Deborah Observes

Deborah Observes

Let's explore journaling! Deborah is the host of the Journal Writer Inspiration podcast.

Journal Writing with Deborah provides inspiration for your journal writing journey. Deborah is a public speaker & host of the Journal Writer Inspiration podcast.

Jot Down Your Laughter, Reread Later 16/04/2023

Sometimes we need a laugh. Sometimes it helps to have a list of the situations where laughter is more likely to happen. With this we can revisit those times of pure mirth or recreate those circumstances to give ourselves a new laugh. Your journal can help in this endeavor. For one week, write a quick note about what has made you laugh....

Jot Down Your Laughter, Reread Later Sometimes we need a laugh. Sometimes it helps to have a list of the situations where laughter is more likely to happen. With this we can revisit those times of pure mirth or recreate those circumst…

An Executive’s Journal Prompts for Success (Journal Writers #7) 27/03/2023

Robin Arzón is the Vice President of Fitness Programming at Peloton. The executive is also a journal writer. In a webinar with BetterUp (a corporate coaching business), Arzón talks about her family of origin. Her father is a law professor and her mother is a medical doctor; both moved from elsewhere to live in Philadelphia. She felt the need to become a lawyer without thinking through in detail about what she wanted....

An Executive’s Journal Prompts for Success (Journal Writers #7) Robin Arzón is the Vice President of Fitness Programming at Peloton. The executive is also a journal writer. In a webinar with BetterUp (a corporate coaching business), Arzón talks about her family…

How To Journal About Walking For Pleasure 24/03/2023

Of the many topics one could write about in a journal, a regular walk is another subject that could grace the pages of your personal book. If you take a morning, mid-day, or evening constitutional or go hiking and enjoy it, writing about the walk can also be fun. Often when you search for discussions of walking journals they are for the purpose of measuring health, (e.g tracking heart rate, miles walked, etc.) which, of course, you can do....

How To Journal About Walking For Pleasure Of the many topics one could write about in a journal, a regular walk is another subject that could grace the pages of your personal book. If you take a morning, mid-day, or evening constitutional …

Journaling On a Picnic (Story Time #4) 27/02/2023

Some of the most memorable journaling from childhood was on a picnic. I would not journal while picnicking with other people; it was often a solo venture to the backyard. Whether it was after school or a random summer day, I would grab a book, a journal, a ball point pen, a blanket, and (depending on the season) cherry tomatoes from the garden or apples slices in vinegar, and sit in the backyard reading and writing....

Journaling On a Picnic (Story Time #4) Some of the most memorable journaling from childhood was on a picnic. I would not journal while picnicking with other people; it was often a solo venture to the backyard. Whether it was after schoo…

A Movie Titan’s Journal (and What We Can Learn from It) 25/02/2023

Movie studio head, director, philanthropist, and compassionate billionaire Tyler Perry is known for his comedies and dramas. What might be less well known is that he uses journals. According to Success Magazine (as well as numerous interviews of the director), at a young age, Perry watched the Oprah Winfrey show wherein the talk show host encouraged everyone to use a journal for catharsis....

A Movie Titan’s Journal (and What We Can Learn from It) Movie studio head, director, philanthropist, and compassionate billionaire Tyler Perry is known for his comedies and dramas. What might be less well known is that he uses journals. According to Suc…

Skipped a Day of Daily Journaling? Feel Like a Failure? Here’s a Thought. 24/02/2023

If you have the habit of writing in a journal daily, but you have skipped a day or more and feel like a failure, here are a few tips. (If you don't feel like a failure, that's great. This might not be the article for you.) If you find yourself missing your daily writing habit, especially if it starts happening often, reassess why you write every day....

Skipped a Day of Daily Journaling? Feel Like a Failure? Here’s a Thought. If you have the habit of writing in a journal daily, but you have skipped a day or more and feel like a failure, here are a few tips. (If you don’t feel like a failure, that’s great. Th…

Minimalism and Sustained Journal Writing 23/02/2023

There are journal writers who, inspired by minimalists, will not own more paper journals than they need at one time. If they are writing, then that is the only (semi) blank journal in the house. This method keeps down unnecessary objects and clears the mind. The lack of visual noise can quell anxiety and create a peaceful space. However, while trying to keep objects in the house down to a minimum, one might discover that a second blank book is useful for sustained journaling....

Minimalism and Sustained Journal Writing There are journal writers who, inspired by minimalists, will not own more paper journals than they need at one time. If they are writing, then that is the only (semi) blank journal in the house. Th…

Most Popular Journaling Articles of 2022 31/12/2022

Thank you for reading Journal Writing Inspiration with Deborah. Here are the most-read articles of 2022. Enjoy! Deborah Most Popular Journaling Articles Journal Writing Sugggestions A letter to an acquaintance who wanted tips for restarting journal writing after 20 years. How to Write a 5-Minute Journal The 5-Minute Journal is a series of writing prompts to recall daily highlights and improve oneself for the next day....

