Rotary Training Materials

Rotary Training Materials

Information About Rotary


*Being A Rotarian: The power of the leader in you.*

Being a Rotarian offers a unique opportunity to develop and showcase your leadership skills. Rotary International, a global service organization, emphasizes leadership development as one of its core values. As a Rotarian, you have the chance to grow and harness your leadership potential through various avenues. Here's a closer look at the power of the leader within you as a Rotarian:

*Rotary Leadership Positions:* Rotary clubs provide numerous leadership positions at the club, district, and international levels. These positions allow you to take charge, make decisions, and lead initiatives that have a positive impact on your community and beyond. By assuming leadership roles within Rotary, you can develop and refine your leadership abilities.

*Project Management:* Rotary clubs undertake various service projects, both locally and globally. As a Rotarian, you can lead and manage these projects, honing your skills in planning, organizing, and executing initiatives. Project management experience gained through Rotary can be valuable in other areas of your life, such as your career.

*Networking and Collaboration:* Rotary is a global network of professionals, community leaders, and volunteers. By engaging with fellow Rotarians, you have the opportunity to build strong connections, expand your network, and collaborate on meaningful projects. Effective leadership often requires the ability to connect with diverse individuals and work towards a common goal, and Rotary offers the perfect platform for such interactions.

*Mentorship and Guidance:* Rotary is known for its mentorship culture. As a Rotarian, you can seek guidance from experienced leaders in your club and district, who can provide valuable insights and help nurture your leadership capabilities. Likewise, you can also serve as a mentor to newer members, sharing your knowledge and experience to inspire and guide them.

*Training and Development:* Rotary offers various training programs, seminars, and conferences focused on leadership development. These opportunities enable you to enhance your leadership skills, learn from experts, and stay updated on best practices. Whether it's through Rotary's Leadership Institutes, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), or other programs, you can continually refine your leadership abilities.

*Community Impact:* Rotary's primary goal is to make a positive difference in communities. As a leader within Rotary, you have the power to mobilize resources, inspire others, and create lasting change. By spearheading impactful projects and initiatives, you not only contribute to society but also inspire others to become leaders themselves.

Remember, being a leader in Rotary is not just about holding a position; it's about taking responsibility, inspiring others, and making a positive impact. The power of the leader within you as a Rotarian lies in your ability to influence and inspire change, both within and beyond Rotary. Embrace the opportunities that Rotary provides, and let your leadership potential shine.



👇 *Definition* 👇
1. *Board* : The RI Board of Directors.
2. *Club* : A Rotary club.
3. *Constitutional*
*documents*: The RI constitution and bylaws, and the standard Rotary club constitution.
4. *Governor* : The governor of a Rotary district.
5. *Member:* A member, other than an honorary member, of a Rotary club.
6. *RI* : Rotary International.
7. *RIBI* : The administrative territorial unit of RI in Great Britain and Ireland.
8. *Rotaract club* : A club of young adults.
9. *Rotaractor* : A member of a Rotaract club.
10. *Satellite club* : A potential club whose members are also members of a club.
11. *TRF* : The Rotary Foundation.
12. In Writing: A communication capable of documentation, regardless of the method of transmission.
13. *Year* : The twelve-month period beginning 1 July.👨‍🏫🙏🏻 *RSAK*


Types of Members

1. Active Member
2. Honorary Member

Types of Meetings

1. Regular Meeting (Minimum 15days once from 2017. Before 2017,
4 meetings per month)
2. Speaker Meeting
3. Board Meeting (Minimum 12)
4. Club Assembly ( Minimum 6)

1. Before July first
2. After July first
3.15 Days before GOV(AG Assembly)
4. GOV Assembly
5. Half of the Rotary Year
6. End of the Rotary Year

There is no maximam of Regular , Assembly and Board Meetings.


