Touring Toby Videos

Videos by Touring Toby. Toby is touring On An Adventure Before Dementia with his Dad (Scott Lawson) and Mum (Sue Lawson)

Tails from the Riverbank told by Toby the Ancient Traveller

Hi All!

Now I hope you are sitting comfortably because dad seems to have made up for his lack of posts with this one bol!

Thought it was time for a little update on caravan life in the uk. Please keep in mind that although I am only 15 in human years that relates to about 83 in canine years so to say that the Lawson household is full of aches and pains is quite an understatement! Having said all that just wait for the story to unfold, quite proud of myself really as today I proved I still have that little something to confound the wrinkly twinklies.

The other day dad was talking to a lady on site whose pal is a Lhaso Apso and dad was saying that we need somewhere for Toby (as if I wasn't there) to have a bit paddle in the water as the beach is too much of a challenge for my joints now (no not that kind of joints, he meant leg joints) anyway ...... do you ever find that sometimes you lose the thread of the conversation? No its ok I remember now.

So this lady suggested a walk along the river bank at Cupar where she assured dad there were places for a challenged canine to enter the water and not get into difficulty. Well today we duly set off on one of the hottest days so far (remember this is Scotland) and we found a nice place to park the car that was near to the river thus saving me an extended walk.

We set off quite merrily in anticipation of a nice little stroll with some aqua aerobics for yours truly but as we approached the path the lady had recommended we found that the overgrowth was well overgrown and not quite as easy to access the river as we had been led to believe. Nothing daunted, we followed the path and the ancient traveller reckoned he had found a spot for me to go into the river and duly let me jump down from the banking and on into the river.

Well can I tell you the river was just the right depth and not flowing fast and was soooo cooling, doggie heaven (or maybe doggie holiday he

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Tails from the Riverbank told by Toby the Ancient Traveller Hi All! Now I hope you are sitting comfortably because dad seems to have made up for his lack of posts with this one bol! Thought it was time for a little update on caravan life in the uk. Please keep in mind that although I am only 15 in human years that relates to about 83 in canine years so to say that the Lawson household is full of aches and pains is quite an understatement! Having said all that just wait for the story to unfold, quite proud of myself really as today I proved I still have that little something to confound the wrinkly twinklies. The other day dad was talking to a lady on site whose pal is a Lhaso Apso and dad was saying that we need somewhere for Toby (as if I wasn't there) to have a bit paddle in the water as the beach is too much of a challenge for my joints now (no not that kind of joints, he meant leg joints) anyway ...... do you ever find that sometimes you lose the thread of the conversation? No its ok I remember now. So this lady suggested a walk along the river bank at Cupar where she assured dad there were places for a challenged canine to enter the water and not get into difficulty. Well today we duly set off on one of the hottest days so far (remember this is Scotland) and we found a nice place to park the car that was near to the river thus saving me an extended walk. We set off quite merrily in anticipation of a nice little stroll with some aqua aerobics for yours truly but as we approached the path the lady had recommended we found that the overgrowth was well overgrown and not quite as easy to access the river as we had been led to believe. Nothing daunted, we followed the path and the ancient traveller reckoned he had found a spot for me to go into the river and duly let me jump down from the banking and on into the river. Well can I tell you the river was just the right depth and not flowing fast and was soooo cooling, doggie heaven (or maybe doggie holiday he