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নিজের ভাগ্য নিয়ে চিন্তা কর না। #fbreels23 #reelsviralシ #নিয়তি

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নিজের ভাগ্য নিয়ে চিন্তা কর না। #fbreels23 #reelsviralシ #নিয়তি

History of Medicine
Plants are the oldest source of medicines known to mankind. Early medical traditions include those of Babylon, China, Egypt and India. Hippocrates and his followers were first to describe many diseases and medical conditions such as clubbing of the fingers, lung cancer and cyanotic heart disease. Hippocrates is considered the "Father of Western medicine." The Hippocratic Oath is still taken by doctors up to today. In the 19th century, we got the Germ theory and advanced research centers opened in the early 20th century. Louis Pasteur created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax. Medicine was heavily professionalized in the 20th century. These advancements in chemistry, genetics, and lab technology such as the x-ray imaging led to modern medicine.

History of Medicine
Plants are the oldest source of medicines known to mankind. Early medical traditions include those of Babylon, China, Egypt and India. Hippocrates and his followers were first to describe many diseases and medical conditions such as clubbing of the fingers, lung cancer and cyanotic heart disease. Hippocrates is considered the "Father of Western medicine." The Hippocratic Oath is still taken by doctors up to today. In the 19th century, we got the Germ theory and advanced research centers opened in the early 20th century. Louis Pasteur created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax. Medicine was heavily professionalized in the 20th century. These advancements in chemistry, genetics, and lab technology such as the x-ray imaging led to modern medicine.

10 Things Every Woman Should Do After Intercourse! Natural Remedies
10 Things Every Woman Should Do After Intercourse! Natural Remedies Once the action has ended, all you want to do is lie on your back and hit the mental rewind button and play everything in your head (only if you’ve had fun though). But do you know staying in bed for a long time after having sex could be harmful to your health? It turns out the answer is YES! It is important that you work out a post sex routine to ensure your love life continues to be delicious, not uncomfortable. Check out these easy and enjoyable rituals that will keep you happy and healthy down there. Wipe thoroughly with non-smelly soap Design your post-sex routine around one rule, and that is hygiene. There is no excuse, period. The chances of yeast development rise significantly in women with the use of sexual lubricants. It is critical that you take a trip to the loo to pee not just to pee, but also you take your time to wash your lady parts correctly. Keep a separate, non-fragrant soap for the job. Soak in the bath Tub A warm bath with some extra virgin oil will not only help calm the charged sex goddess inside you, but it will also reduce the risk of unhealthy infections. The warm water prevents the outer vagina from going dry so that you don’t have to deal with any irritations. As the skin is hydrated, there is less chance of vaginal swelling that women tend to experience after intercourse. Refuel with pint of water Sex is a full-time exercise and consumes a hell lot of your physical energy. Extreme physical activity can cause dehydration in your entire body. There is a reason why suddenly your mouth starts to feel dry if during sex your vagina seems to remain dry, your body is experiencing dehydration. Eat food that are rich in probiotics What you eat after having sex is very important. I know those chocolate chip cookies in the jar look tempting, but we advise you to choose your snack wisely. Your best option is fermented foods such as yogurt for instance. Kombucha and kimchi make he

Natural Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms
Characteristic Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms. Characteristic and home grown UC medicines: Various therapeutic medicines are accessible to oversee ulcerative colitis (UC). The objective of present day treatment is to avert flares and expand the time between flares (reduction), at any rate incidentally. However, these prescriptions can have genuine symptoms, particularly when taken for drawn out stretches of time. For instance, corticosteroids can cause various corrective, mental, and hormonal issues. Numerous individuals essentially can't endure these prescriptions. Youngsters specifically may have issues with standard prescriptions. At the point when consistence with endorsed prescriptions is poor, treatment disappointment is normal. Thus, numerous individuals swing to common solutions for deal with their UC. Dietary solutions for ulcerative colitis: Some natural or natural cures may help advance gut wellbeing and drag out reduction. You can alter your eating regimen by taking out nourishment allergens and streamlining living conditions. A generally high extent of individuals of European plummet are adversely affected by gluten, a substance found in wheat. Recounted confirm recommends that gluten may exasperate UC manifestations, however this is a long way from a built up connect. Killing these sustenances and drinks may likewise diminish the recurrence and seriousness of flares: liquor. dairy. meat. handled sustenances. high-starch sustenances. sugar alcohols. Low-fat eating methodologies appear to be especially valuable in postponing the repeat of UC. Olive oil, medium-chain triglycerides, omega-3 unsaturated fats, and certain kinds of fiber may have a gainful impact. High fiber admission might be useful in a few people. Notwithstanding enhancing entrail normality, it might enhance the consistency of the stool. High vitamin C admission may have a defensive impact, and vitamin C-rich nourishments might be related with a more extended reduction stage. Som

Best Foods to Improve Sexual Function
Selecting foods to improve pelvic blood flow and decrease inflammation both long-term and immediately after a meal may improve sexual functioning in men and women.

সপ্নদোষ চিকিৎসা ; ঘরে বসে সপ্নদোষের চিকিৎসা
Introduction: If sperm count is discharged while sleeping at night or caused by obscene dreams, it is called nightfall. Causes: Nightfall can occur due to eating spicy foodstuff, tea, wine and drinking hot milk at night, watching obscene movies, the walking of the boys and girls in blank places, feeling about sex every time, excessive thinking about the girls, seeing body parts of the girls with lustful heart, excessive sex, thinking about touching to any girls, etc. Symptoms: The patient body becomes weak and face shiny ends in this disease. The sperm count is discharged while sleeping at night. Anorexia, mystification, fever, inflammation in the soles of the hand and feet, deficiency of sperm count, laziness, waist pain, hoarseness, weakness of the eyesight, etc. are symptoms of nightfall. Treatment by different drugs: Rose: Make a powder by grinding rose flowers with small euphorbia hirta and mix it with equal quantity of sugar candy. Nightfall is cured by taking this mixture with water. Break 4-5 flowers of rose and wash it with clean water. Separate petals from the flowers and mix it (petals) with equal quantity of sugar candy powder. Take this mixture with light hot milk, it provides relief in nightfall. This process can use for some days regularly. The person who suffers from nightfall should take syrup of rose. Gulakanda: Take 5-10 grams gulakanda with mixed milk of sugar candy twice a day regularly, it provides relief in nightfall. Big caltrop: Mix powder of big caltrop with ghee and give it to the patient regularly, it cures nightfall. Jambule: Nightfall is cured powder of 4 jambule stones with water twice a day regularly. Nightfall is cured by taking 3 grams powder of jambule stones with water twice a day regularly. Banana: Take 2 bananas with some honey regularly to get relief in nightfall. The person who suffers from nightfall should take 2 bananas with 250 ml milk for 3 months regularly. Garlic: Wash the hand, feet and mouth with water

All Veshoj tips for health
Veshoj is a page where you can get very simple and easily available herbal tree benefit and cure most of your diseases.