Rotary International has been deeply involved in the global effort to eradicate polio for over three decades. Here's a summary of Rotary's involvement in polio eradication:

1. **PolioPlus Program:** In 1985, Rotary launched the PolioPlus program, aiming to immunize all the world's children against polio. Since then, Rotary has contributed more than $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to the effort.

2. **Global Partnerships:** Rotary works closely with partners like the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to plan and implement polio eradication activities.

3. **Advocacy and Fundraising:** Rotary members worldwide advocate for governments and donors to support polio eradication efforts financially and politically. Rotary has also conducted extensive fundraising campaigns to support polio eradication, including the End Polio Now campaign.

4. **Vaccination Campaigns:** Rotary members and volunteers participate in National Immunization Days (NIDs) and Subnational Immunization Days (SNIDs) in polio-affected countries, where they help administer vaccines, raise awareness, and monitor progress.

5. **Social Mobilization:** Rotary engages in social mobilization activities to increase awareness and acceptance of polio vaccination in communities, including communication campaigns and community engagement initiatives.

6. **Research and Innovation:** Rotary supports research and innovation in polio eradication, including vaccine development, surveillance, and strategies to reach underserved populations.

Through these efforts and partnerships, Rotary has made significant contributions to reducing polio cases by over 99.9% worldwide, from an estimated 350,000 cases in 1988 to less than 50 cases reported in 2021. While challenges remain, Rotary remains committed to achieving a polio-free world through continued dedication and collaboration.

ரோட்டரி இன்டர்நேஷனல் மூன்று தசாப்தங்களுக்கும் மேலாக போலியோவை ஒழிப்பதற்கான உலகளாவிய முயற்சியில் ஆழமாக ஈடுபட்டுள்ளது. போலியோ ஒழிப்பில் ரோட்டரியின் ஈடுபாட்டின் சுருக்கம் இங்கே:

1. **போலியோ பிளஸ் திட்டம்:** 1985 இல், ரோட்டரி போலியோ பிளஸ் திட்டத்தை அறிமுகப்படுத்தியது, இது உலகின் அனைத்து குழந்தைகளுக்கும் போலியோவிற்கு எதிராக தடுப்பூசி போடுவதை நோக்கமாகக் கொண்டது. அப்போதிருந்து, ரோட்டரி $2.1 பில்லியனுக்கும் அதிகமான பங்களிப்பையும், எண்ணற்ற தன்னார்வ மணிநேரங்களையும் இந்த முயற்சிக்கு அளித்துள்ளது.

2. **உலகளாவிய கூட்டாண்மைகள்:** ரோட்டரி உலக சுகாதார அமைப்பு (WHO), UNICEF, U.S. நோய் கட்டுப்பாடு மற்றும் தடுப்பு மையங்கள் (CDC) மற்றும் பில் & மெலிண்டா கேட்ஸ் அறக்கட்டளை போன்ற கூட்டாளர்களுடன் இணைந்து போலியோ ஒழிப்பைத் திட்டமிட்டு செயல்படுத்துகிறது. நடவடிக்கைகள்.

3. ** வக்காலத்து மற்றும் நிதி திரட்டுதல்:** உலகளவில் ரோட்டரி உறுப்பினர்கள் நிதி மற்றும் அரசியல் ரீதியில் போலியோ ஒழிப்பு முயற்சிகளுக்கு ஆதரவளிக்க அரசாங்கங்கள் மற்றும் நன்கொடையாளர்களுக்காக வாதிடுகின்றனர். போலியோ ஒழிப்பை ஆதரிப்பதற்காக ரோட்டரி, என்ட் போலியோ நவ் பிரச்சாரம் உட்பட விரிவான நிதி திரட்டும் பிரச்சாரங்களையும் நடத்தியது.

