Awake to Magic
Anna at #AwakeToMagic offers holistic health consultations, naturopathy treatments, yoga therapy ses
Life is a never-ending opportunity for marvel and appreciation.
Awake to Magic!
Chiudi gli occhi e fai un giro di perlustrazione attorno alla tua stanza.
Accarezza una morbida coperta di lana, prima col palmo della mano, e poi facendole fare una graziosa torsione accarezzala col dorso. Incredibile come la stassa coperta dia sensazioni diverse a seconda di come la tocchi. Quindi stringila lentamente tra le mani, sentendo le dita affondare nella soffice morbidezza.
Ora alza la mano e facendola volteggiare nell’aria senti la temperatura dell’aria, percepisci la consistenza del vuoto.
Fai un paio di passi e perlustra con le mani cio’ che incontri. Magari e’ un tavolo. Esplorane la superficie, forse e’ ruvida, come nel mio tavolo, e la mano avanza lenta e a strattoni. Oppure la vernice l’ha resa liscia e fredda e le dita diventano dei pattini che sfrecciano sulla pista. Lascia le tue dita tambureggiare sulla superficie, per un’interazione cosi’ completamente diversa da quello appena intrattenuto con la coperta. E poi arrivi agli angoli, smussati o non smussati. Cosa provi quando le tue mani sono a contatto con un angolo? Cos’e’ un angolo per te? E’ un confine, una sfida, l’inizio di un’avventura, un dolore antico, una seprazione o cos’altro. Se stai passando la tua mano su un lato del tavolo, arrivare all’angolo significa dover necessariamente cambiare direzione. Quali emozioni suscita in te il dover necessariamente cambiare direzione? Ti entusiasma o ti spaventa?
Ora avvicinati a una pianta, se ne hai una. Accarezza le foglie o i petali dei fiori. Apprezzane la consistenza sottile, la vibrazione percettibile alle mani che hanno imparato ad ascoltare. La solidita’ del tavolo e l’effimera consistenza di un fiore... quale dei due ti fa sentire piu’ a tuo agio?
E prosegui, prosegui nella tua esperinza tattile del mondo racchiuso nella tua stanza. Accarezza i muri, ruvidi e umidi. Il pavimento, freddo e scivoloso. le pagine di un libro, ruvide e secche. I vetri, gelidi, sono l’opposto dei fiori: sono solidi e resistenti ma trasparenti, al contrario dei fiori che con la loro esplosione di colore attirano l’attenzione visiva ma si rivelano quasi impercettibili tra le dita. Tocca le tende, anch’esse solide ma leggiadre, che volteggiano facialmente nell’aria. L’interruttore della luce, piccola scatolina composta da molte forme interconnesse, alcune mobili alcune fisse: un pezzettino che va in su, un altro in giu’, su una base fissa.
Avvolgi le tue mani attorno a una tazza di te caldo, e lasciati meravigliare dal calore che immediatamente senti salire lungo la colonna vertebrale. Avvicinalo alla bocca, senti il vapore che ti scalda la punta del naso. E bevi un sorso di quel te’... quante sensazioni puo’ regalare un sorso di te’? Apprezzane la temperatura, la consistenza, il sapore, l’aroma e i ricordi o le emozioni che questa tazza di te richiama alla tua mente.
Mentre ti godi questa tazza di te, ringrazia l’universo per aver creato un corpo cosi’ meraviglioso che e’ in grado di regalarti cosi’ tante e variegate esperienze sensoriali. Il nostro corpo e’ davvero uno strumento meraviglioso che ci permette di godere la vita in modo estatico, se solo siamo presenti in tutti i piccoli atti quotidiani.
Se la societa’ cerca di punirci rinchiudendoci in casa ed proibendoci i grandi intrattenimenti cui ci ha abituato, ricordiamoci che si puo' essere esploratori anche quando siamo confinati dentro una stanza, perche' abbiamo gia’ in noi tutto cio’ che e’ necessario per provare gioia, meraviglia, piacere, avventura, scoperta. E la felicita’ e’ davvero a portata di mano. 💖🧚💖
I have tried to share some different information over the past year, and all times my posts, or my account itself, have been blocked. Thus, I gave up and used my profile just to post my poetry and pictures and some other stuff.
