The Space Between

The Space Between

It is my honor to assist you with gentle guidance through The Space Between this world & the next


Happy holidays to you and yours. Remember to be kind to yourself and take some time for yourself for a quick walk, meditation, or just sit in silence to recharge.


Today, I picked up a book I thought I had finished. To my surprise I stopped about 80 pages near the end. In the first page of where I left off, Marianne Williamson’s The Gift of Change, she states: “Behind every problem is a broken relationship. And behind every miracle, there is a healed one.” This statement stopped me in my tracks!I had to take stock of my own life, decisions and choices. To think about the positive and negative situations and reflect how my problems and miracles have guided me to make the choices I have made. Although this can hurt, looking back at these broken relationships, it can heal the past hurts. Do you ever stop and give pause to passages you read? Do you take the time to heal your past hurts so your life can be filled with miracles?

Today, I am guided to share with you something I wrote 11 years ago about a past hurt. These past wounds have long since healed and now I can see the wonderful miracles that are in my life today.

An Imposter Like You

You can’t give back these things you took from me
The material things are not important & are not what I speak of
I speak of the unspoken things taken
My heart, my love, my soul, my trust
Depleted from inside & never to be returned
Never to be replaced
This emptiness, this vacancy like a neon sign for all to see
Shows through my facade
A fake I am
An imposter like you
I pretend as if it does not matter… these things you took from me
Oh but they do
You see, you stole a piece of me that was not yours for the taking
This theft sits on my chest and makes it hard for me to breath
I smile through the pain although it be in vain
I smile like I use to throughout my life
A fake I am
An imposter like you
Like a thief in the night you swept me away
Only I thought you were here to stay
Now you are gone
And I am too
Only thing left is a shell
An image of my former self

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy Nicole Stiles Murphy

Call now to connect with business.


I came across this saying today. It made me ponder for a considerable amount of time. To reflect upon myself, my own filters and how they affect my every day life. These filters that I hardly ever think of create an astounding affect on the outcome of any given situation. Have you thought about the filters your wounds have placed in your life? I was guided to write and share the following with you. Sending Love, Light and Healing Energy

Wounds cloud the present

 The scars on the inside left behind.

Scars you never asked for are masked.

We hide them in shame for the wrong others have done to us, for the wrongs we let in.

This emotional baggage, we can’t seem to unpack. Try and try again.

This emotional baggage is a lesson. A difficult one to overcome. A difficult one to face, but in order to heal, that is what we must do.

Unpack the bag one little piece at a time.  Look at it from all angles. Inspect your emotions, and why you will not leave it in the past.

These scars filter, everything that was said or done to you. These wounds cloud the present with the past.

Once we can let these wounds heal, we can hear and feel without these filters.

Nicole C Stiles Murphy


I am reading the final chapter of The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks. In this chapter they are discussing Segment Intending. I find the book very interesting and always love to learn new things or even perhaps a new way to look at something. How often do you look at your day in segments??? Each moment anew, each moment an opportunity to create a better life, one moment at a time. I have listed a paragraph below that I will certainly be adopting to create better segments in my day. How do you accomplish this?? Sending Light, Love and Healing Energy.

“Here we will give you a statement that, if you will set it forth at the beginning of all segments of your life experience, will serve ou very well: As I'm entering this segment of life experience, it is my intent to see that which I want to see. And what that will do--when you are interacting with others-it will help you to see that you want harmony; that you want to uplift them, that you want to put across your idea effectively, and that you want to stimulate their desire to one that harmonizes with your desire. That statement will serve you very well.”


I recently had the chance to travel and I jumped at the opportunity. With the help of our family, who cared for our fur babies while we traveled, we headed south. This trip brought us closer, we were able to visit friends and enjoy new experiences, meet new people and visit new locations. It certainly brought my attention to the many people who rush through their days. It had me thinking of my own life experiences, of rushing through the days and my choice now to slow down and enjoy the more important aspects of life. To stop and smell the roses. What do you do to stop and smell the roses? Sending Love, Light and Healing Energy.

