Quinnjob Cosplay

Quinnjob Cosplay

Quinnjob Cosplay is my personal cosplay page where I post and catalogue all my cosplay activities and pictures.

Photos from Quinnjob Cosplay's post 28/09/2023

When the boss comes out to the job site and you have to convince him that holding the sign up manually is cost productive to the project budget...

Addison got to meet his hero!


On this , WE POINT. Yes, YOU get a Basilik war droid, and YOU get a Basilik war droid! We all get Basilik war droids!


Photos from Quinnjob Cosplay's post 06/09/2023

So here we are, Dragon Con 2023 has come to an end. Buckle up for some sap, kids.

I don't go to D*C for the panels, celebs, tournaments, or merch. I go for the people. Friends. I see 85% of you once a year, and the remaining 15% maybe twice. This con is a magical place where everyone I like or would like to know more gathers, and I try to make the most of what little time I do have. My plan with Addison was to stand in one spot with a big, impossible to miss sign; as true to the character. I stood in that one spot for 6 hours Sunday (and a few Saturday) waiting for you to arrive. Yes, dear reader, YOU. I appreciated and genuinely wanted to see every last one of you who stopped by, despite how short some interactions were. And at the times where I felt like calling it quits, I'd just run the mental checklist who I haven't seen yet and tell myself that you'll show up, any second now. And you did.

My shoulders look like dalmatians (well, the bruises have faded now) from carrying that thing all over creation and in and out of elevators. But it was all worth it. And I'd do it all again for the laughs and silliness with you. Commit to the bit!


Get in the zonai device Link, we're putting up signs in the far side of Hyrule!


Don't mind me, just lording over my subjects.



Excuse me while I'm late to my own post. Ya know, all these photos I've taken in my kit yet I've never got any headshots bucket-off. So we got that done. So I can say things like "yes that's me, look, look at that handsome devil, look, I said look" now.


Photos from Quinnjob Cosplay's post 01/05/2023

Everyone out here trying to be bounty hunters but real talk? Sleezy politician is where it's at. You get to wear opulent armor AND you don't get shot at!



My fellow Mandalorians, this election year is followed by times of unprecedented war and uncertainty. As your Prime Minister, I reject these baseless accusations of corruption and dealing with criminal syndications. I have always governed with honor, integrity, and upholding the loving memory of the late Duchess Satine. This Taungsday, vote for confidence. Vote for Mandalore. Vote Prime Minister Almec.

Message paid for by the Friends of Mandalore Foundation.



Duchess Satine Kryze and Prime Minister Almec, days before she is brutally assassinated by extremists. Oil on canvas, 2013.



I finally found a Bo-Katan willing to punch me in the face, as how it should be.


It's so let's see that lineup! It's our boy Prime Minister Almec all weekend. If you expected anything else than the true ruler of Mandalore then you've been lied to.

I'm also about to fly to London in a few hours.



Who threw that blue shell? Why, it's none other than I, WALUIGI!
It's MAR10 day so I'm subjecting you to the best Waluigi picture taken, ever, for the dozenth time. I fit right in! , put me in, coach!

Waluigi Kart customized by me (I wrap things for a living, want a kart like this?)


"Master Kenobi, Mandalore's violent past is behind us."
A quote that's aged like milk.



Proof, as if it were needed, that as soon as Prime Minister Almec was assassinated, did Mandalore fall into ruin. He was holding it all together guys, don't listen to that propaganda.

It ain't but by golly I'm making it so


Photos from Quinnjob Cosplay's post 19/10/2022

Who remembers that one time I wore a dress to show off my hourglass Eskel figure?

I sure don't, it was Dragon Con.


Eskel: Me, stupid
Dresses made by:
Witcher contacts by:


Prime Minister Almec did nothing wrong, he's just trying to make Mandalore great again...

Photo and edit by:
Taken at:


Mfw I see there's no Waluigi in the
No smash, no movie, the disrespect!


A simple hall shot of everyone's favorite corrupt leader of a Mandalore puppet government.

Taken at:
Photo by:


No peels, no shells, you're in trouble. It's

Photo by .tv


The dust has settled on Dragon Con and pictures are slowly rolling back. My debut weekend for Almec went spectacularly and while it's not without its hiccups, it succeeded my expectations. That's not to say it's finished however, because now it's right back into the shop with actually finishing the look:
-Finishing white line detailing
-Adjusting fasteners for better fit
-Actually clear coat the thing
Also, makes a 👌👌👌 Gar Saxon

Photos from Quinnjob Cosplay's post 01/09/2022

Test fit is good so Almec is ready for his maiden voyage to Dragon Con! Small adjustments need to be made. White detailing isn't complete, I ran out of time. The center piece broke so i gotta fix that. But the important stuff is there and we're ready to go!


Coming in hot and crispy.
Parts painted so far. I'm about halfway I say, still have belt, codpiece, back, thighs, shins, and bucket to go. Once gold detailing is done, I can do the white detailing and weathering.

Those bootguards are getting a full strip and repaint after con.


Almec left and right chest pieces. I want to thank everyone who reached out after the travesty that was the shoulder paintjob. While the techniques weren't perfect, these pieces came out passable. My problem is that the green layer is not bonding fully to the silver layer beneath it. But the silver layer bonds just fine the to the primer beneath that. This means more surgically careful application and peeling for...the rest of all of it.

Photos from Quinnjob Cosplay's post 30/07/2022

Almec Update
The base coats are on and the test run of the gold detailing has been done. Am I satisfied with the results? Yes. Will I be done in time for Dragon Con? It's a real possibility I may not be. Since the airbrush has worked on the handguards, I'll begin the detailing on all the other pieces now. The softgoods need 100% of their work still. The backpiece needs to be fitted. The belt parts are still in pieces. The helmet's still a paperweight. But that's the slow crawl to quality.


Thigh armor with attached blaster holsters with seams filled and smoothed over. I admit I used way too much bondo and had to use an angle grinder to tear most of it out. But, I got it down to a fine finish and with a coat of paint it'll look like one piece
