Energy Alchemist: Readings | Mentorship | Yoga + Meditation | Wellness Mindfulness tools for students/the classroom.

Teaching educators and businesses to reduce stress and anxiety through nutrition, mindfulness, breathwork and yoga for more effectiveness on the job, and a happy, healthy life. Group Workshops + 1:1 Coaching

Health Coach, Wellness Consultant, Yoga Teacher, Public School Teacher


Photos from GROW's post 03/05/2023

You likely haven’t seen the models for what it looks like or how it’s done, so here you are, maybe clumsily or unsuredly at times, leading the path forward for a new definition and embodied experience of success. And life.

Because your success is part of your life, your life is part of your success. That feels good.

Welcome to the new paradigm, Radiant one. You are here. The world needs you.

Comment I AM if you are ready to claim this 🌟✨

Photos from GROW's post 28/04/2023

I was debating posting this or not because I didn’t know if it was too focused on the negative. But - I think it’s important to look at.

(And if you want the positive side of what can happen when you work on your healing, go back a few posts to the Healing-Success Connection 😸)

I reached a point where my body flat out said - nope, we’re done. We quit. And made me learn how to slow down and function in a whole new way. (And I’m so thankful now, but past self me needed the hard lesson 🤷🏻‍♀️)

I had a co-worker who was so ungrounded and always running to the next thing that it took a devastating car accident for her to slow down.

There’s usually small signs, suggestions, before the universe hands is a big fat 🛑 , but chronic over-achieving and over-functioning women are pros at over-riding those. Whether it’s slowing down, saying “no,” prioritizing your joy or your wellness - all of these things can help us create more alignment within ourselves and in turn actually help us be MORE successful - and feel good and enjoy it. Without the hard lesson.

What’s your experience with this? 👇

Photos from GROW's post 26/04/2023

Over-achieving and over-functioning women are often so successful and have it so together. But it can be a precarious balancing act.

Maybe you think: “Who me?
My childhood wasn’t that bad, my parents loved me and took care of me, showed up at all my games, supported all my after school activities …”

But if you’re human - you have unhealed pain. A lot of it from likely well-meaning parents. The generations that raised us often had their own intensely suppressed emotions, and a focus on presenting as normal, healthy, highly functional as the goal.

⚡️But over-achieving is often:

A way to feel safe.
A way to feel in control.
A way to feel validated and seen.
A way to function as a woman in a “man’s world “ (this is changing 🙃)

For many of us, our mother’s generation was the first generation of “career” women, and the “do it all” super woman was our model. OMG no wonder we feel like we need to do it all 😅

⚡️The good news is over-achievers have so many skills and strengths . So when you direct some of that power towards your own healing, you unlock new levels of possibility and life.


When you’re constantly running around juggling too many balls (you know, like always being on that extra committee at work because you always are), trying to be the best at and give 120% to everything (always taking that extra vinyasa or chaturanga push-ups at your yoga class, ace’ing your meal prep and family dinner, that extra special Pinterest cake for your kid’s birthday, planning that baby shower or girls trip even though you have a million things going on), you’re draining your battery.

Quite simply - you’re an A+an expert at pushing through. (And I bet you did get lots of A+‘s in school too ;)

🏳️It might feel so normal that you don’t know how good and different you can feel. You also don’t know when the next thing will put you over the top, when your physical and/or emotional body will finally wave the white flag, “we’ve had enough” and give you burnout or a situation that you finally can’t push through or ignore. (I have been there.)

And you don’t know what’s possible - or how good it can feel - when you fully bring your brilliance, your unique essence and particular potency (your energetic soul signature, gifted to you by the universe), through using and directing your energy in aligned ways, on the right things… and maybe 100% is all you need to create magical results


🌟Fitness, Time/Energy Saving, & Life Happiness/Satisfaction Tip : I see you over there, always giving 110% - and that may extend to your workouts and fitness too. But you want to know a secret? When it comes to women's bodies and workouts, often less is more.

It’s not what you've been conditioned to believe - that more is more. But whether you'd like to see more results, spend less time on them & have more time for yourself, or you're just kind of chronically exhausted but *you know you should workout*, less actually can be more.

Women's bodies only really need about 25-30 minutes for workouts (& sometimes even less - I sometimes only do 15 minutes, some days just walk or do something restorative & let my body be my guide) - & in fact, pushing yourself for longer durations can create/worsen hormonal imbalances...which cause physical energy depletion (& lead to chronic fatigue), excess weight (the irony), anxiety, cycle issues and period problems, brain fog....

It's about finding the sweet spot, because exercise and physical activity can improve all these things too. But that extra "110%," always pushing to the max, work ethic can backfire.

Two other things that can inform what and how much for your fitness are:

1) Where you are in your cycle (If you're body cycles;)

2) Your Human Design!

And the best guage l is - how do I feel after working out? Lifted? Boosted? Do I enjoy it? And do I have the time, energy, and stamina for other things in my life? - by all means keep on doing what you're doing.

But if you're kinda always tired - or worse, they leave you feeling too fatigued to do other things - if you feel like feel like it's not adding to your life the way it should, or you're in a rut but you push yourself to slog through just because that's another place that you feel like you just need to give it your all, try scaling back, and/or changing it up and trying something new.

And if you find it difficult to scale back despite knowing that it's doing more harm than good, that's a sign that you may want to take a deeper look at what's driving that

LMK if this was helpful👇😊

Photos from GROW's post 23/02/2023

Truth and being seen, without being judged. Have you ever experienced this?

Thanks for the term Evolutionary Psychic and sharing your insights & teachings on what it means.

Drop in the comments below - what in your life do you wish you could shine some truth on?

Photos from GROW's post 09/02/2023

Some tips to discern between the voice of your Higher Self and all the noise that comes from Outside Yourself.