Traveling through the day
The people race by so quickly
Like a blur
Here one second and gone the next
This hustle and bustle we all experience
Hurry up and wait
This has reminded me to stop and smell the roses

We speed through life but are we really living
Living to work
We all should experience a better work life balance
Enjoying the people and experiences around us
Helping one another when we can
Helping ourselves to see the beauty that is passing by us so fast

Life is but a passing glimpse
It is a limited time that we spend here on earth
Living this earthly experience
We can spend it killing ourselves for people who could care less for you as long as you get your job done
Or we can spend it making a difference
A difference to the people in our lives
Our loved ones deserve more of us
More of our time
More of our attention
More of our love

I have chosen to stop and smell the roses
I have chosen to love my family and friends a bit more
To spend more time with them
To devote myself to them instead of a corporation or a business that only wants one thing from me, to help line their pocket.

I choose to live to the fullest
I choose to stop and smell the roses.

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy


I spent another day with some amazing people. I am honored to have had this time with them. They have opened my eyes to some new experiences and some new perspectives. Denise and Karen, who lead the group are truly special people, who gave us their time, experience and perspectives to those who need it. I was guided to write the following about this wonderful experience I had with them. What do you do when you have a wonderful experience? Sending Love, Light and Healing Energy

Bringing us together

Strung by circumstance
All walks of life
Saturated by different experiences, yet all the same
Struggling to make sense of what is and how we got here
At times feeling isolation
But collectively we learn we are not alone
Collectively we renew each other, fill each other and sooth each other
Perhaps even unknown to each other
Sharing with each other we learn, we are not alone

Thank you for bringing us together

Thank you Denise and Karen for sharing the last three days with us and sharing parts of yourself with us. You created a safe space for us to each express ourselves and share with each other the unique, or so we thought, things that we were going through. It truly was my honor to get to know each of you.

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy

9/13/23 @ 9:58 a.m.


Today I spent the day with some amazing people. We are all having some similar experiences in life. I left the first day with an attitude of gratitude. Grateful for the things that I do have in life, loved ones and the support they give me, a good roof over my head, food in my stomach, a reliable vehicle. As I drove home reflecting upon the day and all that had transpired, I look to the future and I am reminded of all the good things that I know are coming my way.

Letting go of the past and forgiving the people who have mistreated me. Remembering that forgiveness is for me, not for them. As they do not even deserve another thought in my head. Their mistreatment of me opened the door that they walked through and I closed it. They no longer deserve to be in my life or my head.

Another thought of the day was that someone was speaking of failures in their life. I shared with this person that failures are opportunities. In fact, I suggested replacing the word failure with opportunity. Opportunities for new beginnings, opportunities that can create a solid foundation for a new venture in life. It had me thinking of my life and the many opportunities that I have had. After all, one door closes for a reason, so that a better one will open for you.

I will be meditating on this further tonight and contemplate the wonderful opportunities that have presented to me in my life. The things that I thought I deeply wanted, turned out that something better happened in my life.

So today, I am reminded of how grateful I truly am.

What are you grateful for?

Nicole C Stiles Murphy

9/12/23 @ 5:31


With the 22nd anniversary of September 11 here, I am reminded of something I wrote back on September 11, 2002. I recall this horrific moment in history, watching it unfold live on television, on the phone with my sister Kelly, in disbelief that something like this could happen in America. Home of the free, land of the brave. Today, I will hold space for all of the loved ones of those who lost their lives that day. Hold space and honor their lives, honor their souls. Today, I am reminded again just how fortunate I am in this life. I wish to share with you something I wrote 22 years ago. Sending Love, Light and Healing Energy.

With unwavering devotion, I move on

Reflections on this somber day 9/11/2002

I could have been a better mother, wife and person. I should have given more of myself

With unwavering devotion, I move on

Reflecting on this beautiful day, my girls turn 22 months and 6 months

I will try to be the best that I can for you all, my children come first - always

At times, a moment will go by and I will forget we are at war. Not fully appreciate how lucky a person I am

As I look deeply into my daughters’ eyes, look deeply into their souls, I remember not all are as lucky as I

Although I have had my own losses too, nothing can compare to the great loss of this nation, of this country. The loss of thousands of lives. The loss of our innocence. The loss of a relaxed lifestyle. The loss of life as we know it.

