Alan Magliocca

Alan Magliocca

Alan Magliocca is an internet marketing expert, mentor, and best-selling author.

Alan has built a massive brand while coaching others to financial freedom through Affiliate Academics, a company he founded in 2015.





The “5” Biggest Problems That Destroy Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners - and how ConvertPods™ solves each:

Statistics indicate that there are 5 major problems that put most entrepreneurs out of business. In this post we’ll break down each of these 5 problems, and more importantly, provide you with a single viable solution that solves all of these problems, so you can be one of the few to stay afloat regardless of the economy or any other variables. LET’S GO!

In this post I’m going to share with you The “5” Biggest Problems That Destroy Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners - and how ConvertPods solves each. Let’s dive right in.

The first problem that destroys entrepreneurs & small business owners is the process of hiring & training good employees and agencies. If you have hired, or looked to hire a marketing agency or advertising agency recently, it’s an extremely difficult process. As a matter of fact, in general, hiring ANYONE these days is difficult.

In fact recently, nearly 60% of small businesses reported that employee shortages are affecting their ability to operate at full capacity, and 50% of small business owners said it was harder to hire recently. And many new hires end up being let go after a short period because they aren’t qualified to fill the roles. So what’s the solution?

Well, like it or not, AI is the future.

Each year, more and more technology is being developed, which is in turn replacing more and more humans. Just look at all the various AI being released lately. Our world is taking fast and massive leaps forward in the evolution of technology. This is great news for business owners, because the way we run our businesses is much easier than ever before.

For instance, our ConvertPods platform allows you to build full marketing campaigns in minutes, and let it work for you as long as you keep it live. That’s a huge deal, especially when it comes to the 2nd problem that destroys entrepreneurs & small business owners, which is time management. According to a recent study, they found that a massive amount of business owners were working too much IN their business instead of ON their business. The power of automation relieves the business owner of not only hiring and paying someone a salary, but also gives them more time to focus on running and growing their business instead of getting stuck with daily time-consuming busy work.

In addition to paying employees, another expensive cost for business owners is customer acquisition costs, which is the 3rd problem that destroys entrepreneurs & small business owners.

When it comes to actually getting a customer for your business online, it’s not cheap. For instance, when I ran my best-selling book offer on YouTube ads and FaceBook ads, I was able to pay over $100 to acquire a $5 customer. The reason was the economics of my offer allowed me to not only break even, but turn a profit on the initial sales funnel. In essence, I was getting free loyal buyer leads to book a call with our team and come into my high ticket mastermind program, which is where I made the majority of money of course.

But as I mentioned in other posts, we are in a new era of marketing, and you must have a proven business model in place with a solid offer if you want to stay in business. That’s why I truly believe ConvertPods™ is the most powerful marketing tool on the planet.
You have pre-made templates to use if you wish, or you can use your own funnel if you already have a proven one. That way you don’t have to worry about whether you have the right business model in place. You are also providing your audience with a unique and engaging experience when they enter your Pod, so you have a massive advantage over your competitors who are currently sending the same audience to a website with a sales video disguised as a “training session” or to fake live webinar. You’ll be giving them a real live event, but you don’t need to be present. It sounds impossible, I know, but it’s 100% true and it works incredibly well.

And all these things help you acquire more customers without increasing ad costs and/or traffic, so you can enjoy more revenue and growth without having to increase your ad budget.

This brings us to the 4th problem, which is business owners not being able to create a strong online presence in their industry. In order to have a strong presence, you have to stand out. What’s different about your company? What’s your USP, or unique selling proposition? Why should your audience choose you over everyone else? And how do you do this without lowering your prices, which is one of the worst things you can do. I’ve seen this strategy put a company with over 100 employees out of business, and I saw it first hand, it wasn’t pretty.

The answer mainly lies in your offer itself, but can also lie in the way your offer is presented. As I’ve mentioned before, imagine you presenting your offer as a video on a website. Now imagine using that same video but instead of on a website, it’s inside of a Pod built by ConvertPods, where you can have call to action buttons appear and disappear whenever you want them to. You can create live polls, have live announcements appear and disappear, you can incentivize your audience to stay until the end where you’ll automatically unlock free content for them by using our Pod series feature, and imagine being able to communicate live in real time with your audience, both in the public chat and via private chat.

Do you see how much better you can be from your competitors just by using ConvertPods alone? Do you see how much more you’ll be able to stand out from everyone else in your industry?

And by the way, I haven’t even touched on the automations and your ability to connect with your audience outside the Pod to ensure they take whatever action you want them to take within the Pod. You can watch our YouTube episodes to see how powerful our automation features are.

Now, on to the 5th and final problem that destroys entrepreneurs & small business owners, which is consistency in strategy. I’ve worked with 100’s of companies over the past several years, and one of the worst things I noticed was their lack of consistency. One company in particular comes to mind. Now, I won’t name them here because of my respect for the owner, but I will say that the owner hired me to help with their marketing and paid me a monthly retainer for my services. I worked with him for well over a year, and in that time he must have changed strategies a dozen times. His reasoning as a business owner was that he wasn’t seeing fast results, so he’d jump to another strategy. What I couldn’t seem to get through to him was that he had no funnel and no clear offer. He hired me for my advice, but wouldn’t listen to it. Instead, he’d jump around to another strategy or get another random idea to put into place.

