Dannielle Illingworth

Dannielle Illingworth

Kinesiologist + naturopath supporting burnt out mums who want to enjoy motherhood again 😊

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 30/07/2024

If you're interested in supporting the health of your family through holistic + natural medicine, I'd love to invite you to join my Reiki + Kinesi course in September.

I won't be running this course again for at least 12 months because I'll be busy with a newborn!

Link in bio or message me directly with any questions. I'd love to help you support your family's health + wellbeing 🫶

Danni # # #

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 07/05/2024

A parenting moment that will stay with me forever.

I remember thinking, as I was holding her and she was crying, what would I have wanted as a little girl? It would have meant so much for me to have an adult take my feelings seriously, and put me first.

So I did.

And it was beautiful.

Of course, we can't always do this! When Ivy gets upset that I'm going to work, I listen to her and hug her, but I don't cancel work. She knows there are limits, and there are some times when I can't drop everything for her.

But I hope these moments where I CAN put her first, are enough 🫶


My eldest girl is almost 4yo, and for a while now has been fairly picky with her eating. I've tried not to worry about it, but have definitely had moments of wondering if I've done it all wrong.

I've never pressured her to eat anything.

There are never rewards for eating veggies or fruit.

I don't focus on whether she 'likes' or 'doesn't like' a particular food.

She's offered a 'no thank you bowl' at meal times and some dinners her plate would go completely untouched.

I definitely had moments of wondering if I'd gone too far with my lack of food rules.

I definitely wondered if she was ever going to try different foods.

Over the past few weeks, I've seen some glimpses of hope. Trying new foods with just a lick was huge! We pretended to be lizards and did lizard tongues on our food.

She tried a new sauce, another huge step forward.

One night she decided that lettuce was great.

And last night, I put her plate in front of her. We were having tacos so she had lettuce, cucumber, tomato, cheese, avocado and mince on her plate.

She says "Mum, why do you always put cucumber and tomato on my plate when you know I don't like it!?"

I told her that she had her no thank you bowl, and the reason I always put it on her plate was because one day she might want to try it again. I explained how when I was a kid there was foods I didn't like, until one day I tried them again and realised I did like them. She put her tomato and cucumber in her no thank you bow, and then hesitated.

She said "maybe I will try them again, maybe I'll like them now"

She ate ALL of her cucumber and tomato, and asked for MORE!! 😳

I did not praise her, or make a big deal. I calmly said that I would get her some more once I'd finished my mouthful. She ate the rest and was so excited that her taste buds had changed and she liked new foods!

Honestly, I could have cried. It felt like affirmation that all the effort I've been putting into supporting her relationship with food is paying off! And it really quelled any doubts I had about the way we are doing meal times in our family.

If you're struggling with a picky eater or doubting yourself, I hope this gives you some encouragement too 🧡

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 02/03/2024

Yelling is a stress release.

It's a way of letting go of all the pent up energy and emotions that you've been carrying and holding onto.

Have you ever noticed you aren't thinking straight when you yell at your kids, and then afterwards you can see things so clearly, and access feelings of sympathy and empathy towards your kids that just weren't there before?

Maybe you've even noticed that you feel just a *tiny* bit better after yelling?

Mum guilt aside, of course.

The thing is, yelling is a really effective habit that we can get into for releasing pent up energy and emotions. For releasing stress. And it's so easy to blame yourself for being a "yelly Mum" (totes not a word!) but what if, actually, you're just a mum who was never modelled a healthy way to express and release stress, so you have to yell?

What if, actually, you're just a mum who has spent years ignoring her own needs and feelings, and so yelling occurs before you even take the time to notice how stressed you are feeling?

What if, actually, you just need some techniques and habits to release pent up stress and emotions, and then you won't switch into "yelly Mum" quite so often?

Follow me for more as I share my top 3 favourite ways to quickly and easily release stress + pent up emotions, over the next 3 days.

So that you can release the pressure in that pot before you yell at your kids.


✨️ One year anniversary special ✨️

To celebrate being at All About Health Aldinga for one year, I'm bringing back my initial opening special for new clients 🥳

When you book your first appt during March, you'll get your first 3x appointments for $80 each (usually $130).

That's a total saving of $150! 😱

If you're needing some support for yourself or your child, this is your sign to book in 😉

Combining naturopathy, kinesiology, Reiki and massage, each session is aimed at supporting you to let go of what is holding you back so that you can truly thrive. In all ways, on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically.

Reach out to me via DMs if you'd like to have a quick chat before booking in # # #

*Available for new clients only


Exciting news! I'm opening up availability on Tuesday afternoons / evenings as of February 27th.