With unwavering devotion, I move on.

I will try to concentrate on the beauty in life. Be grateful for all that I have. I will try not to take for granted the love of my family and friends. Rising each day with a smile, to show by example for my girls.

With unwavering devotion, I move on.

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy


Happy Grandparents’ day!!! Hug them a little longer today 😊

In honor of Grandparents' day today, I wish to share something I wrote about my Pop-Pop on the day of his passing, August 16, 1995. He was an amazing man who I wish my adult self could have known better. Although we continue our conversations, in The Space Between, I still miss him very much, here in this world. I am reminded that all of my grandparents have passed on and how lucky I was to have the time I did with each of them. I wish to honor them all today, Betty (Wow-Wee) & Frank (Pop-Pop), James, Chet & Louise, Alberta. If your grandparents are still alive, hug them a little longer today. Sending Love, Light and Healing Energy.

Like the wind, you breezed into my life

Quiet and gentle, you were always touching my heart and my soul, without my awareness

Mysterious, you were to me

Never letting one too close, yet always loving and tender

The happiness you filled my heart and my life with has now stopped,and like the wind, you gently drifted out of my life

But never forgotten

That mysterious giant I always looked up to for approval, to see that twinkle in your eye and in your heart

And now, I feel you all around me, always present

And the gentle breeze still blows softly across my skin, across my heart

And I know, I can still look up for your approval and still see that twinkle in your eye

In loving memory of Pop-Pop.

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy


In honor of Grandparents' day today, I wish to share something I wrote about my Pop-Pop on the day of his passing, August 16, 1995. He was an amazing man who I wish my adult self could have known better. Although we continue our conversations, in The Space Between, I still miss him very much, here in this world. I am reminded that all of my grandparents have passed on and how lucky I was to have the time I did with each of them. I wish to honor them all today, Betty (Wow-Wee) & Frank (Pop-Pop), James, Chet & Louise, Alberta. If your grandparents are still alive, hug them a little longer today. Sending Love, Light and Healing Energy.

Like the wind, you breezed into my life

Quiet and gentle, you were always touching my heart and my soul, without my awareness

Mysterious, you were to me

Never letting one too close, yet always loving and tender

The happiness you filled my heart and my life with has now stopped,and like the wind, you gently drifted out of my life

But never forgotten

That mysterious giant I always looked up to for approval, to see that twinkle in your eye and in your heart

And now, I feel you all around me, always present

And the gentle breeze still blows softly across my skin, across my heart

And I know, I can still look up for your approval and still see that twinkle in your eye

In loving memory of Pop-Pop.

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy

Photos from The Space Between's post 09/09/2023

Today I wish to honor an amazing soul. Although he passed almost two years ago, he is never far in my thoughts or my heart. I was so very fortunate to have Mr. Peter McCormack (Mr. M) in my life growing up. You see, his daughter,Jenny, is my best friend. I was a wild child, uninhibited, nothing really tethering me. That was until I was influenced by Mr. and Mrs. M. They showed me love, understanding and most importantly my place. Mr. M’s smile and laugh was so infectious. His one armed hug was the best. He had this amazing ability to make you feel at ease, welcome, understood, loved and silly all at once. A person who you could have a serious conversation with when you needed guidance. But he would also end your time together on a happy note with a joke or a smile that just said everything will be alright.

On a day like today, when my heart aches just a little bit more than usual, I think back to all those wonderful times we shared. How fortunate I was to have his influence and love.

As a psychic medium, I am able to easily continue these conversations and connections with my past loved ones. But so are you! Yes You! Sit in your silence, quiet your soul and feel. Feel with your heart, feel with your soul, your ears, your skin. Can you feel your loved one with you.? The tingling sensation that caresses across your skin. That flutter in your heart or that whisper in your ear. You too can continue your conversations with your loved ones. They are all around us, especially in our times of need and sorrow.

What do you do to honor your loved ones who have passed?

Happy 83rd Birthday to you Mr. M. Love, Nikki.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of the McCormack, Taylor, and Zedik families.

Nicole C Stiles Murphy


Shout out to my newest follower! Excited to have you on board!!

