Vanessa Cuddeford

Vanessa Cuddeford

Helping high-achieving professionals to speak confidently and advance their careers

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 26/07/2024

Myth-Busting Public Speaking! 🚫🎤

Myth: Public Speaking is Only for Extroverts
🌟 Famous introverted speakers include Susan Cain and Barack Obama. Both of them CARED about their subject more than they cared about what others though of them

Myth: You Have to Memorise Your Speech
It's SO hard and time consuming to remember a long script! Better to use bullet points or key phrases to guide you. That way you can adapt if your speaking slot is cut or extended. 🗣️✨

Myth: Nervousness is a Sign of Weakness
Feeling nervous? It’s totally normal! Instead of seeing it as a weakness, use that nervous energy to feel excited. 🧘‍♀️💪

Myth: Perfect Delivery is Essential
Perfection is impossible, and in my view the LOWEST standard. You never reach it so eventually it can stop you putting yourself out there for fear of failing. Imperfect but authentic is the goal. ❤️👥

Swipe left to learn more about busting these myths and embracing your public speaking journey! ➡️✨


I LOVE anything by Chip or Dan Heath.

They write about how to make messages sticky and persuasive.

They're also a GREAT resource for business stories.

Any of the following books will provide great story examples you can use for your next presentation.

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 12/07/2024

Hear from Lisa! 🌟

Lisa used to lose sleep for 3 months before a big presentation.

“I was having sleepless nights. The emotional side of me was totally taking over.”

But now she LOVES speaking:
“I’m totally different. My energy is pushed in the right direction, and I have this inner confidence! The mindset change has been transformational.”

BEFORE: Sleepless nights and anxiety.

AFTER: Inner confidence and enjoyment presenting.

Swipe to see Lisa’s journey and be inspired! ➡️✨


Have you ever wondered what makes you a confident communicator? 💬✨

Here are skills you can develop to become the most confident speaker you know!

Authenticity: Stay true to yourself and speak from the heart.
Preparation: Have key messages prepared, but don't over-rehearse!
Active Listening: How you make others FEEL matters - make them feel heard
Concise Speech: Less is more. How can you say the most in the fewest words?
Body Language: Does WHAT you're saying match HOW you're saying it
Empathy: Put yourself in your audience's shoes

Which trait will you work on first? Let us know in the comments! 👇


🔄✨ Breaking the Cycle: Conquering Public Speaking Anxiety 🔄✨

Ever feel trapped in the cycle of public speaking nerves? 🎤 It's a common struggle, but here's the thing: the more you avoid facing those fears, the more they grow, strengthening that anxious pathway in your mind.

💡 Understanding the Cycle: It all starts with a thought – maybe it's the worry of stumbling over your words or forgetting what to say. That thought triggers feelings of anxiety, which then affect your behaviour, leading to avoidance or nervousness during presentations.

🔄 Breaking Free: But here's the empowering truth – just as you've learned to fear public speaking, you can also unlearn it. It's about rewiring your brain and building confidence through practice and exposure. Each time you face your fear, you weaken its grip on you.

🌟 Empower Yourself: Take small steps to challenge your fear of public speaking. Start by practising in front of a mirror or with supportive friends. Gradually expose yourself to speaking opportunities, and celebrate each success, no matter how small.

Ready to break free from the cycle of public speaking anxiety and unleash your confident, authentic voice? 💪 Let's conquer those fears together and shine on stage!

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 24/06/2024

💬💼 Wise words from Warren Buffett: 'Learning communication skills will increase your lifetime earnings by at least 50%.' 🌟

💰 Whether it's mastering the art of persuasion or honing your public speaking abilities, investing in communication pays dividends for life. 💬🚀

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 20/06/2024

Meet Jess who went from quitting her job due to her anxiety around public speaking to getting a new fabulous job role.🎤

✨ Struggling with public speaking anxiety, she felt stuck until she joined my programme.

The first three weeks were a game-changer, unlocking a sense of freedom and shedding limiting beliefs.

Now, armed with the toolkit she needed, Jess faces any speaking situation with confidence! 🌟

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 14/06/2024

Did you know that the way information is presented significantly influences decisions? 🤔

💭 Take a moment to reflect on your past week: important meetings, speaker events... what stands out?

It's likely that just a few key points have stuck in your mind. We filter out much of the information we encounter - it's called being 'cognitive misers'.

There's a fascinating quirk of the mind at play here: the 'argument-dilution effect'.

In a study on the unintended consequences of argument dilution in direct-to-consumer drug advertisements in America conducted by Niro Sivanathan, it was found that when commercials list severe side effects along with those that are most frequent (which include both serious and minor side effects), as required by the Food and Drug Administration, it dilutes consumers' judgments of the overall severity of the side effects, compared with when only the serious side effects are listed.

In other words: Less is more, it's a scientific fact. 🎤✨

This phenomenon has profound implications for public speaking. Just as in drug ads, bombarding your audience with too much information dilutes the impact of your message. Focus on emphasising key points to ensure your message resonates loud and clear!


Which of these do you need to work on first to master your presenting and speaking?

Let’s navigate these challenges together. Whether it’s bolstering your courage or teaching you techniques to handle tricky questions together we’ll overcome it.


Speaking maths!



Confidence speaking goes beyond words! Body language, vocal tone, eye contact, and mindset all matter.

Choose ONE of these to focus on improving next time you speak. Keep going until you master it and you’ll soon be owning the room! 💪

What single thing are you going to work on? Standing tall? Maintaining eye contact? Nurturing a positive outlook?


Why choose to join the more than 1000 women who’ve worked with me? 🤩

Because I’ll help you :
Feel calm and confident in meetings, presentations, and interviews.
Learn repeatable preparation processes.
Practise performace and persuasion techniques
Grow into the leader you truly are 💪

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 24/04/2024

Struggling with public speaking nerves? 🫣

Ready to DECIDE to get over it?🤩

Watch my webinar !


Most confident speakers weren't simply made that way.

They had to work at it.


Want to know how?

Watch my webinar !


Confident speaking is like a recipe. 🧁 Miss out any one of these ingredients and the recipe won't work.🫢

Have you got all three ingredients?

Is you MINDSET enabling you to feel confident?🙈

Is your MESSAGE persuasive and impactful?🙉

Is your METHOD exuding gravitas? 🙊

Learn your recipe for speaking success. 💪

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 12/04/2024

Confidence is a learned skill. I’d love to share my toolkit with you! Let’s unleash your full potential and captivate your audience.


It’s so rewarding to receive such wonderful words from clients!

I’m so glad that people are not only getting results - but also enjoyment from the programme…

For more testimonials and results, head to my Linktree 🌳


Read all about it... Read all about it... 📰🗞️


Ready to become a more confident and persuasive speaker today?

Join me on my latest training ☺️


Three podcasts for confidence and self improvement:

1. Elizabeth Day’s “How To Fail” celebrates the things that haven’t gone right. Each interviewee explores what failure has taught them. It’s honest, relatable and uplifting!

2. Join Michelle Obama in conversation with family, friends and colleagues. She shares words of wisdom with her trademark humour, candor, and compassion.

3. By the best-selling author of “The 5 Second Rule”. Mel Robbins is a leading voice in personal development. This one's about reaching your potential and creating lasting change.

Follow for more tips on becoming a more confident you.

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 18/03/2024

Try these three steps to Improve Your Confidence 💪


Have you ever worried that your true feelings about public speaking leak out when you’re standing in front of an audience?😰

You’re right to! It’s very hard to trick people into thinking you’re feeling one way, when really you’re feeling another.

Without even realising we give off subtle cues that reveal what we think and feel - regardless of the words we use when we communicate.

If our words don’t match our tone, then our audience takes more notice of our tone.

The psychologist Albert Mehrabian’s theory of communications tells us that when our WORDS DON’T match our NON VERBAL CUES, the words count for only 7% of the meaning that our audience derives from how we’re communicating.

If you found this tip helpful and want to invest in improving your verbal (and non-verbal) communication! Watch my webinar, link in bio.


Do you ever find that your fear of presenting is worse than the reality? 😅

Our brains do that sometimes - overestimate the danger.😱 It's a survival mechanism passed down to us by our ancestors...

The good news? There are ways of altering our mindset to see problems opportunities and dial down anxiety and fear! 🙂✨


Wishing a Happy International Women's Day to the amazing women I've worked with on my course over the past 8 years! 🎤✨

It is such a pleasure seeing the progress every single one of you has made!

One of my favourite client stories is about a woman working in a male-dominated industry, who hesitated to join my program, seeking her husband's permission.

I encouraged her to break free from the belief that she needed approval. Instead, she decided for herself, aspiring to be the confident woman she envisioned.

The choice transformed her; she now influences boardroom dynamics, earning recognition from her CEO and finding greater happiness.


Are you waiting until you FEEL confident to present and speak up in meetings?🫣

Here’s the truth!

Confidence only grows by you taking ACTION to work on it.🚀


Take a step towards communication confidence today by watching my free webinar👇

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 16/02/2024

Nervous speaker? You're not alone!

Through tailored coaching, I can help you speak confidently, clearly, and persuasively. Let's amplify your message and make your words resonate.

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 14/02/2024

Every presentation is an opportunity to persuade

No one is born speaking persuasively - it’s a learned skill. I’d love to show you how!


Thank you for a fantastic piece in the Metro this weekend!

And thank you for introducing us 😊

Head to my linktree to read about my story ...

I was a successful newsreader — then I had a panic attack live on TV 08/01/2024

Thank you Suzy Walker for a fantastic piece in the Metro this weekend Thank you Suzy Walker for a fantastic piece in the Metro this weekend 🙏🏼

I was a successful newsreader — then I had a panic attack live on TV 'I felt like I was choking.'

Photos from Vanessa Cuddeford's post 15/12/2023

Join me for a FREE masterclass that will elevate your public speaking game! 🚀

Discover insider tips, boost your confidence, and make your voice heard. Don’t miss out! 🌟

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Looking for a way to quickly and simply control your nerves when speaking?Watch the video...And if you found this tip he...
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