Smartee Plate

Smartee Plate

Smartee Plate™ is an e-book series for children about healthy, fun eating, created and written by Jennifer Glockner, a registered dietitian nutritionist.

Teddy Tries a Veggie is available at:

Apple iBookstore (enhanced edition):

Amazon Kindle Store:

22 Types of Peppers Every Cook Needs to Know About ASAP 19/08/2022

Peppers are loaded with vitamin C. They are great as a snack, in salads, salsas, sandwiches, stews, and to stuff. Here are examples of some varieties of peppers that you might want to include in dishes that you cook with kids.

22 Types of Peppers Every Cook Needs to Know About ASAP When it comes to cooking ingredients, nothing spices up a recipe quite like peppers. While many of us are most familiar with bell peppers (quesadilla, anyone?)


Why are added sugars bad for kids? According to the , added sugars may increase the risk for hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity & diabetes.

Here are examples of added sugars & ways to limit them. Sugars in fruits, veggies & milk are not considered added sugars.


Keeping kids hydrated, especially on hot summer days, is crucial. Kids have different water requirements depending on age, activity level, and overall health. For example, healthy 4–8 year olds need about 5 cups of fluids while kids 9-13 require 7-8 cups. Drinking water is best. Eating produce with high water content may help hydration too. Choose ones with at least 80-85% water (watermelon & strawberries 92%, peaches 88%, oranges & pineapple 87%, cucumber & iceberg lettuce 96%, & zucchini 95%).

14 Spice Blends From Around The World 22/03/2022

In honor of this year's theme for National Nutrition Month, "celebrate a world of flavors," here are some spice blends from around the world. Learn about them and have fun trying new flavors and foods.

14 Spice Blends From Around The World Spice blends are part of what makes the culinary customs of each country unique. Discover our favorites and get inspired to use them in your own kitchen.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day 09/03/2022

Happy Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day to all my fellow RDNs! #.YikKh66J8oE.twitter

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day commemorates the dedication of RDNs as advocates for advancing the nutrition status of Americans and people around the world. Its celebrated each year on the second Wednesday in March and was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

7 Interesting Facts About Valentine’s Day Chocolates | Openfit 14/02/2022

Here are 7 facts about Valentine’s Day chocolate. Happy Valentine's Day!

7 Interesting Facts About Valentine’s Day Chocolates | Openfit Here are 7 facts about Valentine’s Day chocolate that we bet you never knew, from serving sizes to different compositions.


Happy National Dog Day to all our furry friends!


A healthy snack for kids combines lean protein + fiber. Snack portions should vary based on age & activity level but not be a full meal. Ex: whole grain crackers + seed butter, hummus + peppers, hard boiled egg + tomatoes, plain yogurt + mango. pic via Lavi Perchik

This Is Actually The Healthiest Thing To Order At Subway, According To Experts 18/08/2021

Cooking at home is always best. If you occasionally have a craving for Subway, here is what I consider one of the healthiest options on their menu for non-vegetarians. via

This Is Actually The Healthiest Thing To Order At Subway, According To Experts Discover the healthiest Subway food orders, according to leading health experts, on SheFinds.


It's National Peach Month. Peaches contain vitamin A needed for immunity, vision, & healthy skin & vitamin C vital for boosting immunity & enhancing wound healing. Use in salads, salsas, smoothies, & yogurt. pic via LuAnn Hunt Photography

Eat & run: Tips for quick, healthy breakfasts before school 16/08/2021

A healthy breakfast with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins may improve performance in school. Here are some tips for busy parents.

Eat & run: Tips for quick, healthy breakfasts before school The morning may include scrambling to finish homework assignments, missing iPads and grumpy children, but no matter how rushed the routine kids need a

TikTokers Are Eating Frozen Honey — Here's What Nutritionists Think 13/08/2021

Did you hear about the new TikTok trend of eating frozen honey? Check out this Healthline article where I and other dietitians share our thoughts.

TikTokers Are Eating Frozen Honey — Here's What Nutritionists Think A new TikTok trend has erupted in which people are consuming frozen honey. When people consume high doses of sugar, their blood sugar levels can spike then crash. Nutritionists recommend trying a small amount of honey if you do participate in the trend.


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 recommend limiting ADDED sugars to less than 10% of calories per day starting at age 2 and to avoid ADDED sugars all together before age 2. What are added sugars? Check out the Sugar Association infographic for more info.


Excessive sodium intake is a risk factor for hypertension, which may cause heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium intake for healthy adults and kids over 14 to 2300 mg or 1 teaspoon of salt daily from ALL sources.

For younger children, the guidelines recommend limiting daily sodium intake to the following:

1-3 yrs olds 1200 mg about 1/2 tsp

4-8 yrs olds 1500 mg 2/3 tsp

9-13 yrs olds 1800 mg 3/4 tsp

Smartee Plate - Empowering families to grow smart eaters. - 06/08/2021

Did you know that it can take around 12 times to like a new food? If your child doesn't like a food the first time, don't be discouraged. Try, try, and try again.

Smartee Plate - Empowering families to grow smart eaters. - SmarteePlate empowers families to grow smart eaters, help kids build healthy nutrition habits for life, promote wellness and prevent illness, and provide nourishing fun book by book, plate by plate.


August is Kids Eat Right Month to encourage a healthy eating pattern for kids and families in hopes of preventing disease and promoting wellness.