Jason Costa


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Cindy Fuller and Pet’ngalria


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Kelly Stiles, Joan Stiles


Time can move quickly in this life. We must surrender the old to make room for the new. We can not stop time, although we can go back in our memories and visit certain times in our lives again. If we relinquish things we can not control, like time, we make room for new and better things to fill our lives. Mother Nature shows us all the time that by gracefully surrendering the old the new will follow. This thought guided me to write the following and share it with you. I hope that you can relate and maybe this brings sweet memories back for you. Sending you all Love, Light and Healing Energy.

What will you gracefully surrender?

Just like summer gracefully surrenders to autumn, I surrender the things I can not change.

I hear the hustle of the new school year beginning. I see the kids walking to the bus stops, some with confidence and some nervously. Adorning their new school clothes. The anticipation of what this year may bring radiates around them.

And just like that, I visit the times my girls were starting their new school year journeys. The excitement and anticipation, the nervousness that may sneak through was pushed aside by intrepidity.

I gracefully surrender the fact that I have had my last first day of school with my daughters. The last drop off and move in day at University is behind us.

The school bus stop filled with parents waving confidently to their bus brings a smile to my heart. A reminder of sweet memories but also a reminder of how far my daughters and I have come through our journey in life.

By releasing the last first day of school and any sadness that may creep in, I make room for the wonderful new firsts that await us.

By releasing the old we make room for the new.

What will you gracefully surrender?

Nicole C Stiles Murphy


As I sit here on this beautiful August afternoon, the breeze blowing through the windows, music playing, I experience A Moment In Time. What do you do when your loved ones visit you? I am guided to share my moment with you. Sending you all Love, Light and Healing Energy.

A Moment In Time
Brings me to you
A lyric, a song, a memory
My heart is full of tender memories
Your fun-loving demeanor, your intellect, your light beaming like a beacon in the dark
You bring peace to my soul and a tear to my eye
Gone too early but your time came

I feel you with me in this moment
Your love surrounds me heart and soul
Giving me strength until our next visit

Thank you for your time and lessons you taught me

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy

The Space Between It is my honor to assist you with gentle guidance through The Space Between this world & the next


Wishing you all a safe and happy Memorial Day. Please take a moment to honor all those before us, who gave their lives so that we may enjoy a peaceful beautiful moment. Love, Light and Happiness....

The Call of the Cardinal

The call of the cardinal beckons me in the early morning hours

As the steam from my coffee rises and it’s aromatic scent fills the air

My eyes rise to meet my annual visitor, the Dragonfly

Gliding through the morning light, back and forth in front of me

How I look forward to your visits

The smell of fresh cut grass and flowers blooming

The dogs rolling in the grass

And in the distance, the hummingbird visits the bleeding heart

The crows call out in the distance…..

Good morning to you

The wind joins in this musical morning by gently activating the chimes

Accompanied by the rustling leaves of the trees

The blackbird stands out against the vibrant green leaves of the Birch

High above it all as if the conductor of this beautiful morning melody

Nicole C. Stiles Murphy
5/30/22 @ 6:57 a.m.


Today I wish to talk about our past wounds. Did you think you have dealt with them but they still show up, uninvited. That is ok. Sometimes things come back around because we need to take another or closer look at it. There may be something that slipped on by that needs attention again. I wish to share with you something that I wrote about such a time for myself. Sending you Love, Light and Healing Energy.

Fragment of My Memories

In the fragment of my memory the shadow of my wounds fill the void
By forgetting I am self protecting, or so I thought
As I widen my view I see I am only further hurting myself

By placing my wounds in the shadows
Even though I don’t remember them
Or, I choose not to remember them
They still fester and bubble up on occasion

Unwanted, this intruder
Unwanted, these ugly memories
Unwanted, this past that I did not ask for

Yet it is there
Faced with such reality
I know there is only one thing left to do
That is to face my past
To shine light on the shadows of my wounds
To fill the void with love and light instead of fear and hatred
Instead of fear I choose forgiveness
I bring the past forward so that I can deal with, hopeful, for one final time, these childhood wounds

I know I have outgrown them and I have no need for them any longer
Again, I will shroud them in the beautiful light of love and forgiveness
I will become whole
I will surrender

Nicole C Stiles Murphy


A truth to be accepted

Life hands us may lessons
Some we easily find a solution to while others leave us baffled
Try as we may, we are unable to find a solution to the problem
And that is OK
Maybe it is just a truth to be accepted

Nicole C Stiles Murphy


Today I wish to talk about enjoying your journey during this life experience. So often we get caught up in the drama of the day that we forget what a gift life is. During these moments that you think you get knock you off course, remember you may be lead to a better path. Keep an open mind and an open heart.


