Awkwardly Fit

Awkwardly Fit

Getting healthy, one awkward step at a time I am a busy mom of two, who loves fitness...but it isn't always pretty! Come get awkwardly fit with me!

You don't have to be perfect to be fit and healthy!


I don’t take tons of side by sides these days bc the weight has come of soooooooo slowly. But taking an opportunity today to show off this beautiful dress. I have to say, I felt VERY confident last night in this dress, even not being at my goal yet (or not really even near). And I will tell you that my strength and endurance has improved SO much, and I feel SO much better than when the first pic was taken. It’s hard to not just celebrate the moment. So I’m going to do just that:)


Do I seem excited? I was…and also dead…
Today I finished a workout program that scared the crap out of me to start. I had in my head that it was too hard for me, that I wasn’t in shape enough to do it, that I hadn’t lost enough weight to be able to do the moves.

These were all lies I was telling myself. I’m SO proud of myself for doing it! And yes, it was hard but I totally killed it! With some modifications…and that’s okay!

Photos from Awkwardly Fit's post 01/11/2022

Pretty much the most epic costume ever. Designed, engineered, and constructed completely from scratch my an amazing dad. I am in AWE!


Really trying to push the weights, probably going too heavy…there may have been Golds Style grunting. And when I slinked up the steps to the kitchen where everyone else was, I heard a few gasps. And the hubs exclaimed “your back!” And took this pic. I guess I was slightly sweaty.


My upper body is looking SOOO much better. I still have all the fatty fat fat underneath my arm but my bicep is definitely popping, and my traps are def showing. For some reason, pictures just don’t capture it, but I will pretend for today!


Sometimes, your workout music is just a MOOD that must be danced to….


Possibly the prettiest loaf bread I’ve ever made…

Honey Wheat Sourdough Sandwich bread, From

Photos from Awkwardly Fit's post 03/05/2022

What I did not realize when I got my .fitness bike was that the HR monitor would show me my burn for ALL my workouts on the Beachbody platform. I am a stats girl and this addition to my life is EVERYTHING! I love it so much!!!




It has been so long since I posted a workout! Lots of reasons why….

But today I did an oldie but goodie. This was the last round so I’m all over the place haha. But I think that if I scrolled through all my posts…there is probably of me doing this exact same round, like 5 or 6 years ago.

I know I am going to super regret doing this tomorrow…there is no pain quite like the pain of doing an MMA workout when you haven’t done one for awhile….

Really really wish they would bring this back live! - pretty please? Live on ?????


April challenge is…core! Anyone joining me? I feel like there will need to be bonuses….


LAST 25 of 175 squats, but actually the full month was 1,960! That’s a lotta squatting…..

New challenge in April, will post tonight to see who wants to join me!

Photos from Awkwardly Fit's post 28/03/2022

You guys!!! I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!

Today was race day of my 30 day running program. I have been waffling back and forth in my head as to whether or not I dared to believe I could run at a 10 min pace. Doubts just kept creeping in. About mid last week I decided was GOING to do it. I KNEW I COULD!

And today: I ran a 5k at a 10 min pace!!!!!



Lifting workout ✅
Running workout ✅
100 squats ✅
Dance party with my daughter ✅✅✅

Feeling good! Check out that nose sweat!


For some reason I decided that 145 squats was not enough, and I needed to do a 1 minute squat hold. Please enjoy my heavy breathing and groaning, with a bonus of watching the tendons in my leg go crazy towards the end.


Day 19 is here! In my full body workout today, I did a fun variation that I wanted to show you guys. I do 20 in the video. I did to the full 50, I swear!!


40 squats complete! I did these weighted bc I got shamed yesterday…. Easier to do with 40 squats…not going to attempt on higher days lol.


Day 11: The curse of idiocy continues…In my attempt to move around to make it seem less painful, I lost count AGAIN! Well not really, but I doubted myself…so I did an extra 10 JUST in case. And dang if it wasn’t indeed, extra. So 130 done. How to do 130 squats in 35 seconds 🤣. My favorite is listening to sound on to listen to my crazy breathing.

PS this was following 30 min abs workout and 2 mile run. Hence the sweat.


Before and after pics tell a story but really this is all about the shirt….


Recorded myself to make sure I was doing this move right. I think I’m pretty close, but a lot to work on. The hardest part is going back into child’s pose at the end…
I feel like this looks easy but try it!


Any recommendations are welcome!


A love letter ❤️ to

This past week I did a fairly challenging, steep, rocky hike with views of waterfalls and ending at a breathtaking pinnacle. Mid-hike I was thinking WOW DO I FEEL STRONG! I said something bc to the hubs, and shortly there after, family members were making comments regarding my beast-ly ascent up the mountain.
I am only halfway through but MAN am I noticing strength changes. I have never felt like that on a hike before! Functional, primal movements are CHANGE MAKERS!!!

Thank you for this program!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Watching this girl enjoy something so absolutely full and completely made for one of the best night of my entire life.


My beastly made it on the wall of records this month for push-ups! He is so strong and loves doing push-ups, I knew it was only a matter of time!

Photos from Awkwardly Fit's post 01/11/2021

These kiddos had a great time and got sooo much candy trick or treating!
Anyone know who the was? Swipe for a hint. Swipe again to see their haul!