4. **தடுப்பூசி பிரச்சாரங்கள்:** ரோட்டரி உறுப்பினர்கள் மற்றும் தன்னார்வலர்கள் தேசிய நோய்த்தடுப்பு நாட்கள் (NIDகள்) மற்றும் துணை தேசிய நோய்த்தடுப்பு நாட்களில் (SNIDs) போலியோ-பாதிக்கப்பட்ட நாடுகளில் பங்கேற்கிறார்கள், அங்கு அவர்கள் தடுப்பூசிகளை வழங்கவும், விழிப்புணர்வை ஏற்படுத்தவும் மற்றும் முன்னேற்றத்தை கண்காணிக்கவும் உதவுகிறார்கள்.

5. **சமூக அணிதிரட்டல்:** தகவல் தொடர்பு பிரச்சாரங்கள் மற்றும் சமூக ஈடுபாடு முயற்சிகள் உட்பட சமூகங்களில் போலியோ தடுப்பூசி பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வையும் ஏற்பையும் அதிகரிக்க சமூக அணிதிரட்டல் நடவடிக்கைகளில் ரோட்டரி ஈடுபட்டுள்ளது.

6. **ஆராய்ச்சி மற்றும் கண்டுபிடிப்பு:** தடுப்பூசி உருவாக்கம், கண்காணிப்பு மற்றும் பின்தங்கிய மக்களைச் சென்றடைவதற்கான உத்திகள் உள்ளிட்ட போலியோ ஒழிப்பில் ஆராய்ச்சி மற்றும் கண்டுபிடிப்புகளை ரோட்டரி ஆதரிக்கிறது.

இந்த முயற்சிகள் மற்றும் கூட்டாண்மை மூலம், ரோட்டரி உலகளவில் 99.9% போலியோ நோயாளிகளைக் குறைப்பதில் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க பங்களிப்பைச் செய்துள்ளது, 1988 இல் மதிப்பிடப்பட்ட 350,000 வழக்குகளில் இருந்து 2021 இல் 50 க்கும் குறைவான வழக்குகள் பதிவாகியுள்ளன. சவால்கள் இருக்கும் அதே வேளையில், போலியோ இல்லாத நிலையை அடைவதில் ரோட்டரி உறுதியாக உள்ளது. தொடர்ச்சியான அர்ப்பணிப்பு மற்றும் ஒத்துழைப்பு மூலம் உலகம்.

Rtn Sivakumar K


Know about Rotary.

The of service chairs namely, club, vocational, community, international and youth service chairs for the clubs have really become traditional and rather historical these present days.

The Club Leadership Plan ( CLP ) suggests 5 mandatory committee chairs which are:

- Club Administration
- Membership Development
- Public Relations
- Service Projects
- The Rotary Foundation

may have the following subcommittees:

1. Attendance
2. Fellowship
3. Club meeting programme
4. Rotary information
5. Club bulletin
6. Rotary magazines
7. Club communications
8. Family of Rotary

The membership committee under the membership chair ideally has 5 Sub-committee Chairs:

- Member acquisition chair
- Member retention chair
- Member extension chair
- Diversity or Classification chair
- Member orientation chair.

and .

Suggested Sub committees.

1. Advertising and Marketing
2. Media Relationship
3. Public Relationship
4. Web and Social media managament.

may have the following subcommittees:

1. Vocational service which itself has 6 subcommittees
2. Community service
3. International service ( 5 subcommittees)
4. Youth Service ( 4 subcommittees )

Sub committees.

1. Grants
2. Scholarships
3. Vocational Training teams
4. Polio plus
5. Fund raising and Annual Fund
6. Major gifts and Endowments.
7. Stewardship

By PDG Dr George Sundararaj, RI District 3203


Board Roles and Responsibilities

Rotary District My Learning Course:

Club management Board Roles and Responsibilities


The management of a Rotary Club is the responsibility of the Board. The Board should ensure that the Club:

Meets the requirements of Rotary International
is compliance with proper governance including:
an up to date Constitution and Bylaws
requirements to ensure members are covered by insurance when undertaking Rotary functions (including risk assessment)

Meeting the requirements of Child Protection Guidelines

Conducts meetings and relays information to members

Table of contents
1. President
2. Treasurer
3. Secretary
4. Club committees
4.1. Club administration
4.2. Membership
4.3. Public image
4.4. Service projects
4.5. Foundation

1. President

As president you lead your club, engage and inspire members, and promote Rotary in your community.