But being tuned on the bright side of life is only half of what I feel is important to do now. As in all relationships, denying the problem doesn't make the relationship better. In the same way, in our relationship with what is going on in the world, focusing only on beautiful distractions or wishful thinking will not help the situation to get better.
Remember, if you don't make conscious choices in your life, someone else will make them for you.
Yes, it is a wonderful thing to focus on the bright side of life, actually it is a real necessity for sanity and creative solutions. Yet we also need to be aware of what is happening.
Having studied natural and energy medicine for the last 10 years, and having become a certified holistic health practitioner, Ayurveda therapist and yoga therapist, I cannot remain silent when I see the propaganda convincing us that the only way to health is by introducing chemicals and synthetic proteins into our body.
It is not.
We cannot walk towards health by distancing ourselves from Nature.
The way to health is not by introducing chemicals, aborted fetus’ cells, monkeys’ cells and synthetic proteins into our body. If I needed monkey cells inside my body to survive, the good God would have put it in it.
Lots of courageous doctors are warning us that what is going on is not designed to eliminate this form of flu.
Lot of doctors are denouncing lies spread by the media and high adverse effects, including lot of deaths, for the injection being currently spread for this situation.
Real serious dangers for the future of humanity, both on a physical/health level and on the level of human freedom.
We are now in a very toxic, co-dependent relationship with the system, in which we are not allowed to share our thoughts without fearing to be punished, and in which we are compliantly losing the freedom to choose what to put inside our bodies, in the hope it will one day get better. But as in all toxic relationships, it will never get better until we firmly stand up and speak.
You will not hear this information on the evening news, because those doctors are being banned, their videos and platforms are continuously blocked and lot of them even lost their job for trying to awake us. I personally saw hundreds of videos disappearing under my eyes in the past year, and have had lot of videos I was trying to share blocked by this social media. This itself is a very dangerous thing that makes me suspicious about the real motives of all this.
I suggest you two websites that collect lot of testimonials and studies about the adverse effects of the ‘medication of the year’, which uses a technology never experimented before, and about alternative medications that have been successfully used. Those who speak are all very well reputed doctors and researchers.
Dr Carrie Madej on Fb
and google Doctor Northrup, she has done several videos on the subject.
If you resonate with this, please spread the work of those doctors.
It is also time, in my opinion, to go back to our connection with the Divine, however you want to call it, and ask ourselves: Do I really want to put into my body something that will change forever how the body functions - this body so perfectly designed that has carried humanity around for thousands of years?
Changing your attitude does change your life.
I know, you read that often, and sometimes you get hope reading that and some time you think is all bu****it.
Today I will give you hope with a recent example from my own life.
I lived in a off-grid house for 4 months during the winter, from beginning of January to end of April.
After a month or so being in that house, I wrote the following reflection.
“ The house has only solar power, with 3 panels and a very small old battery. That means, in a sunny day, I can recharge pc and mobile only during the sunlight, but not after sunset. When it is cloudy, I cannot charge mobile or use pc at all, and often there is not even little electricity for a small light at evening. We just had cloudy and raining days for 3 weeks in a row, and I was without electricity for all that time. Sometimes I walked 3 km to go to a Municipal office to charge my mobile and use computer for few hours. Another characteristic of this house is that the hot water system is not working, so I warm some water in two pans, put it in a bucket, go out in the garden (due to very poor insulation of Portuguese houses it is anyhow warmer outside than in the bathroom in the basement) and take a bath Indian-style (pouring cups of water on my body). I used that way for many years in India so in a way it is nice because reminds me of a country I love very much. The house has been restored with a nice country taste few years ago, but was used by the owner only during summer, thus is not equipped for winters, and it is incredibly cold due to poor insulation, windows and doors that don’t close properly and only a wood burner in the big open-space room that is using lot of wood without giving much warmth. It is so cold in the room where the wood burner is that even the olive oiI is not liquid anymore but in condensed state. I didn’t know those details before moving in.