I'm currently booked 3 weeks in advance for Saturday appointments, so I'm super happy that I can add extra clinic hours + more easily support more of you beautiful mummas 🧡

Tuesdays are now showing in my online booking system. L i n k is in my b i o ✨️

As for Saturdays, my next available is March 2nd at 4pm.


Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 08/02/2024

Giveaway details:

One lucky winner will receive a ticket to every Mothers Circle event for the entire year (10x tickets total)
A 60min kinesiology + naturopathy session with me

Total value of giveaway is $530


How to enter:
1. Like this post
2. Follow me .illingworth on Instagram
3. Share this post to your stories with a little explanation of why you'd like to join my mothers circles

You must complete all 3 of the above to be in the running to win!

Competition closes Sunday 11th Feb at 11pm ACDT and winner will be announced Monday 12th Feb 😊

Mothers circles are in Sellicks Beach and 1:1 session will be in Aldinga.

//This competition is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Instagram or Facebook.


Hey, I'm Danni 👋 and here's what I believe:

I believe that as mothers, we do ourselves a huge disservice by complaining and joking about how hard motherhood is. I believe we only make it feel harder when we get victimised by motherhood, when we laugh about needing coffee to function and wine to recover from a day of parenting. I believe that seemingly harmless 'relatable motherhood' reels can actually create really negative thoughts and mindset that impacts our daily experience with our kids.

Yes, motherhood is undoubtedly hard at times. But focusing on the 'hard' just trains your mind to look for (and create) more hard moments. We can recognise the tough times, have compassion for ourselves and our kids through them, and move back to a positive mindset.

I believe that being a mother is the greatest gift on the planet, and I believe we are all quick to forget the blessing that it is when we allow ourselves to get caught up in dwelling on how "hard" it is.

>> I'm a kinesiologist + naturopath for mums and bubs. Through 1:1 sessions in person and online, as well as mothers circles, I help support mums who want to enjoy motherhood and be the mum they always hoped to be - for themselves and for their children. Follow me if you'd like to know more x


I don't take these photos or share these moments to brag, or to pretend my life is perfect. I don't share these moments to ignore to hard moments of motherhood.

I share these moments because I want you to know that this is possible for you, too.

I share these moments because I could have chosen to do the dishes or pack up toys or get started on dinner prep with these precious minutes I had to myself. And instead I chose to make myself a cacao and sit down and rest.

And you know, sometimes that decision still feels super hard. Sometimes I still struggle to let the dishes be while I sit down.

And I do it anyway.

And you can, too.

I know the impact that these few minutes of rest has on my whole day as a mum. My cup is literally filled by this moment. And so I choose it, over and over again, even when it feels hard to ignore the other things I "should" be doing.

Choose yourself, mumma. Grab those moments of rest whenever you can. Fill up your cup (literally and metaphorically 😂).

Everyone benefits when you feel better.

Tags // motherhood, gentle parenting, conscious parenting, aware parenting, mum life, self care, ceremonial cacao, repqrenting, inner child

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 16/11/2023

I am so bloody passionate about supporting mums.

Yes, motherhood is hard. But it doesn't have to be a constant daily battle.

You don't have to be burnt out, overwhelmed, resentful, angry and feeling guilty all of the time.

You can create a version of motherhood that feels good for your kids AND for you.

Happier mums. Happier kids.

That's why I do what I do 🧡

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 19/10/2023

I see so much information online about how the way we were raised, and the kind of environment we were raised in, determines our nervous system regulation and capacity now as adults.

And while this is absolutely true, it takes all power away from us and ignores the fact that we can have a whole lot of influence on our nervous system from every day choices.

Scroll through to see if you can relate to any of these ➡️

And if you'd like some support navigating nervous system health and regulation so that you can show up as the calm, fun mum you want to be, I can help! ☀️

Tags // motherhood mum life inner child reparenting gentle parenting nervous system regulation dysregulation boundaries


I am so stoked to be offering this giveaway! I am going to be gifting a 1:1 session with me to one lucky mumma who needs some TLC.

I am a kinesiologist, naturopath, Reiki master and massage therapist. And more importantly, I'm a mum of two young girls.

I get it! Mum life isn't always easy. Your old wounds get triggered over and over again. You don't always show up as the mum you want to be for your kids, and then the guilt eats away at you cause you yelled at them / put them in front of the TV/ gave them nuggets for dinner.

That's why I specialise in supporting mums just like you.

Supporting and nurturing you so that you return home with your cup a little more full, ready to continue giving to your family.

Calming and resetting your nervous system so that you can come from a place of calm and patience with your kids, your partner, and yourself.

