Chuck's Cronies

Chuck's Cronies

Chuck's Cronies is one of those bands that should've died in the 90's... but they formed in 2010. It could be straight-up, in your face, unapologetic punk.

Chuck's Cronies is a band best described through the stuff they play. It could be alternative rock that draws inspiration straight from the 90's. It's whatever... If you don't like the music, then bite it!


Wow, hello! It's been quite a while since we've posted literally anything, huh?

Well, if you've been on the internet for a while, you probably have a good idea of what this post is probably about... The last show that Chuck's Cronies did was well back in 2017. That was 6 years ago! The time has flown, eh? Well, through the ups, downs, more downs, some more ups and so on, Chuck's Cronies has persisted and not done much. With that being said, I think it's time to finally say that this band is on an indefinite hiatus...

This doesn't mean that the music done for good! Much to the contrary, in fact. If you liked our music, then you should check out Blessed Tigersuit. It's a trio consisting of two former members of Chuck's Cronies that offers a sound that is somewhere between that punk influence along with midwest emo influence and more! Perhaps you should give those guys a shot, yeah?

And who knows? Maybe one day we will surprise you with an album, out of the blue. Maybe there will be a little small concert somewhere that just happens to pop up. Basically, don't completely count us out. Just like a bad fungus, we might be in the shadows, but we could come back when you least expect it!

So, if you've got some memories of us, our performances or just anything having to do with the band, we'd love to hear it in the comments! Until next we meet...

"If I don't see you again
For a long, long while
I'll try to find you
Left of the Dial"

Thanks everyone,
-- Koty

