Bert Hernandez

Bert Hernandez
Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised™ 17/11/2023

If you want to SUCCEED IN LIFE… here’s what I suggest:

I'd like you to get a physical copy of Think and Grow Rich. This is the one that I would recommend and the one that I own personally:

I'd also like you to get some highlighters and when you begin to read the book I want you to write in the book and highlight sentences and paragraphs that you feel are important to you.

Listening to the audio unless you are listening to it at least once a day for 30 or 60 days will not have an impact. The written word is much more powerful than the spoken word.

If you're really serious about changing your life go ahead and invest money box into the book and a couple highlighters.

Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised™ "I thought Think and Grow Rich! was a classic and could never be improved. I was wrong. I am sure Dr. Hill would be greatly pleased to see how his work has been honored and enhanced by this outstanding new edition." -- Wally Amos, author and founder of Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies Unlike mo...


If you're going through hell-- keep going!


Join us in our DEEP DIVE into the success principles that Napoleon Hill discovered and wrote about in Think and Grow Rich. Over the next 6 weeks, you will begin to not only learn these principles but you will learn to APPLY them in your life.
For the first time ever perhaps you will become absolutely crystal clear about the things that you want in life and you will create a PLAN OF ACTION to achieve these goals.

For the first time ever perhaps you will become absolutely crystal clear about the things that you want in life and you will create a PLAN OF ACTION to achieve these goals. Join us for our first ZOOM CALL on Wednesday, December 21, at 9 PM Eastern time, 8 PM central, and 6 PM Pacific.

THINK AND GROW RICH DEEP DIVE STUDY GROUP Join us in our DEEP DIVE into the success principles that Napoleon Hill discovered and wrote about in Think and Grow Rich. Over the next 6 weeks, you will begin


I'll start this conversation or post with the following statement… "If you are not making the progress you would like to make and are capable of making, it simply because your GOALS are not clearly defined."

That statement has been validated throughout all time.

The people that get on in this world – – the true achievers – – have written and specific goals, with deadlines, a plan or specific action steps to accomplish the goal, and they use the tools of affirmation and visualization to support the goal and the plan.

However, most people don't get this far and if they do they don't have a proven method of setting and achieving goals!

We can see this in the number of New Year's resolutions that people make and rarely KEEP. At LMI, we teach a proven process for setting and achieving goals that is EFFECTIVE! As I begin exploring a new goal – – by writing it down – – I examine the benefits to be gained and losses to be avoided. All human behavior or motivation can be summed up like this… "We do things to gain a benefit or to avoid a loss!"

That's it, that's the only reason we do things.

Part of the LMI process in goalsetting – – is to examine what are the obstacles or roadblocks that stand in the way of achieving my goal?

When am I at this point in creating a plan of action – – I always ask myself these two questions:

1. "If these are really the important things I want from life, why don't I have them already??" Usually after some reflection the answers inevitably come to me as a list of circumstances that block me from reaching my goals.

2. "What are the circumstances, conditions, or reasons that I have not yet reached my goal?" I list the answers to that question as obstacles that I must overcome. It's not unusual to list several obstacles for every goal that I set. My written plan becomes an expanding outline. Each goal having several obstacles and each obstacle having more than one solution.

This is an effective process that will help you achieve ANY dream or goal that you have in life. If you would like to know more about this process please like or comment on this post!
