Health N Wealth

Health N Wealth

Claiming our Divine birthright to Health & Wealth. 'Show me the Money"!


As the old song goes, it is time to inspect what "condition our condition is in".

It is the divine will for our outer being to be in health and prosper AS our inner being is "healthy" and "prospers".

In summary this simply means to realize that we are embodiment's of love, life and joy. The experience of those WILL be the result. Not just a mental assent to those but a whole hearted belief that we are those.

In the illusionary world of duality in which we erroneously perceive ourselves to exist - we have put the cart before the horse" so to speak and continue to reap the folly of that approach.

Our outer world WILL express the condition of our inner world. We can NEVER fix the "symptom" by merely outwardly "treating" the "symptom". We have to CHANGE the CAUSE...

When it comes to our bodies this is called PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. What goes in WILL come out... However, modern medicine is geared to only treat the symptoms. That is what keeps them "in business".

We have dealt with wealth in the same way. Outwardly pursuing what we inwardly deny ourselves the right to have.

In either case it all begins with our inner being. Ultimately WE are the CAUSE of ALL our "problems". And only WE can bring about a "CURE". The FIRST step is to take RESPONSIBILITY for that. The rest will follow...

To take responsibility means to "own up" to. But contrary to what most think - this is not a "bad" thing because "owners" because HAVE what they "own".

So in actuality - all I have to do is "own" (believe that I HAVE) what I desire. Scripture says, "All things ARE (actually already) mine". If I internally "own" what I DESIRE to externally experience - I WILL.

FIRST I must believe that I HAVE received it and I WILL experience it. That is a Universal Law that cannot be broken.

We do not desire what we already have. I know that I have "owned" (HAVE) it when I no longer FEEL desire FOR it.

Are we READY (prepared to DO what it TAKES) to experience what we desire? If so we have (some inner) WORK to do...

Introduction to Iridology and Eye Reviews 18/04/2018

Want to know what kind of health your body is in?

Introduction to Iridology and Eye Reviews Introduction to Iridology and Eye Review Introduction 20:55 -- Kedra -- I have a great deal of acidosis, lots of aches and pains mostly on my right side. Low...

In pursuit of the almighty dollar 29/10/2017

How MANY Top Level MLM Distributors Make THEIR Millions: Think "Brain Washing Their Followers & Milking Them For All They Can"! I Did TONS Of Research On This Years Ago - After "I" Was BURNED. But This Link Should Have Sufficient Info For You To Determine THIS Yourself. (Quixtar is just another "name" for Amway)

In pursuit of the almighty dollar Dateline presents a year-long investigation of the inside story behind elaborate events that attract hundreds of thousands of peopleevery year with the promise of easy money, selling products like vitamins, cosmetics and home appliances.

Amway Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt 29/10/2017

Should I Become An Amway Distributor? (Been there. Done that. TWICE!)

Amway Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt The Amway scam crushes the dreams and opportunities of millions. Don't be fooled out of your money by this product-based pyramid scheme.

GanoLife Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt 29/10/2017

The "Down Low" On "Healthy Coffee" MLM's: (Been there. Done that - TWICE!) In My Opinion They Are JUST Another "opportunistic" Get Rich Quick Scheme using the "Pyramid" Ideology to Promote it. If you want some Ganoderma (Red Rieshi Mushrooms nutrients) just buy some online CHEAP!

The MLM "healthy coffee" is TOO Expensive & too EXCLUSIVE & TOO HARD to "sell" - just like ALL other MLM products. You practically have to "sell your soul" to make any kind of "success" of it. Even if it is possible then.

GanoLife Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt The GanoLife scam is a duplicate of the Gano Excel scam.

Suze Orman Scams - Free Multimedia Book and Film 29/10/2017

What About Suze Orman?

Suze Orman Scams - Free Multimedia Book and Film

Primerica Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt 29/10/2017

Is Primerica A Good Deal? (Been there. Done that! Twice! Duh! Different Name - Same "Opportunity". It WAS A.L. Williams.)

