H e l r ù n a r

H e l r ù n a r

:HELRÙNAR: is the manifestation of Thursian sorcery through various magical hand crafted ritual items.

It is also a medium for the dissemination of Thursian lore acquired from ritual practice, setur and meditation.


All things that are given life eventually fall.

That is the case with the Setahut I had built on my land around 2017-18 or so. Witness to many rituals and all-night Utisetur through the years, it's structure is slowly falling on its side.
Many beams have fallen inward and overall, it is only a matter of time before it crashes down completely.

Yet, I do not view this as a "destruction" of my sacred ritual space, but a sign of change to come. That must happen. It is a transformation of this ritual hut into something else that will be given life once this one expires completely.

What came from Aurgelmir's body returns to Aurgelmir. And again, next spring, I will build something new from these old wooden beams.

Nothing truly dissapears, it only changes form. This is a clear sign to let this winter pass and go inward. I will not lie that some part of me is saddened by this, but it is what it is. The soil beneath and surrounding it is heavily charged and so it will simply welcome a new structure, in another form, next spring.

The Old Ones can wait one winter...

: |> :


Whatever you believe you have learned, unlearn it.

Whatever affirmation you think you have obtained, discard it.

What you think you heard wasn't there nor what you envisioned, truly graced your eyes.

There are no paths that leads to the destination sought after. There is no destination, only the journey towards the root of "it" all.

Which itself, is not a path. Loose yourSelf. Seek no guidance.

They have no voices. No words uterred, and left to our own interpretation. No images to carve into wood and stone.

They simply Are. Essencially nameless. Not without, not within. In every breath you take, They are flowing with the current.

It is within the silences between breaths that you can hear Them.

PS: excerpt from ongoing manuscript.


It matters not if what you practice and how you practice it finds approuval from any other than yourself. What matters is the act itself and the connection with the forces you are seeking communion with.


To all my contacts here and close friends.

For the ENTIRE month of September, Helrùnar will be off social medias.

This means Facebook and Instagram-(The Thursian Flame)

I will take this 30 days away from distraction to focus on ritual inner-work, at various levels, for myself, and, in link with Sublimatio Mortis and Undirheimar 's up-coming offerings. I will also focus on paintings, artwork and writing.

The social media circus is getting worse week after week. At some point, one needs to disconnect from the noise and the constant light and seek the silence in the shadow.

Those who need to contact me, I will ONLY be available through Messenger or email. So tomorrow Wednesday at midnight I will cease to check in for any comments posted after that.

This is a personal choice of mine but I strongly encourage everyone to take voluntary breaks from social medias on occasion. It can only be beneficial.

A bit more than 24h left...


The luminous one is on his way to the halls below. Already, the darkness is returning.

Let Hel keep what she has.

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