I keep trying to make this post and error out, I can only assume it was just too long, so I will do it in 2 parts:

Part 2: But I do care, and here is why. I feel HEAVY. I have trouble getting up from the floor. I can’t comfortably cross my legs. Clothes are all uncomfortable. My feet hurt all the time. The list goes on and on. I can’t lift as heavy. I can’t run as fast. I can’t do all these things that I could do before.

And, guys, I NEVER stopped working out. I have been completely dedicated to workouts. This is all about nutrition and alcohol.

I truly believe size should not matter to anyone but yourself. But you should want to feel your best self, and I currently do not. And that is why I said enough is enough. And it is so frustrating that the weight is coming off slowly. But I say it every week, and I will say it again. I KNOW I AM DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT! I know because I have done it all before. I know because I have researched and learned about nutrition for years. I am not new to this! Sometimes our bodies do not react how we want them to, and the “science” just doesn’t make sense. But I will keep trying to figure it out.

I am doing these posts for accountability. I’m doing them because I LOVE your support. I’m doing them to show that people of my weight workout.

I am NOT doing these posts for advice. I’m not doing them to convince anyone that what I’m doing will work for them. I’m not trying to sell anything. I’m not doing it to show everything I am doing and prove to anyone that I’m on the right path. I’m not doing it because I think that anyone needs to do what I’m doing.

I’m doing it for myself. But I absolutely LOVE all of you for your support.

By the way - in this video, I’m looking in my mirror which is great way to check my form! Even though I post mostly cardio, I actually do 3 days cardio, 3 days lifting. I love both!

Also by the way, finally moved a few pounds on the scale:)



I keep trying to make this post and error out, I can only assume it was just too long, so I will do it in 2 parts:

Part 1: I thought I would make this weeks update a little bio on me, so you can understand a little of my history, if you care to.

I grew up an obese child. I really never knew anything else. Every year I got bigger and bigger, and by my senior year in college, I topped out at 238 pounds.
I decided to make a change, and started exercising and following WW when we had a biggest loser type challenge at my work (shout out to Tiffin Mercy Hospital). That is when I found out how much I loved working out. I was also very successful at losing weight. I can’t remember exactly how much I lost then, but it was a lot.

Over the next many years, I gradually got down to the 160s, being various levels of strict with my diet but pretty much always having some kind of physical activity.

Fast forward to marriage and 2 pregnancies, gaining tons of pregnancy weight and losing most of it. In 2015, I came across Beachbody and it was life changing. Home workouts with 2 kids? YES PLEASE! And included nutrition plans. The meal plans were strict but I was all in, and over the next few years I got stricter and stricter (some of you may remember my vegan year), and I got down in the 130s.
And then…life happened. I had some pretty awful family stuff happen, and I just couldn’t deal. I started drinking a lot more, and eating whatever I wanted.
Since then, I have watched my weight creep up and up and up. It sucked. I knew what I was doing…and I hated it. But I couldn’t get motivated. I was following all of these anti-diet culture accounts and trying to make myself believe I didn’t care what my size was.


I would like to introduce you to my newest workout accessory - meet Blue Fusion, my awesome exercise mat!

Long story short…I was ripping my carpet with my foot twisting 🤦‍♀️ -
Hoping this will workout…. IT IS really pretty…


I think I just turned my family into an album cover. And I’m here for it.


It’s time for my Saturday update!!! And the BIG reveal of my new workout, which I know you have DYING to know…

It’s BOXING! There is nothing that makes me fell more like a bad@ss UNTIL I watch the video back 🤣. If you watch til the end you’ll also see that I literally box my shirt off 👀

These workouts are also quite a bit more difficult than the last program. I have been SUPER sore all week. And MUCH hungrier lol.
Progress update = ZILCH. I lost a few pounds at the beginning of the week and managed to put them back on. Still so frustrating, but I know I’m doing all the right things and will keep doing so and something is bound to happen.

Happy Saturday!

Videos (show all)

Sometimes, your workout music is just a MOOD that must be danced to….#workoutMood #awkward #awkwardlyfit
Possibly the prettiest loaf bread I’ve ever made…Honey Wheat Sourdough Sandwich bread, From @littlespoonfarmblog #sourdo...
It has been so long since I posted a workout!  Lots of reasons why….But today I did an oldie but goodie.  This was the l...
LAST 25 of 175 squats, but actually the full month was 1,960!  That’s a lotta squatting…..New challenge in April, will p...
For some reason I decided that 145 squats was not enough, and I needed to do a 1 minute squat hold.  Please enjoy my hea...
Day 19 is here!  In my full body workout today, I did a fun variation that I wanted to show you guys.  I do 20 in the vi...
40 squats complete!  I did these weighted bc I got shamed yesterday…. Easier to do with 40 squats…not going to attempt o...
Day 11:  The curse of idiocy continues…In my attempt to move around to make it seem less painful, I lost count AGAIN!  W...
Recorded myself to make sure I was doing this move right.  I think I’m pretty close, but a lot to work on.  The hardest ...
I keep trying to make this post and error out, I can only assume it was just too long, so I will do it in 2 parts:Part 2...
It’s time for my Saturday update!!!  And the BIG reveal of my new workout, which I know you have DYING to know…It’s BOXI...
Last workout if this program!!!This was INTENSE, I think my HR hit the highest it has in this program.  I’m sitting here...