Set goals for each committee. Encourage communication between club and district committees. Review activities, goals, and expenditures, and participate in decisions
Supervise the preparation of a club budget and proper accounting practices, including an annual financial review

Make sure your secretary and treasurer have an account on My Rotary to update membership and club data regularly

Collaborate with the district governor and assistant governor on club and district matters
Communicate important information from the governor and Rotary International to
club members

Prepare for the district governor’s required visit
Follow Rotary’s youth protection policies and the Statement of Conduct for Working With Youth, and implement the requirements for the Youth Exchange program

Plan and lead monthly board meetings
Plan and lead interesting and relevant club meetings, and organise fun social events
Ensure that comprehensive training is conducted for club members, as needed
Involve members in carrying out your club’s goals, outlined in Rotary Club Central
Track your club’s goals in Rotary Club Central
Encourage members to attend district meetings, and promote the Rotary Convention
Attend the district conference
Submit an annual report to your club on the club’s status before leaving office
Work with your successor before leaving office
Arrange for a joint meeting of the incoming board of directors with the outgoing board
Adapted for Rotary International's Your Job as Club President

Your Job as Club President

Rotary Learning Center

Go to the Rotary International Learning centre login using your My Rotary username and password (be patient as the site is a bit slow to load) and search for the following course:

Club president basics (there are 11 courses in this group)

People meeting

2. Treasurer

Man with computerAs club treasurer you play an important role in your club’s ability to carry out service projects, fundraise, and support The Rotary Foundation. As club treasurer you keep your club healthy through good financial management.


Attend the district training assembly and the district conference
Maintain accurate club financial records
Collect dues and use them to pay fees
Keep historical financial records in accordance with local document retention laws
Manage club and project funds, including paying bills and other expenses and distributing grant and scholarship funds
Work with The Rotary Foundation to make contributions and manage grants
Make sure that the club follows its budget
Develop a budget for next year
Give monthly reports to your club’s board
Provide regular financial updates during club and board meetings
Plan next year’s budget and get it approved by the last quarter of the Rotary year
Hand all records over to the incoming treasurer and help him or her transition into the role
Write and present a detailed annual report at the end of the Rotary year
Have your club’s financial activity reviewed at the end of the year by a qualified accountant who is not affiliated with your club
File your club’s taxes, if required to do so by local or national tax code

Link to resources in My Rotary

Job Description Treasurer

Club treasurer manual

Foundation bank transfer instructions

Learning Centre
Go to the Rotary International Learning centre login using your My Rotary username and password (be patient the site is a bit slow to load) and search for the following courses:

Get Ready: Club Treasurer
Managing Club Finances: Club Treasurer

3. Secretary

Man taking notesAs club secretary you help your club run smoothly and effectively. You also monitor club trends to help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and share this information with club and district leaders.


Attend the district training assembly and the district conference
Meet with the outgoing secretary and receive club records
Meet with the incoming club officers or board of directors to plan your year
Create a My Rotary account on, if you don’t have one
Update your club’s records and member list on My Rotary, or through your club management system
Make sure the club treasurer has the club invoices, due in January and July
Serve on the club board and club administration committee
Take minutes at club and board meetings and club assemblies
Update club and officer information for the Official Directory and Rotary’s records
Manage club correspondence, including responding to emails and sending official notices and invitations
Keep promotional items, name badges, and other materials used at meetings and events
Submit monthly attendance reports to your governor; if your club doesn’t track attendance, let your governor know
Preserve your club’s historical records
Write an annual report for the club at the end of the Rotary year
Assist the club president, treasurer, and committees as needed
Meet with your successor and hand over club records

