Pastor Jack Siame

Pastor Jack Siame

Head Pastor at Kalos Christian Church (KCC) a.k.a. believers Kalosworld ministries

A school where people receive training for reigning; equipped and thoroughly furnished unto every good work


When Christ is in you, every day is a miracle day.



Join Pastor Jack Siame this Thursday for an unforgettable FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS online conference, LIVE on the Pastor Jack Siame page (

Get ready for a powerful encounter with God. MIRACLES will be plenty. What a time we will have in PRAYER, THE WORD and in God's MANIFEST PRESENCE.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity! Invite your family and friends. Invite everyone you can. The conference starts at 5PM (CAT) this Thursday!


Some few years ago, i was on my knees in my living room, praying. I needed a specific amount of money, and I needed it urgently. But instead of begging or pleading, I chose to thank God for His supply. I thanked Him for His abundance, His provision, and His faithfulness.

As I poured out my heart in gratitude, I heard a gentle whisper - 'I've placed the money in one of your jackets.' I didn't hesitate or question; I just obeyed. I rushed to my wardrobe, checked the first jacket I saw, and there it was - the exact amount I needed!

I'm still amazed, and I still don't know how it got there. But I do know this: thankfulness unlocked the door to abundance. My gratitude opened the floodgates of heaven, and God's provision flowed in.

My beloved, make the life-changing shift from complaining to praying with thanksgiving! When you do, you'll unlock the abundant supply of God and experience the miraculous provision that Jesus demonstrated in John 6:1-13.

Remember the story? Five loaves and two fish, less than enough for the crowd, but Jesus gave thanks and turned it into more than enough! He showed us that thanksgiving has the power to multiply, to increase, and to overflow.

- Pastor Jack Siame


Don't let the enemy's lies and schemes steal your attention. Focus on God's word, and your life overflow with His goodness and abundance.

- Pastor Jack Siame


FIX YOUR GAZE on God's word and declarations, and you'll find joy, peace, and faith. But, if you focus on the opinions and criticisms of others, you'll be weighed down by sadness and discouragement.

- Pastor Jack Siame


Keep your eyes on the Author of life, not the author of lies. By focusing on God's Word, you'll rise above fear and depression, and walk in the light of His love and freedom.

- Pastor Jack Siame


Don't let the noise of the world or the whispers of the enemy distract you from God's word. Stay anchored in His truth, and you'll find peace, joy, and strength.

- Pastor Jack Siame


The direction of your life is determined by THE FOCUS OF YOUR MIND.

Wherever you focus, your life will follow. If you focus on fear, doubt, and limitations, your life will be marked by obstacles and stagnation. But, if you shift your focus to hope, faith, and possibilities, your life will be transformed by growth, purpose, and fulfillment.

To change the trajectory of your life, simply adjust your focus. Look ahead, not behind. Focus on solutions, not problems. Fix your gaze on the future, not the past. Meditate on the word, and not on your circumstances. And watch as your life moves in a new, exciting direction!

- Pastor Jack Siame


UNHAPPINESS is often a symptom of a misplaced focus. When we fixate on what's lacking, broken, or imperfect, we become blind to the abundance of blessings surrounding us; we become sad and negative.

DON'T BE SAD. Count your blessings and fix your eyes on them instead. Focus on the good and not on the bad. Focus on the word, and not on the circumstances.

- Pastor Jack Siame


LIFE IS LIKE A ROSE GARDEN. Some people complain that roses have thorns—others are grateful that thorns have roses, what kind are you?

Be the kind of person who sees the roses in every situation, who counts their blessings, and who keeps their eyes on the beauty.

Don't focus on the thorns and miss the beauty of the roses.

- Pastor Jack Siame


GUARD YOUR THOUGHTS, for they shape your destiny! Don't let careless or negative thinking hijack your mind. Instead, intentionally focus on things that are:

TRUE - aligned with God's word and reality

HONEST - authentic and transparent

JUST - fair and righteous

PURE - untainted by malice or evil

LOVELY - beautiful and uplifting

OF GOOD REPORT - worthy of praise and admiration

According to Philippians 4:8.

By choosing to think on these things, you'll cultivate a mind that is MIRACULOUS, PEACEFUL, and PRODUCTIVE.

- Pastor Jack Siame


Water doesn't sink a ship when it's around it, it sinks it WHEN IT ENTERS IT.

Don’t let the negative things happening around you turn your FAITH into FEAR. KEEP THE FAITH!

- Pastor Jack Siame


With faith in your heart, the impossible becomes possible!

Photos from Pastor Jack Siame's post 02/09/2024

Praise God! Our first service, VAMA LOVE SUNDAY for students, was truly unforgettable! We had an amazing time in God's presence, basking in His love and grace. The Q & A session was glorious, with thought-provoking questions and insightful answers that deepened our understanding of His word. And the highlight - 40 students received Christ as their Lord and Saviour! What a joy to see young lives transformed by His power!