Primerica Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt The reality is that the Primerica scam is not a good business opportunity to join if you wish to earn a decent income as a sales representative.

Nu Skin Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt 29/10/2017

Is Nu Skin Legit?

Nu Skin Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt The Nu Skin scam is a product-based pyramid scheme. Over 85% of Active Distributors earn no commissions.

Mary Kay Cosmetics Scam From The Inside Out - Ethan Vanderbuilt 29/10/2017

Should You Become A Mary Kay Cosmetics Consultant?

Mary Kay Cosmetics Scam From The Inside Out - Ethan Vanderbuilt The Money Mastermind Show had a special guest jump on and share their experience with being a Mary Kay Cosmetics distributor.

Herbalife Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion. - Ethan Vanderbuilt 29/10/2017

"THINK" and Research BEFORE You Get Involved In ANY MLM:

Herbalife Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion. - Ethan Vanderbuilt I walk you through the reasons why the Herbalife scam is a product-based pyramid scheme.

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Timothy 6:17-18 - Amplified Bible 19/07/2017

God... richly and ceaselessly provides US with everything for OUR enjoyment. (1 Timothy 6:17-18 Amplified Version) Apparently God wants us to HAVE "things" AND ENJOY them. No question here about that. AND God PROVIDES them for us TO enjoy. No question about THAT.

However, what most people MISS about this statement is that it does NOT say that God provides them for ME to enjoy. For ME to HAVE and HOLD and ENJOY EXCLUSIVELY as MINE and MINE ALONE. Yet THIS is how MOST look at WEALTH. It says God provides US with everything for OUR enjoyment. Not for ME EXCLUSIVELY. They are NOT MINE - ALONE.

Let's look at that statement in context. "As for the rich in this present world, instruct them not to be conceited and arrogant, nor to set their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, willing to share [with others]."

We can see that the INTENT here is have a balanced attitude toward wealth and it is CLEAR what THAT attitude towards wealth should be. I have pointed out in a previous post that scriptures tells that "Jesus became poor so WE can be made RICH." (2 Cor. 8:9) And "WE HAVE been made RICH so we CAN be generous on ALL occasions." (2 Cori. 9:6-15 - especially verses 8 & 11)

THAT is the PURPOSE of wealth. It is NOT to "consume on ourselves". (James 4:3) Scripture is VERY CLEAR about that throughout the entire Bible but many teachings about this are VERY MUDDY. SEE the matter CLEARLY for WHAT IT IS.

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Timothy 6:17-18 - Amplified Bible

Bible Gateway passage: 2 Corinthians 8:7-9, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 - Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 03/12/2016

I "AM" RICH!!!

Jesus became poor so that "I" may "be" RICH. I have been MADE rich SO I can "be" generous on ALL occasions. I have ALL that I could possibly consider to be a need or desire and have SUCH an ABUNDANCE LEFT OVER that I can give GENEROUSLY to EVERY CHARITABLE CAUSE. (These "promises" in 2 Corinthians 8:7-9 & 9:6-11 give me something to BELIEVE about THIS - so THAT can BE my EXPERIENCE.).

Bible Gateway passage: 2 Corinthians 8:7-9, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 - Amplified Bible, Classic Edition Now as you abound and excel and are at the front in everything—in faith, in expressing yourselves, in knowledge, in all zeal, and in your love for us—[see to it that you come to the front now and] abound and excel in this gracious work [of almsgiving] also. I give this not as an order [to dictate to...


James 1:17Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse].

Think about that. EVERY "good" and "perfect" gift comes to us from "God" our "Father". And "He" does NOT change "His" mind about that. This verse lets us know that THIS is what "He" WANTS us to have. THIS is "His" WILL, intent or desire FOR us - "His" precious and dearly loved "children" (self-aware experiences of "Him" - Pure Awareness).

That is because Self Love is "God's" most basic instinct. "He" can't help "Himself"! THAT is also why "He" came in the form of Jesus to "die" for "you" on the cross. What else could have possibly motivated "Him" to do that for "you"? It certainly wasn't because "you" were so GOOD!