Link to resources in My Rotary

Job description: Club secretary

Learning Centre
You need to first log into the Learning Centre using your My Rotary username and password. Then search for the following courses:

Get Ready: Club Secretary
Club Administration: Club Secretary

4. Club committees

CommitteesRotary clubs have different committee structures, however, in your constitution it lists that you should have the following committees:

Club Administration
Public Image
Rotary Foundation; and
Service Projects
A club committee chair:

Oversees committee functions

Convenes regular committee meetings and activities
Supervises and coordinates the committee’s work
Reports activities to club board
Club committee structure

My Rotary resources on club committees

4.1. Club administration

As chair of the club administration committee, you:

help the club secretary with meeting logistics and attendance
help the club treasurer collect membership dues
organise interesting and fun club meetings and social events
produce club communications, including your club's newsletter
Possible sub committees

club program
member communications
social events
Job description

Administration committee chair manual

Learning centre
Club administration: Committee basics

4.2. Membership

As the club membership committee chair, you create and follow an action plan to attract and engage members:

Attend your district membership seminar.
Use membership assessment tools to evaluate your club.
Assemble a motivated and active committee of 5 to 15 members.
Manage online membership leads on My Rotary.
Offer new member orientation.
Emphasise the importance of attracting and engaging members as part of your club's strategic plan.
Use the diversity and classification assessments to analyse how well your club represents your community (including age, gender and ethnicity).
Track your progress toward club membership goals in Rotary Club Central.

Work with the club board if you sponsor new clubs in the community.

Possible subcommittees

New member orientation
Job description

Learning centre
Club membership: Committee Basics

4.3. Public image

Your role as club public image committee chair is to create and implement a plan to tell Rotary’s story to the public, and to promote the club’s projects and activities:

Attend your district public image seminar.
Develop a public image plan, then set and achieve public image goals.
Promote club activities and projects among club members, local media outlets and members of your community.
Use the resources in the Brand Centre to enhance Rotary’s public image.
Make sure club communications follow Rotary’s guidelines for voice and visual identity.
Use the People of Action campaign materials to increase public understanding of Rotary and drive engagement in your community.
Enhance projects and activities to make them more appealing to the media.
Possible subcommittees

media relations
advertising and marketing
web and social media
Job description
Learning centre
Get ready: Club Public Image Committee

4.4. Service projects

Your role as club service projects chair is to help your club identify and meet real needs in your community and around the world by developing and implementing service projects.

Plan, implement, and evaluate projects.
Identify opportunities for signature projects that will increase your club’s impact on the community.
Work with other organisations, volunteers and committee members to maximise the impact of your projects.
Lead efforts to fundraise for projects.
Understand liability issues that could affect your club’s projects.
Work with the public image committee to promote projects.
Collaborate with other clubs on projects.
Highlight club projects in Rotary Showcase.
Possible subcommittees

New generations and youth
Fundraising (for club projects)
Job description

Service projects committee manual

Learning centre
Get ready: Club service projects

4.5. Foundation

The Rotary Foundation

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotary members and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world. This support is essential to make possible projects, funded with Foundation grants, that bring sustainable improvement to communities in need.

Rotary Foundation committee

The role of the Rotary Foundation Committee is to support the activities of the Rotary Foundation by:

ensuring the Club contributes to the Rotary Foundation and communicates to members can participate in Foundation programs
Ensure at least one club members attends the Grant Management Seminar each year (you must do this to qualify for a Foundation Grant-either District or Global). See link to the course under Learning Centre Courses.

Ensure members who contribute to the Foundation are recognised at Club meetings
access videos and images from the Rotary website to demonstrate the Foundation's work.

