DenT- Show

DenT- Show

*Release your smile to the world"

Photos from DenT- Show's post 20/10/2023

Endodontic treatment of tooth 35 presenting a challenging S-shaped canal with internal resorption and chronic apical periodontitis.

In the CBCT you can see the internal resorption short before the apical foramen and the huge bony defect.

The preparation of the glidepath was challenging, however, using carbon steel handfiles and wave one goldglider it was possible to reach full working length and patency.

My disinfection protocol consisted of NaOCI, and EDTA, activated with PIPS.

Calciumhydroxide medication for 3 weeks and final obturation with bioceramic sealer.

Postendodontic filling with ever-x-flow and resin.

After 1 year recall you can see a complete healing of the defect.

Case by

Photos from DenT- Show's post 09/10/2023

56-year-old patient, goes to Dr. Alejandro Herrera's office, after being operated on in another office, in which two regenerations failed. Patient wants definitive prosthesis.... without surgery. In this case, we extract the implant... and make a metal-ceramic bridge with pink ceramic. I hope you like it.

Via Dr.

Photos from DenT- Show's post 09/10/2023


Grossman defines it as an inflammation of the proliferative type of an exposed pulp, characterized by the formation of granulation, and with epithelial infections, caused by irritation of low intensity and long duration.

Dx pulpar: Pulpitis Irreversible Asintomática

Dx periapical: Periodonto Sano

Inst: Rotate

Obt: Quimiotermomecánica

Case by:

Photos from DenT- Show's post 08/10/2023

Compromised tooth, how to solve it ! (RTC+Restor_)

Case by• Andreatinti