If you're a student, don't miss out. Join us this Sunday at 07:00 for another incredible time together.

Call +260974984054 for details. We're thrilled to see many students growing in the Lord and can't wait to see what He does next!

Photos from Pastor Jack Siame's post 02/09/2024

On this day, the second service was an absolute explosion of joy, faith, and freedom! Pastor Grace Siame's powerful message on BOLDNESS IN THE LORD was the perfect crescendo to the message I started sharing the previous week.

The atmosphere was palpably charged with anticipation. The very air was vibrating with supernatural possibilities! And then, the impartation came - a glorious outpouring of God's grace for boldness and greater exploits.

What an incredible blessing to have Pastor Grace Siame. What a gift!

Join us this Sunday at 09:45 for our main service!

Call this line for more details +260973572777


"With only enough money for transportation, he embarked on a perilous journey to Johannesburg, a city of wonder and wonderment, but also a city of darkness and despair. As night fell, the young man found himself alone, with no food, no shelter, and no human being to turn to.

But he did not panic or fear. Instead, he turned to the One who had sent him, the One who had been his guide since his salvation.

‘Lord,’ he prayed, ‘What should I do?’

‘Have you seen those two strangers walking in front of you?’ the Lord asked.

‘Yes,’ he replied.

‘Carry your bags and follow them,’ the Lord commanded.

Without hesitation, the young man followed. And then, something remarkable happened. Those two strangers, men who did not know him or anything about his journey, looked at him and saw something in his eyes that drew them to him.

They took him to Durban, booked a hotel room for him, and ordered a hot meal. The young man was amazed by God’s provision."

Culled from the book FROM GAZA TO ZULWINI

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Testimonies are already streaming in 💃💃💃

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Most people today are not held captive by physical chains, but by emotional ones. They are chained not by their circumstances, but by their own thoughts.

Break free from the shackles of negative thinking by renewing your mind with God's word.

Let the word transform your life!

- Pastor Jack Siame



You can use this link to download 👇


You can think yourself up or think yourself down. The choice is yours!

Your thoughts have the power to elevate or depreciate your life.

Choose wisely!

- Pastor Jack Siame


Think right, and you will feel right.

Your feelings go where your thoughts take them.

Your feelings become what your thoughts make them.

To change how you are feeling, change what you are thinking.

- Pastor Jack Siame


INDEPENDENT WOMAN: BOAST OR HUMBLE? 🤔 Watch now and find out! 💁‍♀️👀💖



Gratitude and right thinking are intertwined! By choosing to thank right, we align our minds with right thinking, and vice versa.

- Pastor Jack Siame


HAPPINESS is found where THANKFULNESS is expressed!

GRATEFUL people are HAPPY people!

Practice GRATITUDE today and ACTIVATE happiness in your life!

- Pastor Jack Siame


Child of God, you cost Christ too much for Him to neglect or abandon you.

He paid the ultimate price for your life, and He will surely take care of you.

Trust in His love and care for you, and know that He will guide and protect you every step of the way.

- Pastor Jack Siame






We've started the month with PEACE.

May this month be full of peace for you.


WISDOM is not about knowing EVERYTHING,
but about trusting God in EVERYTHING.

For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of true wisdom. - Proverbs 9:10

- Pastor Jack Siame


SOMETHING IN YOUR HAND CAN CREATE THE FUTURE YOU DESIRE. What do you have? Moses had a rod. The widow who was in debt had a cruise of oil. The little boy had lunch. What do you have?

May God help you see what you have. May He help you see what you can use to create opportunities and success for yourself.

There is something you possess right now that can open doors for you. May God help you see it. 🙏

Videos (show all)

INDEPENDENT WOMAN: BOAST OR HUMBLE? 🤔 Watch now and find out! 💁‍♀️👀💖
THE ULTIMATE QUESTION: How long should you wait before getting married? 🤔💍️️️ Watch now to find out! 🎬️️️
MARRIAGE QUESTION!Is your partner's family a deal-breaker or a game-changer? 🤔Watch now to find out. 😲
READY, SET, DATE! 🚀 But wait, IS IT THE RIGHT TIME? Watch this video to find out!
Midweek Service
UNVEIL THE AMAZING SECRET! Receive the incredible truth that will make you an incredible success! Watch now! 🙆😲🙆
WARNING: STAY AWAY FROM THIS, IT CAN REDUCE YOUR LIFE! Watch the video to discover the shocking truth! 😲 😱 😲
Can Christians go clubbing? What does the Bible say? 🤔Watch this video to find out!