Possible subcommittees
Fundraising for grants
Grant writing and management
Rotary Foundation Reference Guide

Guide to Global Grants

Online Grant Management Seminar FAQ

Club qualification memorandum of understanding

Learning centre
Club Rotary Foundation Committee Basics

Grant Management Seminar



The annual district assembly is the major leadership training event in each Rotary district of the world. The workshops offer motivation, inspiration, Rotary information, and new ideas for club officers, directors, and key committee chairmen of each club.

The District Assembly is one of our District's largest events. Come and...

> Celebrate our incoming 2023-24 club presidents

> Participate in inspiring breakout sessions

> Learn more about Rotary and opportunities for service.

> Enjoy a scrumptious lunch and fun surprises

> Reunite with existing Rotary friends and make new ones.

>Above all else…have FUN. We’re planning special activities with a focus on FUN!

The Learning and Leadership Development District Trainig Assembly is a chance for Rotarians to further develop leadership skills and refine strategies to achieve their goals.

All Rotarians who accept key Club leadership roles are encouraged to attend the District Assembly.

District assemblies like this are the best way to help your Club be even more successful.

Attendees will discover tips to take our Clubs and District to the next level.

Assembly workshops offer motivation, inspiration, Rotary information, and new ideas.


What is the District Training Assembly?

In view of the annual turnover of Rotary leadership each year, special effort is required to provide club leaders with appropriate instruction for the tasks they will assume. The annual district assembly is the major leadership training event in each Rotary district of the world. The workshops offer motivation, inspiration, rotary information, and new ideas for club officers, directors, and key committee chairmen of each club.

Some of the most experienced district leaders conduct informative discussions on all phases of Rotary administration and service projects. The sessions give all participants valuable new ideas to make their club more effective and interesting. Normally, eight to ten delegates from each club (officers, directors, committee chairs, etc.) are invited to attend the training session.

The success of your Rotary club is frequently determined by the club's full representation and participation in this annual meeting.*

This event provides a continuation of this training for presidents-elect and does not duplicate what you learned at PETS. It also provides you the opportunity to train alongside the rest of your club’s leadership team on important and relevant topics.

If you are the of your Rotary club,* much of the success your club will achieve will depend upon you on how to handle the many responsibilities of this important position in a Rotary club. Even for seasoned secretaries, Rotary is a dynamic organization that is constantly changing to address the needs of Rotary clubs, communities, and society in general.

Every three years, Rotary International convenes the Council on Legislation which addresses hundreds of changes to the Rotary Club Constitution, Bylaws and Policies that directly impact your club and the role of all club officers, especially club secretaries. Making sure you are up to date on these changes is an important part of your responsibility as secretary. In addition, attending will give you new energy, great ideas, and motivation to better serve your club and community as a member of your club’s leadership team.

If you are a in your club,* as a director of your club, you have been elected to make decisions that will impact the future of your club. The sessions will help you better understand the issues faced by your club and your officers that you will be asked to vote on as you serve as a director. Additionally, the sessions will enhance your understanding of Rotary, its objects, and its mission, which will strengthen your club.

If you chair a in our Rotary club,* your participation will enhance any member’s experience as a Rotarian. The topics may include public relations, membership, service projects, club administration, and The Rotary Foundation, among others. As a committee chair, you will have the opportunity to share ideas with your peers from clubs across the district, which will give you new ideas and motivation for improving your club.

And even if you have served as a previously and are assuming a leadership position this year, past district leaders will benefit from updated training as Rotary International continually updates programs and leadership materials. Yearly themes and emphases change, and this meeting provides an opportunity to meet new leaders and develop rapport.*

If you are a Rotary Club ,* please note that one key to a successful and growing Rotary club is informed and enthusiastic members. Attending Rotary meetings above the club level exposes you to knowledge about Rotary that will motivate you, and your club will become stronger and more effective. You will also expand your personal and business network to Rotarians from across the district, and you will enhance your personal leadership skills.

*Save the dates*: May 6 and May 7, 2023.


For people who didn’t know, here’s a short anecdote of why we ring the bell before and after each meeting.


