New 2 U Children's Consignment

New 2 U Children's Consignment

Located at 62 Agate Ave. in Granby Colorado. Across from US Bank. Quality children's clothing and equipment at a fraction of the price!

We offer *CLEAN*QUALITY* children's clothing from NB - Teen. Also *TRENDY*AFFORDABLE* maternity clothes. All of our equipment is checked for recalls and we personally make sure everything is in good working order. We have 300+ account holders so there is always new inventory put out daily. We welcome consignment items by appointment by calling 970-531-1380 or stop by our store. Donations are welcome anytime with no appointment.


Missing my New 2 U Children's Consignment customers today. Hope you are all doing great, I think of you often! 💜


Saying goodbye is such a hard thing to do, especially when you have created a lifetime of memories in a place you love. So many friends left behind and honestly my place of comfort that holds so many good memories. Grand County has been my home since I was 14 months old. Grew up in GC, left to go to college and moved back to raise our 5 kids in what I consider “God’s Country”. I was blessed to be a second Mom to many kids that grew up in our home for daycare. Then later getting to know so many families (some I considered family) thru my store New 2 U Children's Consignment. Just extremely grateful for the life we created and the people we met along the way. Life has taken me in a different path and I am learning to embrace the change and new beginning. I realize I did not say a proper “goodbye” to many but it was because I just couldn’t without tears rolling down my face. I am not good at “goodbyes” I try to say “see you later” but I know with the majority that is not true. So I just want to say THANK YOU to those I have crossed paths with and have made life so worth living. To those close friends that I was not able to personally say goodbye to, please know that I feel like the luckiest person on the planet to have been able to share so many years with you. My heart will always be in Grand County but I look forward to my “new beginnings” whatever that ends up being. 💜


Attention account holders, if you were unable to get into the store to collect on your account before we closed no worries. We made arrangements for the new owners to complete payout on any accounts still open and owed. Give them some time to reopen but they will have your folder showing what is owed to you. All you will need is your account number and name since you might be new to her. 😁


The time has come to say goodbye and I can’t help but feel so extremely grateful for my life these past 17 years at New 2 U Children's Consignment! I have watched kids grow from newborns clear into young adults, making me feel old at times. The friends I have made……all I can say is blessed! Thank you for not only being friends but sharing your families with me. That is what I will miss most! 💜
I always would say I couldn’t do this business and be successful without the support of all of you! I meant it, THANK YOU!

I am happy to say that the store will continue on and be even better thanks to Ashley Breitenstein Thum and her beautiful family. She has a vision and I think it will be amazing! Can’t wait to come back and see her vision she creates. 🐝😉

Thank you ALL for your part in my journey! I would be lying that I haven’t shed a tear (some of you have witnessed it, sorry) but it’s time to move on. I will miss the people, the store, the community, but leave with a full heart. 🥰

Keep being amazing Grand County and remember to support your small businesses, they truly can’t thrive without your support.

Much Love,
Pam at New2U Children’s Consignment 💜


Only 3 days left! New 2 U Children's Consignment has a HUGE inventory reduction SALE until Saturday at 6:00pm. Still tons of quality kids items available at 50% or lower!
Located at 62 Agate Ave
Hours: 10-6 daily


Last week to get quality kids items at 50% off!!! New 2 U Children's Consignment has extended hours this week only Monday thru Saturday 10:00-6:00 located at 62 Agate Ave. in Granby. Saturday is my last day so let’s clear some inventory.

*psst….Friday and Saturday items left might be mark down insanely cheap! 🫢

Photos from New 2 U Children's Consignment's post 08/06/2023

We have marked down our big items 50% or lower! Cribs, strollers, swings, bassinets, changing table, and high chairs. Interested message me for price or come in for quickest response. This sale ends Saturday June 17th.

Don’t forget the entire store is 50% off kids items. DoTERRA in stock is wholesale prices (my cost) while supplies last. Also all New Scentsy warmers are marked way down to move them out.

Store hours:
Monday 10:00-6:00
Tuesday 10:00-6:00
Wednesday 10:00-6:00
Thursday 10:00-6:00
Friday 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-6:00
Sunday Closed
Last day of SALE is June 17th


Hours 6/6-6/10
Tuesday thru Saturday


New 2 U Children's Consignment will be open MONDAY thru Saturday this week. We have added a couple days in order to reduce inventory before the change in ownership mid-June. Stop in to see the new mark downs and be looking for “THE BIG ONE!!!!”.