Helping you identify and release old patterns and triggers that are keeping you stuck and reactive, so that you can respond to your children with more kindness and empathy.

Working through your own suppressed emotions so that you are better able to hold space fo your children's big emotions, too.

If you'd like to win this session, follow the steps in the post and you're in the running! Winner drawn and announced Sunday 13th August.

*This competition is in no way associated with or endorsed by Instagram.

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 19/07/2023

If we haven't met before, or you don't know how I work - here's an insight into the naturopathy side of things.

I combine naturopathy, kinesiology, energy healing + remedial massage for a completely holistic approach to your wellbeing.

And I absolutely love supporting mums + bubs.

My special interests:
- postnatal support
- emotional + mental wellbeing
- gut health
- female hormonal health, thyroid function
- food intolerances
- eczema, psoriasis, etc

Send me a message if you'd like any more info # # #


🌞 1:1 sessions are available in Aldinga on Saturdays. Sessions are a combo of kinesiology, naturopathy, Reiki and massage - you choose! - and my specialty is supporting mums to heal their own inner baggage so that they can show up as the mum they want to be for their children. Sessions are $130 and the booking link is in my bio.

🌞 Reiki + Kinesi Course: a 1-day course run in Sellicks Beach, where you will learn how to use kinesiology for yourself and your family (self-testing) and you'll also be attuned to Level One Reiki and learn how to use Reiki for yourself and your family. This course is aimed at mothers who would like to be more confident and self-sufficient in supporting the health of their children and themselves. Course cost is $220 per person and each course is limited to five people. I have a course coming up in July and one in September - link in bio.

🌞 Online Coaching + Kinesiology: yep, kinesiology can be done online! And it's super powerful. I offer VERY limited spaces for a 3 month package to work with me online. This involves fortnightly sessions (total of six) and the cost is $600 (saving $180). I don't have an online booking link for this, so send me a message if you're interested.

All links are in my bio, and my inbox is always open for any questions you have.

Big love,
Danni # # #


If you'd like to be more confident when it comes to your family's health and wellbeing, and you'd like to be able to support yourself and your family naturally- this course is for you!

In a one day course, you will:

🌞 be attuned to Reiki Level One and learn how to use reiki for yourself and your loved ones (great for sleep, pain, anxiety, immune health)

🌞 learn how to muscle test and use kinesiology for yourself and your family (test for food intolerances, support immune health, behavioural issues, sleep, reduce side effects of medications, and more)

🌞 learn how to balance chakras and cleanse auras

🌞 receive tips + tricks around home remedies, nutrition and supplements (what to take, what to avoid etc)

Spaces are limited to 5 people, babies and children welcome to attend if you don't have an option for care.

Includes morning tea and lunch, plus a comprehensive manual to take home so that you can practice all your new skills 🧡

Link in bio to book - next course is Sunday July 23rd # # #


You don't need hand creams and candles, you need time + space to be taken care of. And fully supported.

You need a moment of peace.

You need to let go of your inner baggage so that you can show up as the mum/wife/sister/daughter/person you want to be.

So drop the hint now - and get a voucher or two for Mothers Day 🧡

Available for new and existing clients. No limit on the number of vouchers per person.

Send me a message to buy a voucher and it will be emailed to you # # #


You know how we became health conscious, and then we took it too far and stressed so much about food and restricted ourselves so much and decided what is good and what is bad and suddenly we are binge eating and we have eating disorders and our relationship with food is a mess?

We've done that to gentle parenting. We got this awareness of parenting, we started stressing about getting it right and not messing it up, we decided what makes a good parent and what's a bad parent and we focused on doing it perfectly and now we're so stressed about how to parent 'right' that we're yelling & losing patience & resenting our kids & all we wanna do is get a break from being mum.

You know?

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 19/04/2023

If you want to be a gentle parent but you find yourself short on patience and yelling more than you'd like, this might be why (swipe to read)

If you'd like support with this, please reach out. Helping mums let go of their own internal baggage so that they can be the mum they want to be - that's my jam.

Danni # # #


Me: naturopath, kinesiologist, Reiki Master, remedial massage therapist

You: tired + drained mumma, stretched too thin, trying to be a gentle parent but end up yelling at your kids (and hubby!) cause you're at your wits end

The session: a nurturing, supportive, safe space for you to come as you are. Deep rest + nourishment. Someone to take care of you for a change. A chance to fill your cup

After: take your calm home + be the mum and wife you want to be 🧡🧡🧡


I am sooooo excited to get back to in-person sessions, and I'm celebrating for the rest of March with discounted sessions!

I've only got a handful of spaces left for the month and they're moving fast.

