A Kidney For Olga
Olga is suffering from Stage 5 kidney failure. She is now waiting for a kidney transplant. Dear Friend,
What if you were living on borrowed time? Many Thanks!
We are fundraising in order to help with the cost of the surgery and all the post-operative expenses. Olga Rivera is fighting for her life. When she was 11 years old, she was diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis, a disease that significantly damaged her kidneys. Growing up, her illness was stable but she had yearly check-ups to monitor her kidney function. Over the years her kidneys worsened,
6 years today
Hispanic heritage is engrained in our nation’s past, present, and future.
This month, we celebrate the traditions, histories, achievements, and cultural diversity that Hispanic communities bring to HUD and beyond.
Happy !
Agradecida por el regalo de vida hoy♻️💚. Hoy se cumplen cuatro años y siento una gran alegría en mi corazón por la oportunidad que Dios me ha dado de seguir viviendo y poder compartir con mi familia y mis amigos ver a mis nietos crecer pero al mismo tiempo pensando en la familia de la persona que me dió este gran regalo hoy y todos los días oro por ellos🙏🏼💚