Ostrich Yoga

Ostrich Yoga

Ostrich Yoga is the popular practice of sticking your head in the sand and pretending that Yoga is about physical exercise, not its traditional meaning.

Ostrich Yoga is the popular practice of sticking your head in the sand and pretending that Yoga is about physical exercise, not its traditional meaning of "union" (Yoga) of the individual and the Universal, often referred to as Self-realization.

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation 08/03/2021

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 03/11/2021 07:03 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires. https://www.udemy.com/course/jnana-yoga/?couponCode=0163E887F5ED14D88764

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation The traditional Yoga practice of using the mind to go to the Self beyond the mind


FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 02/27/2021 07:02 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires. https://www.udemy.com/course/yoganidra/?couponCode=95B7281B260AD9592992

The Blended Path of Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra 30/11/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 12/03/2020 08:12 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires. https://www.udemy.com/course/blending-yoga-vedanta-and-tantra/?couponCode=2F68A40C9B2062E0BA19

The Blended Path of Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra A singular Path of self-awareness leading towards the highest goal of life, Self-Realization or Enlightenment

Inspirational Messages of Swami Rama: 25 Core Principles 13/11/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 11/16/2020 09:11 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Inspirational Messages of Swami Rama: 25 Core Principles Living some of the subtler aspects of traditional Yoga as elucidated by Swami Rama

Summary of Traditional Antar (Inner) Yoga Practices 04/11/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 11/07/2020 08:11 AM PST (GMT -8) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires. https://www.udemy.com/course/abhyasa-summary/?couponCode=51DBB70B7B2E445D33E6

Summary of Traditional Antar (Inner) Yoga Practices Comprehensive review of Self-awareness, Meditation, and Contemplation

Ashtanga Yoga of the Yoga Sutras 30/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 11/02/2020 03:11 AM PST (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires. https://www.udemy.com/course/ashtanga-yoga/?couponCode=3681ED79B445D560722B

Ashtanga Yoga of the Yoga Sutras Practicing traditional Ashtanga Yoga rather than as modern postural Yoga

Basic Yoga Meditation 26/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/29/2020 09:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires. https://www.udemy.com/course/basic-yoga-meditation/?couponCode=013C20EE51F615293D5D

Basic Yoga Meditation Meditation for Self-realization as taught by the ancient sages of Yoga

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma 21/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/24/2020 07:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma Transcending Karma through the Inward Journey of Traditional Yoga

Om Mantra: The Heart of Traditional Yoga 16/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/19/2020 09:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Om Mantra: The Heart of Traditional Yoga Learn the subtlest practices and the highest goals of Yoga through Om

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation 14/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/17/2020 08:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation The traditional Yoga practice of using the mind to go to the Self beyond the mind

Yoga Nidra: Traditional Practice Beyond Merely Relaxation 12/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/15/2020 07:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Yoga Nidra: Traditional Practice Beyond Merely Relaxation Conscious Deep Sleep of the Ancient Sages for Attenuating Karma

Transitioning to the Inner (Antar) Yoga of the Ancient Sages 07/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/10/2020 02:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Transitioning to the Inner (Antar) Yoga of the Ancient Sages Integrating Modern Postural Yoga with Traditional Inner (Antar) Yoga

Yoga As Meditation 01/10/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/04/2020 06:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Yoga As Meditation Yoga the traditional way of the sages

The Blended Path of Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra 29/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 10/02/2020 07:10 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

The Blended Path of Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra A singular Path of self-awareness leading towards the highest goal of life, Self-Realization or Enlightenment

Inspirational Messages of Swami Rama: 25 Core Principles 25/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/28/2020 06:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Inspirational Messages of Swami Rama: 25 Core Principles Living some of the subtler aspects of traditional Yoga as elucidated by Swami Rama

Summary of Traditional Antar (Inner) Yoga Practices 22/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/25/2020 05:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Summary of Traditional Antar (Inner) Yoga Practices Comprehensive review of Self-awareness, Meditation, and Contemplation

Ashtanga Yoga of the Yoga Sutras 21/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 009/24/2020 07:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Ashtanga Yoga of the Yoga Sutras Practicing traditional Ashtanga Yoga rather than as modern postural Yoga

Basic Yoga Meditation 17/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/20/2020 06:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Basic Yoga Meditation Meditation for Self-realization as taught by the ancient sages of Yoga

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma 16/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/19/2020 06:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma Transcending Karma through the Inward Journey of Traditional Yoga

Om Mantra: The Heart of Traditional Yoga 14/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/17/2020 03:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Om Mantra: The Heart of Traditional Yoga Learn the subtlest practices and the highest goals of Yoga through Om

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation 13/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/16/2020 03:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Contemplation The traditional Yoga practice of using the mind to go to the Self beyond the mind

Yoga Nidra: Traditional Practice Beyond Merely Relaxation 11/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/14/2020 07:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Yoga Nidra: Traditional Practice Beyond Merely Relaxation Conscious Deep Sleep of the Ancient Sages for Attenuating Karma

Transitioning to the Inner (Antar) Yoga of the Ancient Sages 10/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/13/2020 07:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Transitioning to the Inner (Antar) Yoga of the Ancient Sages Integrating Modern Postural Yoga with Traditional Inner (Antar) Yoga

Yoga As Meditation 09/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/12/2020 03:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Yoga As Meditation Yoga the traditional way of the sages

The Blended Path of Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra 07/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/10/2020 09:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

The Blended Path of Yoga, Vedanta, and Ta**ra A singular Path of self-awareness leading towards the highest goal of life, Self-Realization or Enlightenment

Inspirational Messages of Swami Rama: 25 Core Principles 06/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/09/2020 04:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Inspirational Messages of Swami Rama: 25 Core Principles Living some of the subtler aspects of traditional Yoga as elucidated by Swami Rama

Summary of Traditional Antar (Inner) Yoga Practices 04/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/07/2020 03:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Summary of Traditional Antar (Inner) Yoga Practices Comprehensive review of Self-awareness, Meditation, and Contemplation

Ashtanga Yoga of the Yoga Sutras 02/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/05/2020 01:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Ashtanga Yoga of the Yoga Sutras Practicing traditional Ashtanga Yoga rather than as modern postural Yoga

Basic Yoga Meditation 01/09/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/04/2020 02:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Basic Yoga Meditation Meditation for Self-realization as taught by the ancient sages of Yoga

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma 31/08/2020

FREE if you register in next 3 days. (Register up to 09/03/2020 07:09 AM PDT (GMT -7) This course is one of 11 courses that are different aspects of the traditional antar (inner) yoga of the ancient sages that lead to Self-realization (atma jnana). Enroll in, enjoy, and practice all 11 of them. Your enrollment never expires.

Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Living In and Beyond Karma Transcending Karma through the Inward Journey of Traditional Yoga