Today I am guided to share something I wrote for a dear departed friend, Stef, Keith Stefani. I want to remind everyone to honor your loved ones who have crossed over, honor them by remembering their time here with us and he moments that impacted us so deeply, the moments that get us through their absence here in the physical world.

Moccasin Foot

And so you have come to pass
Pass on thru the light
Pass on thru the day
Into heaven’s light
Into your next phase
Here we stand to wonder what it must be like to stand in God's light
To stand throughout the night
Waiting so long to reunite but oh how I know you will Love it
You sensitive soul you,
Who could soar thru the wind
You walked through life, moccasin foot
A connection so deep
I feel you with me now as memories flash on by
Many years and many moments
Moments of intoxicating laughter and deep philosophical conversations
Somehow you knew before us all
Opened the door just enough to open our eyes
To open our sense of wonder
Sweet, gentle Stef
The time you gave us, so precious
I will miss you so, in this physical world
But together we talk on
Now that you have gone
Together you share a glimpse of what awaits us all
The beauty and wonder, never far from your sight
My eyes, my mind and my heart are wide open for a glimpse of our time to come.

Nicole C Stiles Murphy
8/12/2019 @ 3:04


Today I wish to share something I wrote yesterday about stepping out of your comfort zone and really letting your light shine brightly for all to share in. Have a wonderful day!!

Step Out

What brings you hope?
What brings you joy?
Do more of that!

Listen to your little voice deep inside.
Quietly nudging you to step out
Step out and be more
Step out and do more

Move beyond the expectations of others
Move beyond your own expectations

You have a beautiful life ahead of you

Live it!
Do the things that scare you.
Do the things that take your breath away

Life is a beautiful gift
When you live in joy and happiness your light shines brightly

You light the darkness others are in.
A beacon to guide them.
An example to follow your joy and let your light shine.

Nicole C Stiles Murphy
3/20/22 @ 9:26 a.m.


This morning I wish to share with you a tranquil moment I enjoyed while having my coffee. A reminder to us all that even in this fast paced world, we can and should take the special moments to enjoy and allow the tranquility of wash over us.

A tranquil moment.

As I sit here, a gentle breeze blows through my hair, across my skin

My ears are full of the beautiful orchestra of birds, different tones, different beats yet they blend together to make such a pleasant song.

The sky, gray yet the sun struggles to shine through. The sun reminds me of this as it casts the shadow of my hand on the page.

In the background, the woodpecker alternates a trumpet-like call and the drum-like beat of his beak against the large sturdy tree trunk as he jumps along, letting me know he is here.

All the while, I enjoy the splendor of this beautiful earth and simultaneously above me, I see the ripples of heaven, The Space Between. An amazing and majestic sight and feeling to watch our worlds blend together much like that of the birds. The angels sing a song so amazing, so tranquil that a wave of peace washes over my body, much like the wind presently caresses my skin.

Their song has a power over me at a molecular level. I can feel the sweet choir wash over my heart, wash over my mind. A great calmness, a great kindness. How special this moment, this peek into heaven. This brilliance to my eyes, my ears, my heart and my soul. This overwhelming feeling of happiness and completeness fills me.

The gray sky fills with glimmers. Each glimmer, a soul coming to share in my moment. This beautiful time I wish never ended. But that is the thing. Be still and you can be back here. Be still and enjoy this beauty God has put here for our enjoyment. This acceptance brings you to The Space Between. This beauty brings you home. A quick visit, always here to enjoy. Should you choose.

Nicole C Stiles Murphy
3.20.22 @ 9:34 a.m.