>> My specialty:
☀️ facilitating deep rest and relaxation
☀️ stress release + emotional support
☀️ nurturing and supporting mums in a completely down-to-earth, non-judgmental space
☀️ reducing physical, mental, emotional and energetic tension + blocks

>> My philosophy:
You can't be the mother you want to be when you're running on empty. Let me fill up your cup so that you can go back to your family feeling lighter, happier, refreshed.

>> Bottom line:
You take care of everyone else all day, every day. Who is taking care of YOU?

Book in a session and allow me to take care of you 🧡

>> Available online Tues evening + Sat morning, or in Aldinga on Wednesdays.

P.S. Please share this with anyone you know who needs some deep, soul-nourishing R&R. The more you share, the more I can help the mummas who so badly need this 🙏


Ahhh, I am SO excited to be back 🥳🥳

Opening up very limited spots for the next couple of months, with a very limited special offer!

3x sessions for $240

All the links are in my bio or at http://dannielleillingworth.as.me

Get in touch if you have any questions before you book # # #


3.30am I wake to feed Piper. She sleepily feeds, and goes back down next to me. Gently snoring. Just like her Daddy, on the other side of the bed.

Ivy is still peacefully sleeping in the next room, and I’m impatient for Christmas Day to begin. I lie awake thinking about the morning ahead - too excited to sleep.

By 4.30am I’ve given up on sleep and am up making salads for our Christmas lunch. I bop around the kitchen to Buble’s best while I prep.

6am - salads are done. I’m sitting in front of our Christmas tree, knowing my girls will soon wake. Taking a moment to slow down and breathe before the beautiful chaos of present opening begins.

And even on little sleep, I have never been so content. I am blessed with the most beautiful family, an adoring husband, and two precious girls.

I get to share the magic of Christmas with my girls, and it’s honestly a dream come true. I spent so much of my life wanting to become a mum and here I am, with two beautiful babies. (yes, they will always be my babies, no matter how old!)

I have so much to be grateful for this Christmas (and, well, everyday!)

I know Christmas can feel hard for so many people. I know it brings up difficult emotions and memories, it can be a reminder of loss and a trigger of old wounds.

And amidst all of that, I hope you find something to be grateful for today. I hope you find a little joy in this holiday season.

And I hope you never forget how special you are. You are here for a reason. You matter. You are loved + you are enough, just as you are.


“I love your belly, Mummy”

About two weeks after Piper was born, I could feel the sh*tty body image mindset creeping back in. Wishing my body would ‘bounce back’ a bit quicker. Not liking the way my body looked in clothes.

I was sitting on the floor of Ivy’s bedroom playing, when she leaned over and whispered “Hello Piper” to my belly, just like she did when I was pregnant. I laughed and said “Piper isn’t in my tummy anymore, remember!?” Ivy laughed too.

Then, with the most sincere expression, she leans over again and said “I love your belly, Mummy” and kissed my tummy

And in that moment I was reminded that it doesn’t matter what my belly looks like,

it doesn’t matter how big it is, or how soft it is, or how it fits into clothes

The only thing that matters to Ivy is that my belly grew and nurtured her baby sister, and that makes it worth loving

Not how it looks, or anything else

My body and belly is worth loving because of what it’s done and what it’s capable of, not for how it looks

And my 2 year old reminded me of that 🧡


There’s a little voice in my head that says I should be starting to lose the baby weight

There’s a little voice in my head that says I should be fitting into my pre-baby clothes

There’s a little voice in my head that wonders, what if my body never ‘bounces back?’

There’s a little voice in my head that focuses on how my body looks at 3 weeks postpartum

But there’s a bigger voice, too. A louder voice.

There’s a voice in my head that says my body grew and birthed a beautiful baby girl, and that’s more important than anything else

There’s a voice in my head that reminds me how incredible my body really is, and what’s it’s capable of

There’s a voice in my head that knows I am worth more than my appearance

And I am so grateful for that voice.

Photos from Dannielle Illingworth's post 17/09/2022

☀️ Birth Story ☀️

I have always wanted a homebirth, and as soon as I found out I was pregnant this time around I contacted a private midwife who could help us achieve that.

Contractions started on my due date, slowly and irregularly. They continued on and off for about 24 hours, still very mild.

The next day, we went for walks as a family to try to move things along, and after months of preparing Ivy for this day she was super excited that “baby’s coming out of mummy’s belly soon” 🥰

At 6pm on the 1st, we had takeaway chicken and chips for dinner. At 6.30pm, I was sitting on the couch reading books with Ivy when I felt a huge POP and my waters broke.

