Reignite the Light

Reignite the Light

Gracefully Healed energy work


A big shout out to my son Brock. Two weeks ago he went on a 50-mile hike up in the Uintas. The group he was with nicknamed him Brocket🚀 because of his fast hiking pace.

I'm proud of you son! Despite your injured knee, you're numb toe and you're 50 lb backpack. You finished like a champ!

Monday : I breathe in and breathe out .

What can you do to create more joy in your life?

Certified SimplyHealedâ„¢ Energy Healing Practitioner List 11/08/2019

SimplyHealed Practitioner since 2007

Certified SimplyHealedâ„¢ Energy Healing Practitioner List The following certified SimplyHealedâ„¢ energy healing practitioners have completed the course work and the additional requirements necessary to be listed here.


Do you suffer from an addiction?

I'm wanting some volunteers to participate in one SimplyHealed session and one EHW session and report back to me how they helped you in overcoming your addiction. No charge for these sessions, I'm just wanting your feedback.

If you are interested please email me at [email protected]


Timeline photos 15/10/2017
Image: Blame shifting: when someone you love puts it all on you 27/06/2017

Is someone blaming you for what their own poor choices have created in their own life? That's called blame shifting. A SimplyHealed session can help clear the guilt, pain and suffering you have have gone threw because of it. Educate yourself on blame shifting so you won't fall for it again.

Image: Blame shifting: when someone you love puts it all on you Found on Google from

Thank you — Addiction Recovery Revolution 25/02/2017

Explore all your options in addiction recovery. You just might find some big helps that you didn't know about!

Thank you — Addiction Recovery Revolution

Gratitude is Good for the Heart and Soul - Choose Vibrant Health 21/02/2017

Gratitude is Good for the Heart and Soul - Choose Vibrant Health A new study discovered the more grateful you are, the lower your risk of heart attack. Is there a recipe for gratitude?

Monday Affirmations 15/02/2017

Here is a wonderful affirmation for you to start this week leading up to your holiday celebrations!

Monday Affirmations 26/01/2017

This is easy to do with people you like but not so easy with people you do not like. Challenge yourself to do this with at lest one person who hasn't been the easiest person for you to get along with and notice the changes in you and the other person. Good luck!

Something to keep in mind on your Thursday!

Here’s What to Eat to Help You De-Stress 25/01/2017

Here’s What to Eat to Help You De-Stress Skip the ice cream and cookies. Instead, eat these foods that have been linked to stress relief — so you can have a satiating meal and destress, too.

Beet Juice Boosts Cognitive Function In One Dose 21/01/2017

Here, is two more brainpower! Cheers 🥂

Beet Juice Boosts Cognitive Function In One Dose Could beet juice provide you a brain boost superior to coffee or tea?

Monday Affirmations 09/01/2017

Good Monday morning. Here is your affirmation for the week. Let's make room this week for inspiration! You with me??

The Human Antenna - Dr. Robin Kelly 28/06/2016

We are sending and receiving signals all the time.

The Human Antenna - Dr. Robin Kelly A short video with 'The Human Antenna' author Dr. Robin Kelly as he talks about the journey towards a future paradigm of health a...