Open Monday thru Friday 11:00-5:00, Saturday 11:00-3:00
Located at 62 Agate Ave in Granby


New 2 U Children's Consignment is OPEN today Thursday May 11th (normally by appointment only). Come on in and check out the awesome sales!


New 2 U Children's Consignment will continue to service Grand County! New owners will be taking over in June and I couldn't be happier. There will be new additions to the store as well as well as continuing on with consignment customers.

We need to clear out inventory to make room for the new owners to make their additions. I will be posting sales weekly so keep your eyes open. The final weeks we will be doing a HUGE BLOWOUT SALE!!!!!

Hope to see you at New 2 U Children's Consignment for some great deals!

*Consignment customers:
We will be holding off on any new drop-offs until the new owners take over. (We will be getting back stock out on the floor until then.) Any credit within the past year will be carried over to the new owners. Questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 970-531-1380 or message me on Facebook.


Just a little reminder! 💜

Hey mama, I need you to remember something.

I mean really remember, like etch it in the back of your mind in a place it’s sure to never be erased.

I know, I know — you have enough to keep track of as it is, and asking you to add one more thing to the list is like trying to cram those motherly curves of yours into that pair of pre-pregnancy jeans you haven’t quite parted with.

But I need you to make the space for this one, okay?

I promise it will come in handy on many occasions as you navigate this motherhood journey.

There may even be times this reminder will get you through the tough stuff — because no doubt there is tough stuff.

It will get you through the meltdowns and the frustrations that accompany raising little humans full of emotion and personality.

It will get you through the feelings of self-doubt and failure.

It will get you through the moments of “I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m sure I’ve messed this whole parenting thing up big time.”

It will get you through.

So lean in close, here it is:

YOU, mama, were handpicked for your children.

That’s right, you.

Now let that sink in for a moment.

I know it’s no “expert” advice by any means. You’ve probably even heard it before.

But this time, I want you to really take it to heart.

Because here’s the thing — It means the Big Guy upstairs knew exactly what He was doing when he chose YOU.

He matched you up perfectly with the ones you love so deeply you’d do anything for.

YOU are the mother your children need.

YOU are the one meant to wipe their tears away and kiss booboos and hold them when all else fails.

YOU are the one meant to deal with their quirks and difficult stages and epic tantrums.

YOU are the one meant to be there for all the good and all the bad and all the in between.

Y O U.

Can you comprehend the magnitude of that reality? It’s difficult for me to fully grasp, but gosh, it’s true.

It’s so very true.

No, you’re not perfect. None of us are, so you’re certainly not alone in that.

You’re going to make mistakes.

You won’t always get it right.

Sometimes you’ll lose your patience and sometimes it will even feel like you’ve lost your mind.

It’s in those moments more than any other that I need you to pull this reminder out.

I need you to remember it when you need it most.

You were made for this very job.



New2U Children’s Consignment sold so now it’s time to clear out inventory to make room for new owners.


Starting today May 9th ALL shoes are 50% off!!!!! 😳


*Each week we will be posting a new clearance sale to clear items out.

Photos from New 2 U Children's Consignment's post 08/05/2023

May 9th - May 13th New 2 U Children's Consignment is running a Mother’s Day Special.

ALL DoTERRA oils in stock are wholesale price and diffusers are marked to go!

Great time to show M💋M how much you appreciate her. (At this price it is also a great time to stock up on oils for yourself. 😉)


Heard thru the grapevine there is an amazing Mini-singer concert coming up. New2U has all size 10-16/18 clothes 50% off if you are in need of concert clothes!


Attention Expecting Mamas!!!!

Starting today April 26th ALL Maternity Clothes are 50% off at New 2 U Children's Consignment in Granby 62 Agate Ave.

We have an amazing selection!


In their own time! Just enjoy them! 🦋

Earlier doesn’t always mean better.⁣⁣
Her kid walked at one year, yours walked at eighteen months, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 it doesn’t matter.⁣⁣
Her kid potty-trained at two years old, yours didn't potty-train until four years old, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 it doesn’t matter.⁣⁣
Her kid recognized all his letters and numbers before pre-school, yours had no interest until almost four, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 it doesn’t matter.⁣⁣
Her kid was sleeping through the night by three months, yours wasn’t sleeping through the night until two years old, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 it doesn’t matter.⁣⁣
Because reaching developmental milestones early means 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 in the long run.⁣⁣
Because a college professor won’t wonder how old her students were when they could count to one hundred or spell their names.⁣⁣
And no one will know or care if the Harvard graduate or the CEO had a pacifier or didn't potty-train until five years old.⁣⁣
What matters most is the whole child,⁣⁣
who 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 are,⁣⁣
and how kind 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 are⁣⁣
So let the pressure go,⁣⁣
and let your kids be kids.⁣⁣
Don’t rush them through their childhoods,⁣⁣
and make them miss out⁣⁣
because they’re too busy meeting milestone after milestone.⁣⁣
Besides, earlier doesn’t always mean better.
𝘐𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘳.

