Personal Tutor

Personal Tutor

School of Trauma Informed Positive Psychology Personal Tutor


Be A Part of The Trauma Informed Coaching Revolution! 🙌

Join me on Sunday, March 24th, UK time, 4pm EDT, 1pm PDT for my upcoming masterclass:

📣Nervous System Education For Individuals, Schools, Workplaces & Public Sector Organisations To Enhance Mental Health & Wellbeing.📣

Are you ready to be a part of a groundbreaking global movement that's reshaping the landscape of mental health and wellbeing? 🙋‍♀️

Discover how to create a flexible, purposeful and impactful business that’s flexible, supportive and has everything you need to truly make a difference.

Why it's so important?

In today's world, mental health challenges affect millions of individuals, families, schools, and workplaces. But with the right knowledge and tools, we can create a brighter, healthier future for all.

Did you know?

😫 Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting over 264 million people.
😫 Su***de is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds globally, with one person taking their own life every 40 seconds.
⁠😫 Workplace mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, cost the global economy $1 trillion annually in lost productivity

Join me for this transformative masterclass where you'll:

🧠 Discover the Power of Nervous System Education: Gain a deep understanding of how the nervous system impacts mental health and wellbeing, and learn practical strategies for navigating life's challenges with resilience

🏫 Transform Schools: Explore how trauma-informed practices can create supportive, nurturing environments where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

💼 Revolutionise Workplaces: Learn how trauma-informed approaches can foster healthier, more productive workplace cultures, benefitting both employees and businesses alike.

Together, let's create a world where mental health and wellbeing are valued by all.

Even if you can’t join me live, still register 👇🏻👇🏻


30 minute countdown until the launch of our brand new business!!! It’s a game changer for mental wellbeing!!! Want to help others and create a business…..

Last chance to sneak on the waitlist!!!


🚧 Setting Boundaries: Advocating for Ourselves 🚧

We often hear about boundaries in the context of dealing with others. Boundaries are actually NOT about trying to change someone else’s behaviour! However much we see they’d behaviour as toxic either personally or professionally 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️

🤔 Boundaries are like little flags we put up in our lives 🚩, not to control others, but to remind ourselves that we deserve respect and self-advocacy! 🌟

💪 They serve as a gentle nudge to our self to say we matter and we deserve more. 💖

Boundaries are our way of setting the stage for healthy interactions and relationships.

🛡️Think of your boundaries like a shield. It’s not about changing the outside world, but about protecting our own inner peace and well being. It’s about recognising our own needs and communicating them clearly and respectfully.

👉We can’t control how others act or react. (sadly I know!!!) People are complex and have their own emotional wounds that they will try and project upon us. But we CAN control how we respond when we do our own inner work and trauma healing, and that’s where boundaries come into play. 🙌

✨ Remember, advocating for ourselves is NOT selfish. It’s an act of self care and self love. We deserve to be heard, understood, and respected in our relationships, at work, and in every area of our lives.

Set those boundaries not as a means to change others, but as a symbol of self empowerment, self worth and self leadership. You are worthy of respect and love, and your boundaries help create the space for that to happen. 💪❤️

Let’s advocate for ourselves and nurture the beautiful relationships that honour our boundaries! 🌻✨



So often we can sit in shame about how we show up with certain behaviours. This could be anger, even rage, addictions, eating disorders, self harm and so on

Real destructive behaviours that we try and hide from society because we know we shouldn’t be doing them but we find ourself engaging in them each day and just not knowing how to stop

I can relate to this because when I had C-PTSD, I would self harm, drink alcohol and emotionally eat. I knew I shouldn’t and I didn’t want to BUT each day I’d find myself engaging in one or all of them.

I felt Shame, I felt disgusted at myself and this just kept me in this cycle of self destructive behaviour but trying even harder to hide it

These behaviors would numb me out and distract me in the moment from a core emotional wound, it would reduce my distress as took my busy head to a place of focusing on the destructive behaviour as opposed to sitting and feeling the core wound of emotional pain which first me was not feeling good enough

The brains job is to keep us safe so in these moments of destructive impulses, it comes from our brain perceiving a bigger danger and threat out there and is acting in what it believes to be a way to keep us safe. Distraction, soothing, numbing

For example, my self harming was about redirecting my focus into something else as my brain perceived it simply too much to handle in the moments of external triggers and that I needed something to save me from those thoughts and the perceived danger of self harm was actually less painful than my thoughts and body sensations from the triggers of unprocessed memories.

So you see if you have destructive parts, they have actually got a positive and loving intention for you but thus information is based on past perceptions and these perceptions have been usually wired in as a child and they are not actually true

This is why somatic and nervous system is so important in the healing process. We can’t change WHAT happened but we can absolutely change your PERCEPTION and SOMATIC EXPERIENCE of what happened

It’s not good enough to simply know you are good enough or worthy, you have to FEEL it and for that to happen, you have to work with the nervous system

Be kind to yourself and get curious about what your destructive parts are actually trying to distract you away from because I can assure your nervous system actually thinks it’s protecting you and keeping in less pain ❤️

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00