When it comes to business, specifically in direct response marketing online, you must have a clear offer within a proven framework, and you must stay consistent with your strategy. If you currently have an offer and want a proven framework to run it, ConvertPods provides you with proven framework templates and allows you to monetize your offer better than anyone else through our automations, audience engagement features, and in-depth tracking with drill-down data that allows you to communicate with your audience on a more personal level throughout their buying experience.

So those are The “5” Biggest Problems That Destroy Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners, and how ConvertPods solves each. Hope this helps a few business owners on this wonderful Friday.. have a great weekend all!


Over the next 2-3 years, I predict that around 80% of current Marketing Agencies & Advertising Agencies will no longer be in business. The main reason for this is simple: Marketing Agencies & Advertising Agencies are totally saturated right now, they’re a dime and dozen, and most importantly, very few of them actually get their clients results. In this post, I’m going to share with you not only how the 20% of current Marketing Agencies & Advertising Agencies will survive, but also how they’ll exponentially grow through using technology like ConvertPods to do something mind-blowing - and that’s actually get their clients results!


In this post I’m going to share with you the #1 tool for marketing agencies and advertising agencies, and how ConvertPods can help you get more customers, clients, and patients. As a previous agency owner, I know the importance of getting results for your clients. If you don’t get them results, they’re on to the next agency. If you’re just starting an agency, or thinking about starting one, you may not have a ton of experience under your belt, and that’s ok! Everyone starts somewhere, right?

Or you may have owned your marketing or advertising agency for decades now, and you’re looking to level up your business to stay relevant and one step ahead of your competitors. Either way, I just know you’re going to love this post, because regardless of your experience, we all know that tools make our lives easier, both for us and for our clients.

The first question you need to ask yourself as an agency owner is what is your USP, or unique selling proposition. When business owners come to hire you, what do you tell them makes you different? Is it the amount of years you’ve been in business? Is it how much total ad spend you run per month between your clients? Is it speed to completion? Is it guaranteed results? The most powerful of these of course is the last one, because guaranteeing results takes a massive amount of confidence, and more importantly removes virtually all risk from the client. So the next question becomes, how can I guarantee results? The answer to that comes down to having a proven framework, and being able to apply that proven framework to that client’s business.

One of the ways agency owners have done this over the past several years is through funnel templates. They will have let’s say real estate funnels, chiropractor funnels, ecommerce funnels, brick and mortar funnels, service provider funnels, agency funnels, and dozens more funnel templates. When they got a new client, all they would do is share that funnel template from their funnel builder account into their client’s funnel builder account, and then edit and customize for that specific client. Now imagine being able to do this exact same thing, but with live, automated unmanned events, or as we call them, Pods. Imagine having a ConvertPods account with dozens of Pod templates, where with the click of a button you can share an entire Pod campaign, all the automations, all the settings, the content, everything, over into your client’s
Convertpods account using our PodZaps feature. If your client doesn’t have a ConvertPods account, you can still share the link with them. When they click your PodZaps share link, they’ll go to a page where they can access ConvertPods at a very affordable monthly cost, and you will automatically get paid a percentage of the sale as a referral commission. Pretty cool, right? In addition to that, we’ve included pre-made editable funnel templates with optin page and waiting room page templates, so you can edit them for virtually any niche and save them as a template to share with your clients.

And of course, it’s super important to have both yours and your clients’ 3rd party tools to plug in. That’s why we’ve included dozens of API integrations for autoresponders, video hosting services, CRMs, funnel builders, text message services, push notification services and more. If you or your clients are using a 3rd party service and we don’t already have an API for that service, no worries at all, we are integrated with Zapier, or if you prefer, we can even add it for you for free. All you have to do is ask and I’ll get our team on it!

At the end of the day, you need to stand out from your competitors. The best way to do that is to have tools in your belt that can help you be different, stand out, and ultimately get your clients better results.

Have a great Thursday!


Why is it important to know the history of marketing and advertising as a business owner?
Because as time progresses, so does technology and innovation. ConvertPods™ is the beginning of a new era in marketing, and it’s important to keep your business ahead of your competitors in every way possible, especially in your tools and technology being used to generate new customers, clients and patients.


The 3 Reasons You’re Not Acquiring Enough Customers:

For most entrepreneurs and small business owners, it’s a struggle to hit customer acquisition goals and targets each month. Studies show that there are 3 major challenges currently holding you back, and they’re the reason you’re not acquiring enough customers in your business. In this post, I’m going to not only break down these 3 challenges, but more importantly, show you how to overcome all 3 of them by simply using our ConvertPods platform. LET’S GO!