Most Popular Journaling Articles of 2022 Thank you for reading Journal Writing Inspiration with Deborah. Here are the most-read articles of 2022. Enjoy! Deborah Most Popular Journaling Articles Journal Writing Sugggestions A letter to an …

Lunch Break Journaling 28/12/2022

Taking a break at work can include fueling oneself physically and also refreshing oneself psychologically. Journaling can help with the latter. On your lunch break, after you have had your meal, pull out your journal and jot down a few thoughts. You can talk about the day, or your plans, or the bird that has flown by as you sit on a bench....

Lunch Break Journaling Taking a break at work can include fueling oneself physically and also refreshing oneself psychologically. Journaling can help with the latter. On your lunch break, after you have had your meal, pu…

Cherish the Small Things in Your Journal 27/12/2022

Tomes have been written about Anne Frank - a vibrant, Jewish young woman taken from this earth by evil forces. Much has been written about her diary. There is a detail in Frank's personal book that has come to symbolize unity, peace, and empathy. While hiding from the N***s in Amsterdam, Frank would look out of a window and gaze at a white horse chestnut tree....

Cherish the Small Things in Your Journal Tomes have been written about Anne Frank – a vibrant, Jewish young woman taken from this earth by evil forces. Much has been written about her diary. There is a detail in Frank’s person…

Moving House and Journaling. Will You Have Time? 26/12/2022

Will you have time to write in a journal while moving to a new home, packing and unpacking, making sure the emergency papers are in the right bag, etc.? Probably not. However, if you take time with a camera or voice recorder, you might be able to squeeze in a moment or two. Why do this? I find that you are unpolished and truthful in the rush of the moment....

Moving House and Journaling. Will You Have Time? Will you have time to write in a journal while moving to a new home, packing and unpacking, making sure the emergency papers are in the right bag, etc.? Probably not. However, if you take time with…

Journaling with No Journal (Temporarily) 23/12/2022

At times, we find ourselves with no journal or notebook but with a thought that must be jotted down. Here are a few ways to keep the thought until you return to your beloved personal book. Alternatives to the Journal If you board a plane and have no journal with you, jot notes on your boarding pass (if you have a paper one) or a paper napkin that comes with your beverage....

Journaling with No Journal (Temporarily) At times, we find ourselves with no journal or notebook but with a thought that must be jotted down. Here are a few ways to keep the thought until you return to your beloved personal book. Alternat…

Book Review Journal Tips 22/12/2022

Before stole my heart and made my book reviews easy to search and find, yours truly would write book reviews in a paper journal. I realized that my book reviews are more frequently written when I think I'm helping people, so they needed an audience. Goodreads provided that audience. The problem with writing book reviews online on someone else's website is that they can shut it down and your reviews no longer are available to you....

Book Review Journal Tips Before stole my heart and made my book reviews easy to search and find, yours truly would write book reviews in a paper journal. I realized that my book reviews are more frequently wr…

Essentials for Writing in a Journal 21/12/2022

Author Bonnie Morris shares in the book Writers and Their Notebooks a few essentials for writing. The author is speaking from a place of journaling while on the go, but this list can work for many in general. Let's take a look at it. Essentials for writing: "Pens for every coat and knapsack and handbag that you own." "A…loyalty to your brand of instrument: Bic, Biro… fine-point, crayon....

Essentials for Writing in a Journal Author Bonnie Morris shares in the book Writers and Their Notebooks a few essentials for writing. The author is speaking from a place of journaling while on the go, but this list can work for many …

Battling Negativity with Journaling 20/12/2022

Psychologist Alice Boyes, Ph.D has written 5 Self-Reflection Questions to Bolster Mental Health These prompts might be great to include in your journal; they help to turn around negative thinking. Dr. Boyes makes a note that they are careful not to incite toxic positivity. Dr.Boyes' 5 Prompts 1. What have you done lately that worked out much better than anticipated…...

Battling Negativity with Journaling Psychologist Alice Boyes, Ph.D has written 5 Self-Reflection Questions to Bolster Mental Health These prompts might be great to include in your journal; they help to turn around negative thinking. …

Cruise Ship Journaling 19/12/2022

Cruise ship journaling is a special type of experience. Your hotel is traveling for you. There is no need to pack and unpack at each new place. Your journal is right there. PAPER JOURNALING ON A CRUISE Use paper schedules as headers. A few years ago, cruise ships heavily transitioned away from paper schedules and maps, which were once waiting in stacks on every corner of the ship, it seemed....