✍️: Living FULL
My Children’s Book 𝘐𝘵’𝘴 𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺: 𝘈𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘴 𝘎𝘦𝘵 𝘉𝘪𝘨 𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘛𝘰𝘰 is out everywhere:

Photos from New 2 U Children's Consignment's post 18/04/2023

HUGE SALE! Size 10-16 clothes 50% off


New2U Children’s Consignment will be holding off accepting clothing items until we can get caught up with all incoming. If you have equipment please message me to see if we have room. Thanks for your understanding!


We are open after a crazy morning trying to dig out. If we missed you this morning I apologize. 😁


Due to the semi blocking all 4 lanes on Main Street and all the snow out front leaving us with no parking, we are opening up late. Got to love Springtime in the Rockies! Will update when open.

Photos from New 2 U Children's Consignment's post 28/02/2023

Tuesday February 28th Special
ALL pants are BOGO 1/2 price, Maternity included
Winter Outerwear 50% off
Dollar rack is PACKED!

~Stock up on the next size up.
~Living around here pants are worn all year.

62 Agate Ave in Granby
Tuesday 11:00-5:00
Wednesday 11:00-5:00
Thursday by appointment
Friday 11:00-5:00
Saturday 11:00-3:00
Monday by appointment


Starting today February 22nd all coats, snowsuits, snow pants, hats, gloves and mittens are 50% OFF. It’s a great time to replace that worn coat that might be getting small but Winter could last a few more months. Or grab the next size up and be prepared for next Winter. There are tons of good quality, name brand items!
Monday: by appointment
Tuesday: 11:00-5:00
Wednesday: 11:00-5:00
Thursday: by appointment
Friday: 11:00-5:00
Saturday: 11:00-3:00
Sunday: Closed


New 2 U Children's Consignment is officially on the market to be sold. It has taken me some time to "be okay" with letting it go. The past 6 months have been a lot with family challenges, and I now know this is what is best for my family.

If you are interested in receiving information to purchase the business, please message me and I can send it to you. If you were on my list at the end of 2022, I just emailed the information so let me know if you did not receive it. I will take the next few weeks responding to interested parties on Facebook. If there is no contract by mid-March I will have a local real estate agent list it so it can go National.

Thank you to all my New2U customers for 15+ years of support and love. Hopefully I will be able to find the right person to keep it going. I would not have been able to keep New 2 U Children's Consignment running and successful without all of you!

Just a thought: if you aren't wanting a full-time commitment, how about teaming up with a few moms/dads and go into the adventure together. I just would really like to keep it going. This is literally a turn-key business. You will be making money day 1 and able to make it unique to you.

In your message I will need all of your contact information: Name, phone number, and email..


Last day of the SALE! 💕
OPEN today 11:00-5:00

💕💕Valentine’s Special! 💕💕

Starting January 28th - February 14th ALL DoTERRA essential oils in stock are on SALE! You can purchase any oil in stock at my cost (wholesale).

An amazing gift for your loved one or maybe even show yourself some LOVE!

Located at 62 Agate Ave in Granby across from US Bank at New 2 U Children's Consignment!
Monday: by appointment
Tuesday: 11:00-5:00
Wednesday: 11:00-5:00
Thursday: by appointment
Friday: 11:00-5:00
Saturday: 11:00-3:00
Sunday: Closed
*SOON we will be adding Monday and Thursday as regular hours so we will be OPEN 6 days a week!


There are still some cute dresses at New 2 U Children's Consignment for the big night!


💕💕Valentine’s Special! 💕💕

Starting January 28th - February 14th ALL DoTERRA essential oils in stock are on SALE! You can purchase any oil in stock at my cost (wholesale).

An amazing gift for your loved one or maybe even show yourself some LOVE!

Located at 62 Agate Ave in Granby across from US Bank at New 2 U Children's Consignment!
Monday: by appointment
Tuesday: 11:00-5:00
Wednesday: 11:00-5:00
Thursday: by appointment
Friday: 11:00-5:00
Saturday: 11:00-3:00
Sunday: Closed
*SOON we will be adding Monday and Thursday as regular hours so we will be OPEN 6 days a week!

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