The Tiptoeing Soul

The Tiptoeing Soul

Small, out of the way spots where writers could linger for weeks and let their imaginations run wild and unruly... written by a survivor of mental illness.

Writing Nook #11: Casa Ristretta in Apricale, Italy 11/03/2016

A new writing nook is indeed here! Hope you enjoy a peek into my dream hideaway.

Writing Nook #11: Casa Ristretta in Apricale, Italy I really am a terrible travel blogger, aren’t I? Not only do I not get to go to the places I write about (excuse me while I give my crazy noggin another sound thumping for that), I keep no kind of …

Timeline photos 02/02/2016

Finally, another writing nook is here! Bulgaria this go around.

Timeline photos 16/01/2016

To comfort my nervous soul, here is another writing nook to share. Please, enjoy!

Timeline photos 13/01/2016

Here's the newest writing nook! Hope you enjoy.

The Selcouth: Neumarkt Loft, Meissen, Germany 07/01/2016

The Selcouth: Neumarkt Loft, Meissen, Germany I am enraptured, I think. The Selcouth have bewildered my senses and drawn me in search of each and every one of lairs. So, you will have to pardon me for a spell and let this entrancement with “t...

Timeline photos 02/01/2016

"The Selcouth," a new post is up on Tiptoeing Soul! Have a peek... I dare you. *winks*

Writing Nook #3: The Camellia House in Covington, Louisiana 13/12/2015

Writing Nook #3 is now up! Small town Southern charm.

Writing Nook #3: The Camellia House in Covington, Louisiana “Ah, so you’ve lost your backbone?” a cockeyed stranger late to this travel blog might assume at first peek of Writing Nook #3. “Scared yourself senseless with your last dare? Decided to burrow dow...

Writing Nook #2: Harborage Inn on the Oceanfront 03/12/2015

Writing Nook #2: Harborage Inn on the Oceanfront Rarely, I imagine, has there been such an angst-ridden choice of a Bed & Breakfast. Through no fault of their own (except for their utter irresistibility), three American establishments have vi...

Her Name is Zelda 29/11/2015

Her Name is Zelda Her name is Zelda. My new piece of luggage that is.

This Tower, I Shall Climb 23/11/2015

My first "Writing Nook" has arrived! Please, enjoy.

This Tower, I Shall Climb Hen Wrych Hall Tower… Abergele, Conwy County, Wales Admittedly, a bit far afield but what Writing Nook doesn't appreciate a little distance? The facts you will find down below. I’ve only included d...

Tiptoeing Soul 18/11/2015

If for a moment, for a scant shutter of a breath my soul could tiptoe free from my troublesome mind*, here you will find the places I would go.
Small, out of the way spots where I could linger for weeks and let my writer’s imagination run wild and unruly.
Little known nooks in the world that I would dearly love to call my own for just a wee-while.
Perhaps there will be commentary; perhaps there will not. If there is it will be all my own. No sponsorships here.
Links will be active. Please, please go. Testimonials of other dreamers or of doers will always be welcome.
*My troublesome mind consists of a chronic panic disorder that prohibits me from supporting myself beyond my writing. Anxiety and OCD-tendencies add to the cocktail which is me.

Tiptoeing Soul ...and here I shall begin