Sometimes I go into the victim mood: Why I ended up living in these conditions even in Europe? What’s wrong with me? Why I cannot enjoy life?
Wait a minute – repeat that!
Why I am not able to enjoy life?
Hahaha funny you! Who tells you that you cannot enjoy life?
What does it mean for you enjoying life, just lying in a hot spring surrounded by tropical forest?
Oh yes, I have been there many times and really enjoy that! I lived 2 and half years, in Bali, and with my ex-boyfriend we often went to a natural hot spring on a beautiful river surrounded by tropical jungle.
Was I always happy? No.
Was I always enjoying the moment? Well, I really love to soak myself in hot water, I love to be out surrounded just by nature, I loved to make trips with my ex-boyfriend, so I was enjoying it most of the times, but I remember one day we were having a day-long discussion (actually, even worst, was one of those never resolved topics that popped up once again, every time more sour, in the relationship) and while we were in the hot spring I was not able at all to enjoy the moment. I remember exactly how I behave. I remember how miserable I was feeling. I remember to have thought: “Poor me, why life is so unfair with me” while lying in my favorite hot spring in the jungle in Bali!
Thus, I can say with absolute certainty that a palace doesn’t make you a queen.
I can also tell you that now, with this simple housing condition during an exceptionally cold winter, I do ecstatically enjoy every cup of hot tea. As soon as my hands wrap around the hot cup, I feel all the spine - contracted because of the cold - starting to relax. The nose starts to warm up as I keep the cup near the mouth. I enjoy the subtle aroma of tangerine peel infused in the hot water, from a tangerine I just picked up from the tree at morning, and once the tea is finished, a cozy warm sensation embraces all my cells. I then look out of the windows, and I can see only trees. Slim eucalyptus on one side, majestic oaks on the other side. Seeing only trees from my house, rather than buildings and roads, has been my dream for the last several years.
Thus, I can also say with absolute certainty that you don’t need a palace to feel a queen.
And yes, sometimes when it is very cold and dump I do daydream of soaking in a hot spring. I’m not saying that because I’m used to simpler conditions I will never go to a spa. But after having daydreamt it, I get up, make a tangerine peel tea and enjoy that. The difference is in saying, or not saying: poor me.
A queen never says: “Poor me”. A real queen ecstatically enjoys what she sees, what she touches, what she smells. She can enjoy the taste of a just picked fruit as well as gourmet food.
A queen is not the princess on the pea. She has grown up. She knows what she is capable of. She has understood life and has understood herself. She knows she is not defined by what she possesses or where she lives. She also knows she doesn’t have to prove she is worth of her title.
A queen knows she can smile or get angry, and life will change accordingly. “
And with that attitude, the magic started to manifest. I’m now living for one month (the Universe is still testing me) in a beautiful, luxury lake-front apartment, with all the modern appliances in the kitchen, very good taste in the furniture, lots of light and windows and a wonderful bathtub! It has been offered to me, o better to my queen, completely free for one month by a woman I knew just few months ago and for whom I had dog sitting here during Christmas holidays – by the way, I did dog sitting even if I have always been, and still am, incredibly afraid of dogs, I just found the right one for me.
I didn’t arrive here complaining about the miserable conditions in the previous house. I arrived here enjoying with all my senses and presence that hot tangerine peel tea.
Your victim will not take you anywhere better, but your queen… oh yes she does!
If you want some more magic, check out my poetry in my blog in
Our Story
At #AwakeToMagic I offer holistic health services including: naturopathy treatments, Reiki, holistic health and life coaching, guided meditations, yoga therapy, healing touch massages, shamanic journeys.
I had extensive formation in alternative healing tecniques including: