Relationship World

Relationship World

Our relationships define who we are. We are in an ever-evolving relationship with people, with animals and with the natural world around us.

Relationship Word - Where your world is built on your relationships - And your relationships are your world. This page is about our relationship with people, our relationship with animals and our relationship with nature.

Ugly Handwriting Secrets 10/03/2020

Ugly Handwriting. The Secrets finally Exposed.
How to take the Myths and Misery out of Ugly Handwriting.
The good news is that some amazing talents and personality strengths are often hidden behind ugly handwriting.

Ugly Handwriting Secrets Ugly handwriting afflicts many people. Unfortunately it is often accompanied by low self-esteem which magnifies the problem for these writers. You see, ugly handwriting often hides a number of personality-based problems. You can’t simply sweep them under the carpet or hide them forever – they wi...


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A reminder to all that this site is about relationships - of all kinds, not only human. It's about how we relate to birds and animals too - even plants. So if you have a comment about this I'll be glad to hear from you. ☺️


I'm totally with you, Judi Dench


Did anyone say animals don't have feelings?


In recognition of Valentine’s Day here's a new article at Graphology World called Famous Love Letters in Handwriting.

Below the article you will find a free gift of a little booklet I’ve put together called Famous Love Letters.
True love endures through sickness and in health. 13/02/2017

For Valentine's Day. What is love?
What a silly question – what is love! We all know what love is.
But do we really? We are living at a time when love seems to be all but absent. Love is far from being the motivating influence in the world today.
Nevertheless, there's something magical about true love.
The secret? It endures.
We all change over time. Life changes us. Problems change us. We begin to lose the beauty of our youth. But true love endures through it all. True love endures through sickness and in health.

School Bullying help for Parents and Teachers 25/01/2017

You can identify school bullies as well as the likely victims of bullying very effectively. Handwriting reflects aggressive personalities as well as those who are likely to be victimized. This is particularly valuable for school principals, teachers and any counselors dealing with personality issues.

School Bullying help for Parents and Teachers School Bullying is vicious and hurtful. But many children don't talk. As a Parent or Teacher you need to know if your child is being victimized.


I could hardly believe this!


School Bullying
Children learn to deal with relationships at school. But what a pity they start to reflect the enmity of the world so quickly.
School bullying is a terrible indictment of our schools. But although bullying cannot be eradicated it can be managed.
Take a look at how you can deal with bullying by understanding more about bullies and their victims through their handwriting

Graphology Talk Graphology for Personal growth and self-development. I delve into your handwriting and draw out an a

Timeline photos 18/10/2016

Which is more important?
What other people think about you or what you think about yourself?

The Great Barrier Reef isn’t dead yet 16/10/2016

The Great Barrier Reef isn’t dead yet An obituary for the Great Barrier Reef published Tuesday on the website Outside Online can best be described as colorful and effective hyperbole, but the world’s largest living structure is certainly in serious trouble. “Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-2016),” by Rowan Jacobsen went vira...

The Need for Recognition 17/06/2016

We can only hope to defeat obscurity by finding the voice within. Because like an iceberg, the biggest and strongest part of ourselves is deep below the surface. And we can only address that inner part of ourselves on an individual basis.

The Need for Recognition The need for recognition runs deep within us. It starts early in childhood and if not sufficiently met with love it can persist throughout our lives

Selfishness and Generosity: Nature's Secret 29/01/2016

When a plant has plenty nutrition, warmth, water and sunlight, it thrives in every way. It grows and blossoms; it develops fruit and willingly gives of its own richness and abundance. The result of its giving also turns out to be a benefit because the fruit is dispersed and the seeds of its essence spread far and wide.

Selfishness and Generosity: Nature's Secret There's a huge lesson to be learnt from nature. It's all about the secret relationship between selfishness and generosity.


Have you ever wondered why you feel like laughing when someone else is cracking their sides?

The reason is that laughter is highly infectious - which is just as well because laughter has healing properties.


It’s worthwhile remembering that even Nature isn’t perfect. But she is bountiful, generous and joyful


We can only see things through the microscopes of our own lives and it is only from that limited perspective that we make our choices.

A World of Relationships 07/06/2015

If you walk very lightly you can sometimes catch a butterfly and hold it in the palm of your hand for a second or two.

A World of Relationships Our world is an intricate network of relationships of every conceivable variety. Running through the fabric of our lives like criss-crossing threads...


The thoughts you choose to focus on, from this day forward, will become the things, events, and people of the rest of your life

How to Find an “Aha Moment” in your Relationship 10/03/2015

How to Find an “Aha Moment" in your Relationship - Relationship World

How to Find an “Aha Moment” in your Relationship What is an “Aha moment?” It’s a sudden vision of clarity – a sudden understanding that comes to us in a flash.


When a plant has plenty nutrition it grows and blossoms and gives willingly of its own richness and abundance

A Compliment can Work Wonders and Lift your Relationship 05/03/2015

The real secret to keeping a relationship alive is by showing a genuine interest in one another.

A Compliment can Work Wonders and Lift your Relationship A well-chosen compliment can work wonders in your relationship. It’s a simple fact! Compliments can work like magic. But have you noticed how difficult so ...