R&F 富力 Ultras

R&F 富力 Ultras

R&F富力 ULTRAS係由香港超級聯賽 R&F富力20年死忠球迷創立 香港球迷顫抖吧 越?


近日有消息指「零球身價王」般連奴同「派路」麥高派路域已經離隊,R&F ultras絕對支持球隊嘅決定更認為我富可以俾更多機會前途無限嘅年輕球員。

Fine! Take the win! R&F is not interested in contending for this kind of pointless cup. Full Lick needs to keep their eyes on the prize, which is the HKPL.
In response of recent news about the legendary goal scorer Bruninh0 and former South China player Marko Perović leaving the team, the club's decision will have R&F Ultra's full support. We have a club full of talented players, why would we need these washed up foreign players.
#越秀山之蝗 #獅膠震四方

【我撐文字直播】R&F富力 VS 香港飛馬 1:2(全場完)

今場賽事由 胡恩晴 Kannas Wu為大家作文字直播,歡迎各位撐本地波球迷入來一起互動溝通講波經!


R&F富力ultras僅僅建立一日就已經得到5位死忠球迷讚好。以而家嘅進度計算,ultras只需要5年半就可以實踐「香港萬人齊撐我富」更只需要3836年就可以實踐「全港球迷撐我R」。我富征服亞洲、世界指日可待! #獅膠震四方


今日嘅港超聯賽事中 我R係燕子崗運動場3000萬球迷見證下以1-3惜敗俾傑志
咩香港聯賽? 簡直係笑話,你睇下嗰隊,有幾多個香港人? 根本就唔應該有資格踢港超!
希望我富唔好灰心 在馬教練嘅領導下繼續踢好波 爭取聯賽不敗
A very disappointing 3-1 loss against Kitchee for the 300000000 fans of R&F at Yan Zi Gang Stadium today
We have to ask why the hell is it called Hong Kong Premiere League? Look at the team, it's a joke! Look at how many Hong Kong players are there! They shouldn't be allowed to play in the league!
R&F will not give up! With Coach Ma's leadership, R&F can only play better every game and they will be undefeated! March on! King of Yue Xiu Shan!


燕子崗的3000萬球迷 你們看到了嗎? 顫抖吧! 香港球迷!
Have you seen the 3000000000 fans at Yan Zi Gang Stadium? Be scared Hong Kong fans, be very very scared!
#獅膠震四方 #越秀山之王
