evalyn parry

evalyn parry

“Let’s make new things seem possible” Maggie Nelson


Hey friends, for my birthday, if you are so moved, would you gift me by sharing a brief memory or image of a moment we shared? Something that pops to mind. A tiny glimpse into your memory bank.

The most precious (and also unwieldy) thing about Facebook to me is how it brings together so many worlds and connections…and on my bday I love to have the pleasure of being reminded of the ways we think of each other and are connected through our IRL memories of each other.

Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools - Program - Kammerspiele 12/11/2022

Tonight and tomorrow Kiinalik is presented at m Munich at the historic Munchener Kammerspiele. So honoured to be here as part of the “Water, Earth and I” festival.

Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools - Program - Kammerspiele Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools // Theater performance and concert by Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory and Evalyn Parry / Buddies in Bad Times // MK: Festival "Water, Earth and I" // German premiere // Therese-Giehse-Halle // A concert and a conversation, Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools is the meeting place of....