Yisroel World Inc.

Yisroel World Inc.

'Words are the pen of the heart, but music is the pen of the soul." -The Alter Rebbe Yisroel Juscowitz is a Jewish Musician, Artist and a Writer.

Juskowitz released his first album on November 25th 2010; since then the album has received outstanding reviews from the Jewish community as well as the press. This unique album was made in collaboration with other talented musicians such as master guitarist/producer C Lanzbom and singer Eitan Katz to produce 12 beautiful melodic songs, many with lyrics from holy Jewish Texts.


"How is this Night going to be different than all other Nights?"

This question takes on much greater significance this coming Passover, for indeed this year is much different than all other years.

When oppression seemed like a ancient relic, a past Egyptian slavery, a past Holocaust, we are once again painfully reminded that we are not completely free.

This year, this Pesach, our conversation with our children can and should be different.

Our children are our future. And so it is imperative that we talk about our modern day history as well.

This is an article I wrote on Aish based on my new children's book about Israel. SEE FIRST COMMENT FOR THE L-I-N-K.


Mazal tov! Dear friends, I am pleased to release my first ever Children's book! I wrote this book to help explain to children everywhere Israel's significance and moral standing. Please share and spread to the world. A portion of the proceeds will go towards pro-Israel causes. SEE F-I-R-S-T C-O-M-M-E-N-T FOR L-I-N-K. ❤ (written that way for algorithm lol).

Mikeitz: Defeating the Mighty 15/12/2023

Here is this week's edition of The Inspired Parsha. Enjoy! Wishing everyone a wonderful Shabbos. :)

Mikeitz: Defeating the Mighty For more info on Rabbi Yisroel Juskowitz's music, art, books, classes, life coaching, and diet course, you may go to https://www.yisroelsworld.com/ Like this...

Noach: Rebuilding with KIndness 19/10/2023

It has been nearly two weeks now.
The passage of time certainly has a numbing effect on the world. Little by little, the world is starting to focus less on what happened, and is beginning to move on. News headlines now are often about other events now.
We can never allow this numbing to affect us as well. Our brothers and sisters, can and should remain, at the forefront of our minds. But what is the answer for us? Continuing to wallow constantly in our collective misery?
I have learned, after wallowing in pain with our brothers and sisters, the only path for us forward, besides of course, helping Israel in every way we can, is to share messages of inspiration, positivity, and hope.
Here is this week's Inspired Parsha.
Please share the message of this video. Thank you, sincerely, Yisroel

Noach: Rebuilding with KIndness For more info on Rabbi Yisroel Juskowitz's music, art, books, classes, and life coaching, you may go to https://www.yisroelsworld.com/ Like this video? Feel ...

Night (Night) 06/07/2023

Dear friends,

I wanted to start a new project in commemoration of the difficult time we are now in, known as the 3 Weeks, when we remember the siege and destruction of Jerusalem and our Bait Hamikdosh (Holy Temple).

It is very hard to relate to a tragedy that happend thousands of years ago that we don't see on a regular basis how it effects us.

However, there is one tragedy so enormous in recent history which completely changed the fabric of our People forever. And this of course is the Holocaust.

But how to relate to a tragedy on such a colossal level? The number 6 Million is too overwhelming to even begin to comprehend.

So there is one way that I thought of. Seeing Auschwitz through the eyes of a 15 year old boy who lost his innocence forever. I am talking about "Night" by Eli Weisel, perhaps the greatest memoir of that dark time ever written. It is a book that shook me to the core, and I still shudder when I think of it.

So I am calling this project "NINE DAYS OF NIGHT." The task is simple: Read 10 pages of "Night on each day of the Nine Days, culminating in reading the final 20 pages on Tisha B'av itself.

For those who have never read it, this is the time of year to read it. It is a quick descent into an abyss so frightening that one cannot help but be forever changed by it.

I am attaching the link to the book here. Please join in the project and share this message with friends. May we see the long awaited Redemption very soon. Sincerely, Yisroel
Night (Night)

Night (Night) Night (Night)

Yisroel Juskowitz: Haben Yakir Li 11/05/2023

Yisroel Juskowitz: Haben Yakir Li This song is both a tribute to my late beloved brother Ephraim "Phil" Juskowitz and a celebration of the joyous birth of his grandson Ephraim "Effy" Gerstman...

Faith in the Nights 04/09/2022

Mazal tov! I a please to announce the release of my newest album "Faith in the Nights." BH the feedback so far has been wonderful. I had started working on it before my beloved brother Ephraim Phil passed away and he encouraged me to see it till the very end. I could hear him whispering words of encouragement throughout the process. The entire album is dedicated in his memory.

Faith in the Nights

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