CineVision Productions Videos

Videos by CineVision Productions. The official page of CineVision Productions, a 30 year old video production company located in Santa

Jobs: The Steve Jobs Opera

Every year for the last 17 years we have filmed every opera the Santa Fe Opera produces, over 70 and counting.

Other CineVision Productions videos

Jobs: The Steve Jobs Opera
Every year for the last 17 years we have filmed every opera the Santa Fe Opera produces, over 70 and counting.

Stephen Poling: Artist
A short artists film we made for Stephen Poling.

Wallace Stevens Documentary
A comprehensive and intriguing documentary that ranges from Stevens’s fistfight with Ernest Hemingway, to his devotion to his work as one of America’s top insurance executives, to his love for Sybil Gage, the other woman in his life, who became his secret muse. “l love this film. It offers an intimate presentation of one of our most self-protective poets. The result for me is that I like the person much better--especially as a father. And I admire his abstractness even more than I had because its protective aspect begins to leak, and the film thereby establishes the life force dialectically driving and being driven by what abstraction can do.” Charles F. Altieri Rachael Anderson Stageberg Chair Department of English University of California/Berkeley “Johnson's documentary/interpretive film on Wallace Stevens is nothing short of brilliant. She makes Stevens, arguably the best American poet of the 20th century, come to life as a person and, as both poet and person, one who matters to our lives. In particular, her revelations about Stevens' thwarted love for a young woman named Sybil Gage reveal a very human Stevens . . . Johnson has produced a deep unfolding of this poet and his poetry that is itself of the highest lyrical quality.”� Jacqueline Vaught Brogan Department of English and American Literature University of Notre Dame

The World of Wallace Stevens
A comprehensive and intriguing documentary that ranges from Stevens’s fistfight with Ernest Hemingway, to his devotion to his work as one of America’s top insurance executives, to his love for Sybil Gage, the other woman in his life, who became his secret muse. “l love this film. It offers an intimate presentation of one of our most self-protective poets. The result for me is that I like the person much better--especially as a father. And I admire his abstractness even more than I had because its protective aspect begins to leak, and the film thereby establishes the life force dialectically driving and being driven by what abstraction can do.” Charles F. Altieri Rachael Anderson Stageberg Chair Department of English University of California/Berkeley “Johnson's documentary/interpretive film on Wallace Stevens is nothing short of brilliant. She makes Stevens, arguably the best American poet of the 20th century, come to life as a person and, as both poet and person, one who matters to our lives. In particular, her revelations about Stevens' thwarted love for a young woman named Sybil Gage reveal a very human Stevens . . . Johnson has produced a deep unfolding of this poet and his poetry that is itself of the highest lyrical quality.”� Jacqueline Vaught Brogan Department of English and American Literature University of Notre Dame