This post was inspired by a reading I did the other day, where a woman explained that she kept following this pull to make certain decisions, even though she didn’t know where it would lead and logic would say it didn’t make any sense.

I could see and affirmed that this “pull” is the light and wisdom of her higher self shining through, and she was being brave enough to follow it - even though her analytical/logical mind had a lot of other things to say. (BTW logic isn’t inherently bad and it definitely serves its place, but it tends very imbalanced.)

Do you find yourself listening or defaulting more to the higher self or outside yourself voices? (Also it’s not a contest, that’s the outside yourself talking 🤪)

If you find this helpful, like and save this post for future reference.

Photos from GROW's post 01/02/2023

I saw something recently around co-regulating, in the context of an adult helping a child. Co-regulation is natural. And I created Grounded Kids to work as a parallel family program exactly with this in mind:

The more grounded and regulated we are in our own state, the more we can support our children with their own regulation.

Link in bio to try!


Someone else’s:
Wellness routine
Career or Business
Family, Kids (or how their children behave 😅)
Can all be a distraction - And also put you in lack and make you feel bad about yourself.

✨All that matters is:
What feels true for you. What resonates with your soul? What feels bright, light, peaceful, expansive?

Helping you see and align with this - with what is true for you - and helping you make this a reality - is one of my gifts and the work I do with my clients.

Photos from GROW's post 04/01/2023

Resolutions for the new year?

Perhaps dreams you want to manifest? Maybe you’ve been there before only to give up on it, to find it failing, sliding back into the familiar.

Or maybe you really feel like is going slow and professing right now, and you just need to give yourself permission to do that.

What would you add to the list?


Photos from GROW's post 01/11/2022

We continue being propelled to explore our depths and shed the layers of not-self, pushing us towards owning and living our power, desires, light, purpose, and being ☺️

Alignment is a spiritual word that gets thrown around that simply means just that - it’s aligned with your truth

And our current eclipse season (the next one is November 8th but we’re still in the portal) is no exception 😅

And in case you need to hear this - you’re doing a great job. Keep going. Keep listening to the intuitive nudges and whispers…or roars of your soul🦁☺️

DM me if you’d like some support navigating life in these times, there are multiple avenues to work together 🙏♥️

Photo from exploring a real-life magical cave in Central California w/

Photos from GROW's post 18/08/2022

Is this you? 👋☺️🌹🌈

Pssssst I’ll let you in on a secret🤫
If it resonates, then it is ;)

If you’re looking for a mentor or guide during this massive cosmic initiation we’re all experiencing, to deepen into your purpose and sharing your light, don’t be shy - say hi ☺️

Photos from GROW's post 17/08/2022

Do you see the paradox? :) ✨💎

It’s really not one or the other, though sometimes we may need to focus more in one area - it’s spirit and body, because we are here *in bodies.* These are the lessons we came here to learn.

I’ve had periods where I was almost exclusively focused on the body, and then where I was so heavily focused on spirit and my body was like

I help my clients expand awareness of spirit with awareness of their bodies and integrate it into their lives so that their spiritual growth is FUNctional :) meaning - it works for your life. Because I’ve said it before - Life IS the Mystery School.
And we’re alive in these bodies at a wild and divine time on this planet.

Photos from GROW's post 17/08/2022

Do you see the paradox? :) ✨💎

It’s really not one or the other - it’s spirit and body, because we are here *in bodies.* These are the lessons we came here to learn.

I help my clients expand awareness of spirit with awareness of their bodies and integrate it into their lives so that their spiritual growth is FUNctional :) meaning - it works for your life. Because I’ve said it before - Life IS the Mystery School.
And we’re alive in these bodies at a wild and divine time on this planet.

Photos from GROW's post 20/07/2022
Photos from GROW's post 07/07/2022

🌹The right shifts can take you quantum leaps forward.

You don’t know the ripple effect one shift can have on literally every aspect of your current and future life

🌹The trick is knowing the right, most aligned shifts

🌹My superpower is seeing these shifts 👁

Follow me
Link in bio to work together


There are many tools I access when I work with clients, but this is at the heart of what I do. It’s not for everyone, we go deep and not everyone wants to be seen on this level. But if you do, there’s likely a yearning you may recognize to be truly seen. It’s not about being good enough, you were born good enough. It’s about your essence being seen. The freedom that comes from allowing another to truly witness you. It can be a pivotal shift.
Most people who work with me say some version of “I don’t know why exactly but I just knew I needed to do this.” I believe it’s that yearning to be seen speaking up.
🌈Validation of spirit feels like freedom🌈☺️


You are a vital part of the awakening✨


Take any of the wrongs of the world as evidence that we need your light.

*~You are a vital part of the awakening~*

Photos from GROW's post 21/05/2022

Breathe deep - and don’t get serious😉

If this resonates with you, I help my clients embody their light and share it with the world, and thus doing so help raise the collective vibration. The ways we do this vary - moving and clearing foreign energy (any energy that isn’t yours) and old or stuck emotions from your body and energy field, seeing what tweaks, shifts and modalities resonate with and make a potent impact on your physical body and energy/emotional body. But it all comes down to having more of and shining more of you.


Photos from GROW's post 06/05/2022

Women’s bodies, creative power, cycles, and the world.
Let the rising continue


As your truest and brightest self ☀️☺️
Sometimes our light is the hardest to see

The world likes to have us think we’re competing against each other, and the mind/ego plays lots of “not good enough” games with us. But the reason you are here is to be you. It’s all the un-learning that makes it complicated. The people and situations that light us up in competition and unworthiness are merely mirrors 🪞

When you bring your light to whatever it is you do in the world, it makes the world that much better. And there is nothing I love more than helping someone see and shine their own light. ✨🙏