Cruise Ship Journaling Cruise ship journaling is a special type of experience. Your hotel is traveling for you. There is no need to pack and unpack at each new place. Your journal is right there. PAPER JOURNALING ON A CR…

Journaling After a Flood Evacuation 17/12/2022

A flood was set to hit the house in a few days. The river was about to overflow its banks, which it had not done in about a century. We were privileged to get away in time, putting most of our belongings in storage. We were privileged to have a place to stay on higher ground. Still, we longed to be normal again....

Journaling After a Flood Evacuation A flood was set to hit the house in a few days. The river was about to overflow its banks, which it had not done in about a century. We were privileged to get away in time, putting most of our belo…

Writing in Public 17/12/2022

There are those who only write at home. There are those who enjoy writing on the go, whether on vacation or just as a regular practice. Let's discuss the latter. When writing in public it has been this author's experience that it is rare that anyone cares what you are writing or that you are writing at all. Meaning, try not to worry whether someone will be nosy....

Writing in Public There are those who only write at home. There are those who enjoy writing on the go, whether on vacation or just as a regular practice. Let’s discuss the latter. When writing in public it has…

Journaling When Your Life is “Boring” 16/12/2022

"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. - Gwendolyn in The Importance of Being Earnest. Writing in your journal regularly is not a waste of time because you are not a waste of time. Each person has intrinsic value. Some people might protest, " But my life is so boring....

Journaling When Your Life is “Boring” “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. – Gwendolyn in The Importance of Being Earnest. Writing in your journal regularly is…

Bird Watcher’s Journal (for beginners) 14/12/2022

Are you a novice bird watcher? How would you keep track of the first time that you see a species of our avian friends? Journaling might be an answer. Here are some ideas to ponder. Bird Watching Journal Prompts Where were you when you spotted the bird? What is the name of the species? What is the date when you spotted the bird?...

Bird Watcher’s Journal (for beginners) Are you a novice bird watcher? How would you keep track of the first time that you see a species of our avian friends? Journaling might be an answer. Here are some ideas to ponder. Bird Watching Jo…

Journals Helped to Make The Woman King (2022) 13/12/2022

Director Gina Prince-Bythewood discussed on the podcast Today, Explained how her team pieced together the ancient Kingdom of Dahomey for the film The Woman King (2022) starring Academy Award winner Viola Davis. The episode is called "The true story of The Woman King. " In it, the director says the following. "We found [a] couple of journals written by missionaries who made the trip and that was invaluable....

Journals Helped to Make The Woman King (2022) Director Gina Prince-Bythewood discussed on the podcast Today, Explained how her team pieced together the ancient Kingdom of Dahomey for the film The Woman King (2022) starring Academy Award winner…

One Journal, Multiple Topics 12/12/2022

Can you journal about more than one topic in a journal? Of course! You can divide your new book into different mainstay topics. For instance, if you know you want a section on inspirational quotes, another section that plans your day, and another on how you are feeling, then you can section off a journal into three even parts and place a book mark, post-it note, tag, or other marker on the start of each section so that you can get to it easily....

One Journal, Multiple Topics Can you journal about more than one topic in a journal? Of course! You can divide your new book into different mainstay topics. For instance, if you know you want a section on inspirational quotes,…

Road Trip Journaling 09/12/2022

When on the road, one has the opportunity to write in a journal. Consider these things. Journaling When Traveling via Car Chauffeured When on a road trip, traveling by carpool, bus, or any other mode of transport where someone else is driving, barring motion sickness or a bumpy stretch of road, you have the opportunity to write in your journal. …...

Road Trip Journaling When on the road, one has the opportunity to write in a journal. Consider these things. Journaling When Traveling via Car Chauffeured When on a road trip, traveling by carpool, bus, or any other mo…

Intimidated by a Journal? 08/12/2022

Leaving a Trace by Alexandra Johnson is a book about appreciating the process of journaling. The book is part musings on the concept of journal keeping and part journal prompts. In an early chapter, the author reminds you that the object which you use for journaling can be the reason that you do not journal often. The author purchased Italian leather journals and never used them....

Intimidated by a Journal? Leaving a Trace by Alexandra Johnson is a book about appreciating the process of journaling. The book is part musings on the concept of journal keeping and part journal prompts. In an early chapter…

End-of-Year Journal Prompts 07/12/2022

We are coming to the end of the year. Here are a few questions to consider as you reflect on the last 12 months. What was a highlight of this year? Where did it happen? Was anyone else there? Who? What are you grateful for this year? What surprised you this year? How did that make you feel? Did you meet anyone memorable this year?...

End-of-Year Journal Prompts We are coming to the end of the year. Here are a few questions to consider as you reflect on the last 12 months. What was a highlight of this year? Where did it happen? Was anyone else there? Who? …