evalyn parry
“Let’s make new things seem possible” Maggie Nelson
Hey friends, for my birthday, if you are so moved, would you gift me by sharing a brief memory or image of a moment we shared? Something that pops to mind. A tiny glimpse into your memory bank.
The most precious (and also unwieldy) thing about Facebook to me is how it brings together so many worlds and connections…and on my bday I love to have the pleasure of being reminded of the ways we think of each other and are connected through our IRL memories of each other.
Tonight and tomorrow Kiinalik is presented at m Munich at the historic Munchener Kammerspiele. So honoured to be here as part of the “Water, Earth and I” festival.
Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools - Program - Kammerspiele Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools // Theater performance and concert by Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory and Evalyn Parry / Buddies in Bad Times // MK: Festival "Water, Earth and I" // German premiere // Therese-Giehse-Halle // A concert and a conversation, Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools is the meeting place of....