Wellness Works in Wright County

Wellness Works in Wright County

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Wellness Works in Wright County, Medical and health, .

WWW's mission is to promote greater health awareness by providing information, activities and services designed to support healthy lifestyle choices and improve the quality of life of Wright County residents.


If some day you overindulge as you eat, don’t beat yourself up. Just refocus on healthy eating and get back on track.


Lyme disease is on the increase. Take care when in nature, cover up and when you get home, watch out for ticks. Be aware, and mark your calendar when you have been out.


Meditation can help you focus. Turbocharge your meditation: www.10percenthappier.com/men’s health .


NAP- short naps during the day of 30 minutes or less can renew your focus and creativity. Longer naps of 45 minutes or more should curb the effects of stress and lower blood pressure.


Want to lose weight? One idea is to delay breakfast until after 10 a.m. And eat nothing after 6 p.m.. This can also help lower blood pressure.


Mind strong- body strong. Researchers discovered that when those whose wrist and hand immobilized in a cast imagined their muscles contracting.
They lost 1/2 the muscle strength of those who didn’t visualize.


Stretch- reach up to the sky; Pick those apples up high. Twist- look over your shoulder to the left and right. Bend over and let your head hang down.


Food- eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Apple oranges, strawberries, carrots. Greens like lettuce, broccoli, kale, cukes. Keep meat to the size of your fist


Thankfulness in the morning
Thankfulness at night
Let your thoughts dwell on
The good in your life
You may miss a loved one
Reach out to those nearby
They can also be fun.


Walk a little further....around the block
On your own, with music or a story
Or with someone along to talk
Appreciate your surroundings
Walk walk walk!


WALK! When the weather lets you get outside.
The ice is gone so you won’t slip and slide.


Workout at Home - If you have no desire to head outdoors for your workout, then never fear. There are plenty of resources online that supply fun workout videos and exercises. These resources offer a variety of workouts including yoga, strength training, aerobics and other body-weight exercises. Check out Pinterest for tons of great resources so you can get fit in the comfort of your own living room.


Drink Herbal Teas - There are many types of herbal teas that can help you stay healthy. Herbal teas like lemon and chamomile can ease depression and anxiety by calming nerves and relaxing your body. They can also help you sleep better. Some herbal teas like green and Rooibos are great as antioxidants. For the most benefit, be sure to look for organic teas made from high-quality ingredients.


Cook With Mushrooms - There are several species of mushrooms that have immune-boosting health benefits. That’s because mushrooms have naturally-occurring antibiotics. This gives them medicinal properties, which helps us to fight off many types of illnesses. Next time you’re at the grocery store, be sure to stock up on varieties like white button or sh*take mushrooms and add them to your meals this winter.


Plan a Vacation –A late winter vacation is a great way to shake off late winter blues and recharge yourself in a healthy way as you get ready for spring. Planning a getaway to a warmer climate helps lift your spirits and gives you something to look forward to as you plan. Even if going on vacation isn’t in the budget, simply researching ideal destination spots and browsing through travel packages makes you feel better. Hit up travel websites. Check out the reviews on top hotels in tropical locations. Make a list of the top holiday spots, and explore them on Google Streetview. Make a long-term plan to visit the spot that interests you most.


Cook With Spices - Onions, garlic, ginger and cilantro are the perfect items to add flavor to your dishes. Not only do they make food taste great, but they’re also shown to help improve immune function. Turmeric is a spice traditionally used in Chinese and Indian medicine. Its main active ingredient is called curcumin, which gives curry its yellow color. This spice helps to combat a number of conditions including inflammation and heart disease, and it acts as a powerful antioxidant.


Eat More Fiber - Soluble fiber found in apples, oats and nuts is an important way to decrease inflammation and boost immune system function. Soluble fiber also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and aids in weight loss and protection against diabetes. This is an especially important winter health tip for seniors who require a high-fiber diet to protect their digestive systems.


Get Social - During the holidays, it’s easy to find lots of things to do. Local community Christmas programs and events like parades, tree lightings, ice skating and craft fairs abound. But after the holidays, many people start to feel lonely as the activity and buzz die down. This is the perfect time to reconnect with old friends. Plan dinner and movie nights or a day for winter-themed crafts. Organizing family game nights is also a great way to stay connected with loved ones.


Practice Meditation and Relaxation - When you start to feel the winter blues, anxiety and stress, it’s important to know how to manage it in a healthy way. Going for a walk outdoors whenever weather permits will drastically improve your stress levels, even if it’s just once around the block. You may also want to develop the habit of deep breathing whenever you feel anxiety mounting. Meditation and mindfulness are great practices for managing stress as well.


Consuming lots of vitamin C during the winter will help your body to battle cold and flu symptoms if you experience them. Vitamin D helps to supplement the lack of light experienced during winter. It’s still important to get out in the sun whenever it does appear. Vitamin D helps to absorb other important vitamins like vitamin A, iron and calcium.


If you begin to feel yourself experiencing depression or higher levels of stress after the holiday season, steam rooms and saunas can help. They help tense muscles to relax which can alleviate feelings of stress. The high temperatures also get you working up a sweat, which is a great way to detoxify your body and your skin.


Each year there are, on average, 480,000 injuries caused by weather-related vehicle crashes. Ensure your vehicle is deemed safe enough to drive in winter conditions. This in large part means having the right tires for your local weather conditions. With more salt and dirt accumulating on the roads, it’s important to have a clean windshield for maximum visibility to stay safe during wintery conditions.


Though it sounds like a broken record, frequent hand washing throughout the day is an absolute must in maintaining your health during the winter. It not only helps protect your immune system and prevent you from developing flu and cold, but it protects others around you.


ISU Extension and Outreach's Words on Wellness (WOW) newsletter for February just came out!



To***co free is the way to be. It often takes “lifelong” smokers 8 attempts to quit smoking. (Figures are similar to those who use chewing to***co.) Every attempt to quit is worth it, and any day you spend to***co free is better than the alternative. Build your network of supporters, do it publically, let your friends hold you accountable.


Feeling overwhelmed? Not reaching your goals? Perhaps you need a new starting point. Try this: download the app “10% happier.” There are 7 days of free content; each day is 3-7 minutes long. Focus on small victories, and steps to eventually reach your bigger goals.


Exercise is more effective when paired with protein, which makes lean pork or chicken a perfect meal choice. In Iowa, you can easily find quality cuts of both. One serving of each contains 25 grams of protein, helps you feel full longer, gives you energy, and improves your concentration


We all “get fit in the gym” and “lose weight in the kitchen.” Fitness and weight are not the same thing. The size you are is mostly due to the amount and type of food you eat; your shape and fitness level are mostly related to your activity level. Keep this in mind when making goals and plans to reach those goals. Often a “weight/size” goal should start with FOOD changes, whereas a “fitness” goal should start with ACTIVITY adjustment.


HAPPY NEW YEAR. Drive safe folks! Buckle up today and every day. It’s safest to have a plan to stay where you are (even if you are not drinking) to avoid the roads. Less traffic is better. If you must go home, do not drive after drinking, or have a DD.


MERRY CHRISTMAS! Get connected, be connected, stay connected. Social connections keep us young and healthy, help fight anxiety, stress and depression. Reach out to someone who may be less connected than you this week. Let’s lift each other up!
