicate your goals by speaking the words AND putting them in writing several times. Don’t be afraid of “over-communicating” because there is no such thing.

Additionally, if there is a misunderstanding, own up to your part in any miscommunication.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


Effectively delegating can be tricky, but it’s critical to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and successfully. Whenever possible, encourage people to assess their workload and consider how they could potentially delegate their tasks among other team members.

You don’t want to leave some individuals with too much on their plate while others have tons of free time—strive for balance!

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach


A greater goal or perspective should guide all your decisions as a company.

Make it a habit to regularly remind your team of the goals you want to accomplish or the mission statement you stand by.

🚀 Ready to unlock the true potential of your team? Leaders, it's time to revolutionise your approach to team building and achieve unparalleled success! Join me on this transformative journey towards building effective teams that drive results.

📞 Contact me NOW to embark on a game-changing collaboration that will elevate your leadership to new heights. Together, we'll craft a winning strategy, nurture a culture of excellence, and empower your team to exceed expectations.

Don't wait – the future of your organisation's success starts with a single click. Reach out today and let's make greatness happen! Book your free Massive Action Plan session now: https://go.oncehub.com/LSCoach

My story

Some time ago, I googled my grandfather’s name. I can’t remember what prompted me to do that. Curiosity? Boredom? Both? What I discovered was astounding to say the least.

Listed about half way down the page of search results was a link to the National Archives of Singapore. It brought me to a page that contained an audio recording of an interview my grandfather gave on 28 June 1980. What I discovered about my grandfather’s life totally left me speechless. There was so much I didn’t know about my “Ah Kong”. I began to wonder how great a loss it would have been, not only to me but to generations to come, had this interview not occured. I only wished that my grandfather was still alive so that I could ask him myself about the things that happened in his life.

The recordings, along with the transcripts in English, are totally priceless to me. Fortunately, they are now safely stored at NAS, accessible to all who may be interested to find out more about this mordern day pioneer of Singapore.

Before this find, my most valuable possession passed on from my grandfather to me was a booklet containing a listing of all his companies and investments at the height of his business success. It also had a short biography of his life. When we talk about things that money can’t buy, I think of this booklet.

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