We managed to get Ivy to bed by 7pm, and at this point I was needing to vocalise through contractions. As soon as Ivy was in bed I told Kane to fill up the birth pool. I knew this baby was coming, and soon!

Our midwives arrived, I was in the birth pool, and I felt completely empowered to follow my instincts and trust my body as I moved through each contraction.

I naturally started pushing when I felt the urge, and with just a few pushes Piper was born. I reached down into the water, and pulled her up onto my chest. And one of the first things I said to her was “We did it!”

She was born at 8.32pm.

I feel so proud of the way my body handled the birth, and so blessed to have had the privilege of private, independent care from the most amazing midwives.

Ivy woke up at 2am asking for me, so she came and met her baby sister before we all went back to sleep together. And my heart absolutely explodes with love every time I see my two girls together 🧡

I feel completely transformed by this birth experience and I only wish every woman was able to feel as empowered in birth as I did.

If you’re considering a homebirth, or have had one, or have any questions - I would love to chat! I love talking all things birth. My inbox is always open! ☺️

And a huge thank you to my midwives for being SO incredibly supportive 🧡


Piper Grace arrived 01/09/2022 🥰

We had our dream birth at home, in the birth pool, surrounded by the most supportive midwives.

I feel deep in the throes of newborn life right now, taking it one step at a time and one challenge at a time.

Ivy is a doting big sister and is doing so well adjusting to all the changes.

I really do feel so blessed with my gorgeous family 🧡

Birth story to come - soon! For now, I’m just enjoying the baby snuggles + trying to catch up on sleep 😴


These last few months have been a time of immense change and upheaval, and more than ever before I’ve needed to shift my mindset to get through.

Moving house at 37 weeks pregnant felt hard. But it also felt exciting. And I chose to focus my thoughts + energy on the exciting parts.

Being heavily pregnant (read: breathless and slow moving 🤣) with a 2yo feels exhausting. And it also feels like a huge blessing. I choose to focus my thoughts + energy on what a blessing it is.

Thinking about the transition from one child to two feels daunting. But gosh, it also feels so beautiful. And I’m choosing to focus on the beauty of it.

This doesn’t mean I ignore the hard stuff, or that I’m in denial. It means I’m able to recognise the hard moments, have compassion for myself, and move on.

It means I’m making a conscious effort to see the beauty and blessings in each of these changes, and focus my energy on that. Instead of getting stuck or bogged down in how ‘hard’ it is.

We quickly remembered to snap this family photo on the very last night in our family home, just before Ivy went to sleep. And I’ll treasure it forever. Ivy so grown up, baby girl #2 still in my belly, and Kane and I all smiles as we take this next step forward as a family.

Yes, there were a lot of hard and exhausting moments. But our life is also beautiful and blessed and full of exciting changes.

And we are so, so happy 🧡🧡


It’s really easy for us to look back and remember our mistakes, failures, and stuff-ups. But what about all the good stuff?

A journal and/or thought prompt for you today: what are you really proud of yourself for?

I always find I get more answers + depth when I write it out, so I really encourage you to try journaling on this. Even if it’s just in the notes app on your phone - or, like one of my clients - open up the voice recorder app and talk it out!

It’s so helpful to remind yourself of all the good stuff, when your mind so naturally focuses on the not-so-good 🧡


Well, I’m officially booked out! I’ve just woken up to a few new sessions booked in, and that means I have no space left for 1:1 clients between now and the start of my maternity leave.

I’m so excited for these last few weeks of epic 1:1 sessions with some of my favourite clients before I take some leave. I haven’t decided when I’ll be back for 1:1 sessions yet, sometime early next year 🥰

At 34 weeks now, it’s all feeling very real + close! Not too much longer til we get to meet this new little babe 👶 and find our way as a family of four!

And on that note: Anyone who has gone through the transition of one child to two - please help 😂 I need all the advice I can get. What helped you and your eldest the most through this huge transition? Comment below or send me a message pleaseeee # # #

Videos (show all)

Let’s chat… healing your own ‘stuff’ so you don’t pass it on to your kids
Let’s chat… simple mindfulness
Let’s chat… dieting industry + trusting yourself
Let’s chat… self sabotage
Let’s chat… affirmations and positive thinking (why it doesn’t always work!)
Let’s chat… emotional awareness + acceptance #naptimechat
Let’s chat… emotional eating 🧡 #naptimechat Also, how great is the thumbnail that Facebook decided to use as the cover o...
Let’s chat…. sugar cravings! #naptimechat Tag a friend who needs to watch this video 👇🏼
Let’s chat…. ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods #naptimechat
Let’s chat… body image #naptimechat
Let’s chat… inner child healing #naptimechat