Videos by Love Yuh Life. Welcome to Love Yuh Life! I am Nicole Haisley, certified health coach and your guide on your journey to a long, healthy and more satisfying life.
Excerpts of My 21 Day Meditation: Expanding Your Happiness, Day 5: Feeling Playful Todays Affirmation: I am playful Dancing Like We Just Don't Care! Because We're Happpppeee! 😜 #Choices #LoveYuhLife #HealthCoach #WellnessCoach #DanceDontCare #FunTimes #InnerChild #Health #HealthyLife #HealthyLifeStyle #Happiness #StartWithLove #SelfLove #Love #LoveIsContagious #PositiveVibes #YourVibeIsContagious #InnerPeace #Balance #Acceptance #LiveMindfully #InnateWisdom #LiveWholeHeartedly #Meditation #OprahDeepakMeditation #ExpandingYourHappiness
#Choices! #Movement! Join us this Saturday, March 19th @ 4:30pm for a #FunFit #SocaReggaecise! #PonDeBeach! Courtesy of #LoveYuhLife!