Reactivate Sarajevo

Reactivate Sarajevo

The 'Reactivate Sarajevo' is a platform to share new ideas, new technologies and new energies that can be of benefit to future urban transformations.


CITIES.BUILDINGS.CULTURE project attempts to develop new approaches to the sustainable management of built heritage and explore the ways in which this legacy has been valorized, transformed, managed, and appropriated in the post-socialist period.

I was invited to contextualize our work on the Urban Reactivation of post-Yugoslav cities, Comprehensive Recovery of Ukrainian Hromadas and Quarter Concepts for large housing estates in Berlin - reflecting on urban regeneration, adaptive reuse of buildings&landscapes and participatory planning.

Thank you: Barbara Engel-Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Institute of Technology (KIT), Christa Reicher, Carola Silvia Neugebauer- RWTH Aachen University, BBSR-Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bernd Hunger-Kompetenzzentrum Großsiedlungen e.V., Arnold Bartetzky-Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), Christiane Kornhaß-Stadt Leipzig, Florian Urban- The Glasgow School of Art et al.

Drees & Sommer Integrated Urban Solutions, ETH Zürich


DAVOS: We participated in the "Resilience and Climate Adaptation" & "Affordability and Social Value Creation" Expert Groups of the Davos Baukultur Alliance - für Kultur - World Economic Forum, together with my Drees & Sommer colleagues.

Great exchange in Davos today & looking forward to future endeavors.

Dr. Haris Piplaš ‘’Bosanac godine’’ na Prijenosu znanja stručnjaka iz dijaspore u Bosni i Hercegovini - Interaktivni portal za Dijasporu iz BiH 04/01/2024

Please read more about the continuation of my engagement at urban and architecture projects in Grad Sarajevo - City of Sarajevo as part of the BiH National Ministry of HHR program.

Drees & Sommer I ETH Zürich
Benjamina Karić rođ. Londrc I Jasmin Ademovic I

Please read more about the continuation of my engagement at urban and architecture projects in Grad Sarajevo - City of Sarajevo as part of the National Ministry HHR of BiH program.

Dr. Haris Piplaš ‘’Bosanac godine’’ na Prijenosu znanja stručnjaka iz dijaspore u Bosni i Hercegovini - Interaktivni portal za Dijasporu iz BiH U okviru programa Prijenosa znanja stručnjaka iz iseljeništva/dijaspore u javne ustanove i institucije u BiH koji provodi Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, u periodu od 21. do 29.12.2023. godine, u Upravi Grada Sarajeva bio je angažovan dr. Haris Piplaš, stručnjak za urbano planir...

Photos from Reactivate Sarajevo's post 22/12/2023

Reactivating the potential of the city Grad Sarajevo - City Of Sarajevo


Vise informacija o naucno-strucnim radovima koji su baza saradnje i mosta ETH Zürich Departement Architektur, ETH Zürich i Univerzitet U Sarajevu te Grad Sarajevo - City Of Sarajevo and Stadt Zürich:

On-going presentations of the student's works about City Sarajevo. Chair of Architecture and Urban Design ETH, Prof. Hubert Klumpner ...❤


Thanks Mistosite for the interview on the lessons-learned of the reconstruction in the Balkans that led me to initiate the Reactivate Sarajevo Urban Transformation Project - and to utilize the experience for our Projects for the Comprehensive Recovery of Ukraine.

With: Kateryna Farber, Helen Walasek, Lidiia Chyzhevska, ETH Zürich, Drees & Sommer, National Union of Architects Національна Спілка Архітекторів України - НСАУ et al.



Great to see Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko again and to reassure the commitment for the recovery of Ukrainian cities. Kyiv Investment Forum



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Bewerbungsschluss: 15. Oktober 2023 Kursbeginn: Februar 2024
ETH RAUM - Die Plattform für eine zukunftsfähige Raumentwicklung

ETH Zürich | School for Continuing Education

Programmdirektor: Joris Ernest Van Wezemael Dozierende: Regula Lüscher, Dr. Haris Piplas,
Dani Ménard, Markus Mettler, Barbara Zeleny, Dr. Andrea González, Klaus Overmeyer, Benjamin Grimm, Julian Petrin, Stadtrat André Odermatt, Angela Koch, Roman Dellsperger, Seppe De Blust et al.


Book presentation together with Editor Christophe Solioz, (Philosophy Professor, Geneva) and co-author Yvana Enzler (ex-Ambassador, Berne).


Švicarska: Doktor Arhitekture Haris Piplaš svijet čini boljim mjestom za življenje 19/12/2022

Hvala Bhdinfodesk i na dijeljenju clanka / Thank you for sharing the article about the Reactivate Sarajevo Urban Transformation Project that initiated Urban Design Studio Sarajevo / Studio urbanog dizajna Sarajevo

Thank you / Hvala ETH Zürich / ETH Zürich, Global and partners, collaborators and friends:
Stadt Zürich, Matica Bosne i Hercegovine, Ambasada Švicarske u Bosni i Hercegovini, Grad Sarajevo - City Of Sarajevo, Vlada Kantona Sarajevo, Univerzitet U Sarajevu, Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO, Asocijacija pejzažnih arhitekata u Bosni i Hercegovini, Dani arhitekture.
Haris Piplas
Please read more / Procitajte vise:

Švicarska: Doktor Arhitekture Haris Piplaš svijet čini boljim mjestom za življenje Sve angažiraniji na unaprijeđenju života u velikim urbanim centrima Planete. Svoja ogromna znanja i iskustvo primjenjuje i na glavni grad Bosne i Hercegovine. Dr. Haris Piplaš ima impresivnu karijeru u svojoj branši. Iako bi se nekome moglo učiniti "dosadnim" ono što radi, naš sveprisutni Sa...


Reconstruction and regeneration of Berlin and Sarajevo.

Join us tomorrow.

Haris Piplas / Lidia Chyzhevska / Svitlana Pyvovarova / PRO PM/ Національна Спілка Архітекторів України - НСАУ

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Reactivate Sarajevo