I wish to share with you something that I just came across. Something that I wrote a year ago today. Although to me it seems unfinished, I am sharing it as it is. It rings true with what I posted yesterday, a continuance of self healing and self growth. I hope that this resonates and helps you in your journey. Please remember to be kind to yourself. No matter what we are going through, we all could use a bit of understanding and support. Why not start with yourself.

Betrayals of the heart
The wounds run so deep
Infidelity, contempt, resentment, neglect and the list goes on
In the heat of the drama I am blinded by the pain
But time goes by and I now see with clear eyes
That this had nothing to do with me
Your choices are your own
The causes are known to you alone
These events triggered growth within me
Growth that now allows me to see that forgiveness is the way
Growth that allows me to see the beauty in my relationships now
Fractured reality
Roles change within ourselves and within our relationships

Legacies of previous wounds can haunt us and our new relationships – let it go

Nicole C Stiles Murphy


With the new year upon us in just a few days, I felt drawn to share with you something I was guided to write. With every ending there is a new beginning. This can and does relate to every aspect of our lives. It could be that a loved one passed on and we are now learning to go through this life experience without them by our side. It could be that we left a job that we outgrew and have now moved onto a job we can grow into. It could be that a relationship we were in has ended and we are learning to go on in a new direction on our own. Each of these endings also creates a new beginning. I often talk about perspective and how important it is to shift our perspective when something is not working for us. Look for the silver lining. It can be difficult to do in many situations, but usually you can find it. Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year.

With every ending there is a new beginning

Patterns of growth -

Maybe you are going through a rough and confusing time

Did you leave a person or a situation or did that happen to you?

The pain that is caused by going through this can be very difficult

Take a breath. Stop your brain for one minute.

Is this really a bad thing?

I believe that you are heading in a better direction

Although you may not feel like it during this period of unease

I suggest you stop focusing on what has happened to you

Switch your focus

Why is this happening

This is a course correction

Painful as it may be, it is a necessary change

You have outgrown the situation or relationship you are now detached from

Sometimes it takes a bit longer to cut the cords to that person or that situation.

Give yourself the time you need to deal with the emotions that you are going through

Embrace what you are going through and give yourself time to adapt to your new situation

They call it growing pains for a reason because it is uncomfortable to go through and deal with

It is a necessary process

And if you think back on your life, you have gone through something similar before

Maybe on a lesser level, but you have grown from infant to child to adult

You have gained friends and lost friends

You have had many jobs

With every ending there is a new beginning

Trust it

And trust yourself.

Nicole C Stiles Murphy


With the holidays upon us dealing with grief is even harder. If your loved one passed away today or even 30 years ago the pain of grief can strike at any moment. Cherish those still here with us and honor those who have passed on. Be kind yourself and allow yourself the moments of grief as they come. I was guided to share something I wrote about the grief I am currently moving through.

This slow process of grief that surrounds me
Overwhelming at times
Like walking through molasses, holding me back
Preventing me from motion
The waves of emotions accompany many wonderful
memories but the sadness betrays me as it washes down my face
Like molasses, holding me in that moment
The sadness all consuming
The heartache indescribable
The energy released as tears fall
My days are a facade
With a smile on my face, trying to hide the pain that paralyses me
Holding it together until my next moment alone
Strange how we have been taught to hid grief away like a shameful thing
We all go through it
We all know the pain and sorrow
This is the price of love
I will not hid my tears in shame
This man I grieve
This man, amazing and beautiful, gentle and kind
I will wear my grief proudly for I was so grateful for our time together
So grateful for your gentle guidance
For who knows where I would be, if not for you
Certainly a different path
I do not have your blood
I do not have your name
But I had your love
But I had your time
And that is more than most have given me in this life.

Nicole C Stiles Murphy

As I turned within:

Though the clouds and the night blanket the sky and block the light that shined. The morning light will come and the sun will shine again. The rays of hope and warmth fill our souls, heal our wounds and balance us one again. It was during a time of great loss in my life that my gift of mediumship sparked. As I turned within, trying to deal with the turmoil that erupted in my life, I found myself and my gift to communicate with those who have passed on.