The first reason you're not acquiring enough customers is your inability to capture, and keep, your audience’s attention. In another post, I mentioned how any seasoned business owner would tell you that the most valuable commodity to a business owner is attention. If you don’t have your audience’s attention, you’ve lost the game and your competitors will win. That’s why you’ll often hear me say the catchphrase, attract, engage and convert. Getting their attention is attracting them. Keeping their attention is engaging them. So without getting and keeping their attention, you can’t convert them into customers.

The next reason you're not acquiring enough customers is your inability to create a great first impression. Keep in mind that most of your audience probably doesn’t even know you yet. How do you think a woman would respond if a man she’d never met walked up to her in a bar and asked her to sleep with him. She’d probably slap him, right? Well, most business owners are doing the same thing to their audience and aren’t even aware of it. Direct response marketing is designed to trigger just that, a response. But it’s not designed to be used as a “wam, bam, thank you mam” style strategy. The first reaction you get your audience to make will determine their first impression of you. In the bar example, the man’s first action should have been introducing himself by saying his name, and the response from the woman would be her saying her name back to him. In other words, the man would have gotten the woman to take a tiny first step to building a relationship with him, while also creating a good first impression. It’s the same with your business. If you send someone directly to your sales page, you probably will see awful conversion rates if your audience doesn’t already know you. But if you get them to take tiny yes steps, you are working them closer to building a relationship with you and becoming a loyal customer.

I built a SaaS platform that's is designed to create a relationship with your audience fast, and without you actually being present. Think about it, what better way to create a great first impression than inviting your audience into a digital space with you and personalizing their experience so you can build authority and trust with them, while making them feel special without (you) even being present? It’s really powerful.

Now, the 3rd and final reason you’re not acquiring enough customers is offer numbness. Have you ever heard of banner blindness? It happened in the 90’s when the first internet ads were coming out. These banners were the only form of advertising online at the time, so you can imagine how many started popping up, and virtually overnight they were everywhere. They worked for awhile, but over time the click conversion rates took a dive. The reason, of course, is because they were being exposed on a daily basis to so many banner ads that they literally stopped noticing them. Then pay per click ads were rolled out and the rest is history. But over time, we’ve not only been exposed to exponentially more ads, we’re now actually becoming numb to offers in general. In other words, we’ve not only become blind to ads, but now there are so many offers in each market that we’ve become numb to the offers as well. This is a massive problem and only getting worse, but luckily ConvertPods alleviates this problem by taking your audience off browser, isolating them, building a relationship with them quickly, getting them to take action, and following up with non-action takers via text messages, push notifications, and emails to continue your campaign until they become a customer. If you’re not connecting with them on a personal level from multiple communication channels, you’re not running a sustainable offer in your business. But, if you’re getting their attention, creating a great first impression, and appearing to be omnipresent to your audience, then you will stand out as a leader in your market.

Have a great Tuesday!
Alan Magliocca (me)


🚀 **Unlocking Success: The Strategic Path to Audience Engagement!**

Hey all! 👋

Let's dive into a powerful strategy that can transform the way you connect with your audience and supercharge your virtual events!

**1. Optin Pages: Your Gateway to Engagement**

Imagine your audience's journey begins with an exclusive invitation! Optin pages are the secret sauce - they aren't just sign-up forms; they're the first step in building a community that's genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 🚪✨

**2. Isolate, Don't Distract**

Once your audience is in, it's time to isolate them from the noise of the internet. Offline events have their charm, and so can your virtual events. Guide your audience to a dedicated space, away from the distractions of their browser, where they can fully immerse themselves in your content. 🌐🔒

**3. Interact and Engage: Your Virtual Stage**

Your virtual event is not just a monologue; it's a dialogue! Engage with your audience, answer questions, and create an interactive environment. When they feel heard and valued, the connection strengthens, setting the stage for meaningful interactions. 🗣️👥

**4. The Art of Pitching: Initiating the Sale**

It's showtime! Initiate the sale by seamlessly weaving your pitch into the event. Share the value of your product or service in a way that resonates with your engaged audience. When the pitch aligns with their needs, you've hit the sweet spot. 🚀💼

**5. Intercepting Attention: The Follow-Up Symphony**

The show doesn't end when the event does! Intercept your audience's attention by following up through multiple channels. 📧📱💬 Send them a detailed email, a friendly SMS text message, and a push notification, reminding them of the value they experienced and the exclusive opportunities waiting for them.

**Why Does It Work?**

🔗 **Seamless Flow:** A well-crafted sequence ensures a seamless transition from optin to engagement to sale.

🎯 **Personal Connection:** Interacting in a dedicated space fosters a personal connection, increasing the chances of conversion.

🌐 **Multi-Channel Presence:** Not everyone checks their email religiously or responds to texts promptly. Be where your audience is!

Remember, this isn't just a strategy; it's a journey! Start implementing these steps, and watch your audience engagement skyrocket.

Anf if you want to have all 5 critical conversion elements automated for you, I've created the perfect solution for you!

See the demo at

Have a great week!
Alan Magliocca

PS - Share your thoughts and experiences below! Let's learn and grow together. 🚀💬

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