Coach Pia

Coach Pia

Pia Matthews, R.N. and Certified Professional Holistic Wellness & Life Coach. Located in San Diego,


Jennifer Weiner is not only a fantastic writer but her characters are often “real” women with relatable struggles around their bodies. Her first book “Good in Bed” was considered a breakthrough 20 years ago because the heroine was “plus-size” (as she calls it) That made her famous! She has subsequently written more novels as well as non-fiction & children’s books, often with a body positivity perspective.

“Big Summer” is her latest novel. I actually rarely read fiction but it was really fun & entertaining. I also recommend “Hungry Heart”, her book of essays about her own journey which gave me even more of an appreciation for her writing💜 Enjoy!




Wishing you a beautiful day!🌞

The Favorite Junk Food of Each State, Mapped 08/08/2020

I thought this survey was fascinating. Being in California, I agree... I am a huge fan of Cheetos (albeit the Trader Joe’s kind)!

What’s your favorite snack food? Please share!

The Favorite Junk Food of Each State, Mapped A lot of states love Oreo cookies and candy bars, and a majority prefer their snacks sugary versus salty.


I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days.
I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; I fill it with people who understand that even dust is Sacred.
I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; It’s just not their task
I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star.
I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived.
I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now.
I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held.
I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever it is called.
I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; I unclench my grasp and breathe peace in and out.
I am no longer waiting to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough.
I am no longer waiting to be recognized; I know that I dance in a holy circle.
I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness.
I believe, I Believe.
-Mary Anne Perrone


I ♥️ this...

Photo by: Philippe Vogelenzang Photography


I begin the day by loving and accepting every part of myself, inside and out, exactly as I am
(from my Louise Hay calendar)


I found her commentary & the history about women’s body hair removal fascinating! Just like the diet industry, it makes me consider how much of this is driven not only by cultural attitudes but also marketing & $!


Something to remember 💜

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

Happy May!🌷 Love this

May is - Mental Health America will provide practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency regardless of the situations they are dealing with.

Download the toolkit -

Why I Eat Chocolate Every Day | Think or Blue 04/04/2020

Why I Eat Chocolate Every Day | Think or Blue There are plenty of reasons why to eat chocolate every day, and none is about your health. Here's an anti-diet approach to why I eat chocolate every day.


Pluto’s latest wisdom🐾 I just love him!


Day #10 (I think?) of official lockdown. It’s hard to keep track of time right now but I wanted to check in.

Letting my hair go naturally wavy-I’m grateful that I’m able to cut & color my own hair (going to beauty school came in handy after all!) No makeup but I still put on lipstick every day for myself 💋 so I feel “normal”. What are you doing to feel normal during this surreal time?


For you 💜


Ashley Graham has been posting some fantastic video commentaries lately on Body Positivity!


We all need this shirt!


Welcome to The Resort.

9 Books That Will Change Your Relationship With Food 28/02/2020

Here are some great recommendations if you’re a reader. I’ve been part of Rebecca’s Body Kindness FB group for a couple years now 🙂

9 Books That Will Change Your Relationship With Food R.D.s on the books that have helped them (and their clients) transform their relationships with food.

Does Being Fat Cause Arthritis? Does That Even Matter? 22/02/2020

I recently found Ragen Chastain through another body positivity group I participate in online. She is a wonderful writer as well as dancer, athlete & activist who has been blogging for almost 15 yrs (!) so I can’t believe I just heard of her.

Considering my own health issues the last few years, this article deeply resonated with me & how many health care providers deal with our complaints. I’ve learned the hard way to speak up & advocate for myself (it probably helps that I am an RN) but that doesn’t mean it’s any less easy or comfortable challenging a supposed “authority”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this article generates some controversy or push-back here but please read with an open mind:

Does Being Fat Cause Arthritis? Does That Even Matter? I wrote a piece about the issues with fatphobia, fat people and our knees (and the problems that we have in receiving any kind of competent healthcare when we have knee issues.) It was shared by a …


Activate those pleasure centers!


I loved SciBabe even before this post. And now I read go, SciBabe! The Biggest Loser is an abomination, plain & simple.

Timeline photos 15/01/2020

Not that chocolate cake & baths aren’t wonderful for self-nurturing!


10 Reasons Not to Focus on Your Weight in the New Year 01/01/2020

Wouldn’t it be more empowering to focus on Self Love, Self Care & other worthwhile Intentions/Resolutions this year? ❤️

You CAN get off the self-loathing diet treadmill...believe me, if I can after a lifetime of craziness, you can too. And if you need support, let’s talk 🌸

10 Reasons Not to Focus on Your Weight in the New Year The founders of Be Nourished weigh in (get it?) on health and diet culture.

Cheese Protects You From All Causes Of Death, Says Science 03/12/2019

I 💛🧀!

Cheese Protects You From All Causes Of Death, Says Science ‘What do we say to the God of Death?’ Nothing – just offer him some cheese! A big dzięki to our ...

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"-Mary Oliver

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For you 💜