*Join Rotary today*

It is common for many people that don't always fully understand what we do and who we are in Rotary.

So we thought we'd share with you some answers to the *TOP10Myths* we bump into out there in the community.

*Myth1 - Rotary is for men only*

Rotary International began in 1905, and for the first 84 years of its existence, it is true that women were not admitted into membership. But as the prevalence of female business leaders began to grow, and in response to a ground swell of demand for female admission, Rotary changed its legislation in 1989 to admit women. Today women represent approximately 17% of Rotary membership in Australia, yet leadership positions filled by women are well above this percentage. Women are welcome in Rotary, and we are desperately keen to increase our female membership.

*Myth2 - Rotary is for old people*

Some believe that one’s age is just a number, and it is one’s attitude that is important. So I guess that depends on at which age you believe “old” cuts in, but you can join Rotary at 18 or 118!. Either way, Rotary welcomes “younger” members with open arms. We are depending on them to keep our organisation vibrant.

*Myth3 - You have to attend every week*

Most Rotary clubs meet on a weekly basis, and members are encouraged to attend whenever possible, but we understand that there are many demands on the time of today’s business professional. In addition to regular club meetings, Rotarians have other ways to become involved, such as fundraising activities, community service projects, leadership training events and social activities. Some members are able to attend every week, but some prefer to contribute in other ways. We prefer to focus on what you can give, not what you can’t.

*Myth4 - Rotary is only for Doctors, Lawyers and CEOs*

Rotary’s membership base is a broad cross section of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and professions. Our diversity is our strongest asset. Teachers, bankers, accountants, retailers, students, plumbers, electricians, health care workers, farmers… you name it, they are all represented in Rotary. Work from home? Just starting out in business? Moving up through the ranks? Made it to the top? Retired? There is a role for you in Rotary.

*Myth5 - Membership is by invitation only*

Anyone can visit and join Rotary club. There are no secret handshakes or “member only” rituals in Rotary. We accept members from all walks of life, and have no cultural or religious barriers or expectations. Meetings are open and everyone is welcome. If after attending a few meetings, you have shown interest in joining a club, and you are a person of good standing in the community, you will more than likely be asked to join.

*Myth6 - Rotary is a religious organisation or a secret society*

Rotary is non-religious and non-political. We have no secret handshake, no secret meetings and no secret rituals. It is an open organisation of men and women who simply believe in helping others.

*Myth7 - All Rotarians do is cook barbecues*

Yes, we cook the world's best sausages but soon you’ll realise that’s not the only thing we do. Rotary clubs adopt many initiatives for raising funds to support their projects. Barbecues are a part of life in Australia, and it’s true that they are one of the more visible methods by which Rotary clubs raise their funds, but behind the scenes there are many less obvious ways that hard working Rotarians raise their funds and contribute to the community.

*Myth8 - You’ve seen one Rotary club, you’ve seen them all*

There are over 34,000 Rotary clubs in the world and no two are the same. They are all unique, with unique members, unique projects, and unique culture. Each has its own board of directors who administer the club autonomously. One of them is just right for you!

*Myth9 - You cannot discuss your business or profession in Rotary*

The first ever Rotary meeting, 110 years ago in Chicago, was initiated to serve the professional and social interests of its members. But as Rotary grew, members began pooling their resources and contributing their talents to help serve communities in need. Rotary is now the world’s premier humanitarian service organisation, but its roots are firmly embedded in business networking.

*Myth10 - Rotary is an “old fashioned” organisation, with boring and ritualistic meetings*

As a century old organisation, it’s reasonable to expect that there are some long observed traditions in some clubs. But the very highest levels of Rotary leadership, both at global and local level, are encouraging clubs to innovate and become more progressive in the way they do things. Every club is different. Some are more progressive, and some have a more traditional culture. But let there be no doubt, Rotary is changing for the better. Give Rotary a go TODAY!

We think these myths have been totally busted!
