Learning Spanish and French

Learning Spanish and French

The World is all about communicating. Its Always good to know more then one language and its really


Hola Salut Hello,
My Apologizes First of all. I am your Admin sorry for not posting any lessons. I had some issues had to give my all attention but thanks for your patience
I will be uploading Lesson really soon.

Your Admin
Love you All and Be Ready for lessons real soon


Hello!, Hola!, Salut! Everybody
I am Salman Ghafoor and my aim is to learn Spanish and French, and I know you wants to do the same. So i begin this small Group so whoever from wherever wants to learn could join this group. My work is still in process As soon as possible i will start uploading content. Currently i am working on making My First lesson titled
++Personal Pronoun and Formalities++

Timeline photos 04/02/2017
