Recovery Ministries, Inc.

Recovery Ministries, Inc.

Recovery Ministries is a Christian non-profit ministry which is focused on a residential faith-based addiction recovery program for men.

Tim, the son of missionaries and pastors Paul and Alice Cormier, was raised in a non-denominational Full Gospel Church, and was called by God and started preaching at the age of 19. At the age of 43, after 23 years in the ministry, a life shattering event caused Tim to abandon the faith and wander in the wilderness for twelve years, within a few months became addicted to m**hamphetamine (crystal-m


Real "Power From God"...
Comes from living the crucified life. (1Cor.1.18)


Sometimes, the government sponsors practices.
That's why I follow .


The government is not my Bible.


Jesus can your troubled mind.


The L***r, "Are you willing?"
Jesus, "I am, be cleansed of your leprosy."
He was healed immediately. Matt 8:1-3
Theological question - Does God have the "want to?"
Yes. "Ask, and ye shall receive..." Matt 7:7-11
Jesus healed them all; it was His destiny. Matt 8:16-17
Jesus is not called the "bad shepherd."

***He is called the Good Shepherd. He would do anything for the sheep, even laying down His life for them. John 10:11-18


It's not the gold ...
It's the final"deliverance" that entices me about heaven.


Total peace ...
Comes from total surrender.
*James 4:7,10.
*LK. 9:23-
*Phil. 4:6-9


The rainbow reminds me of our bright future after the Second Coming of Christ.


"The is approaching as unfolds before our eyes."

The U.K. has fallen to a false God embracing a false religious group & its violence. It is now imprisoning its innocent and has become a government of terror.
America is on its way. Obama & Kamala are pushing racism-- pushing brown and black while discriminating against whites.
Why? The division is needed to institute governmental control.
They hate Christianity. Christian theology is under attack. They are persecuting, ra**ng, and murdering Christians worldwide.
The Antichrist is at the door.
Borders are being destroyed across the world, and governments are releasing the dogs of violence & disease on their citizens.
The one world government is near.
The end of the world and the second coming of Jesus is eminent.


Don't let anyone define you by one mistake; God's grace doesn't.


"Poisonous Words"
If your words are negative,
so is your faith.

Prov 18.21


Mark 11.23

Faith in God...
And Removes Mountains.


If we obey Him-
We spend our days in prosperity filled with pleasures. Job 36:11


THE UNBORN...The Bible teaches that the child in the womb is truly a human child who even has a relationship with the Lord.

The phrase "conceived and bore" is used repeatedly (see Gen. 4:1, 17) and the individual has the same identity before as after birth. "In sin my mother conceived me," the repentant psalmist says in Ps. 51:7. The same word is used for the child before and after birth ("Brephos", that is, "infant" is used in Lk. 1:41 and Lk. 18:15.)

God knows the pre-born child. "You knit me in my mother's womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Ps. 139: 13,15). God also helps and calls the pre-born child. "You have been my guide since I was first formed . . . from my mother's womb you are my God" (Ps.22:11-12). "God . . . from my mother's womb had set me apart and called me through his grace" (St. Paul to the Galatians 1:15).


God did not purposely save you to put you through the tribulation period.
1THES 5.9


There is no greater partner...
than the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit is the ultimate resource that can do anything with you.
Acts 1


The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is all-powerful & dwells in you.


"For The Record"
I'm a Christian. I do not believe in terrorism of any kind.
Nor do I believe violence is the way we solve things in life.
I do believe in legally and peacefully fighting for what you believe in.
I believe in prayer, the Bible is God's word, and Jesus is literally the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity.
I believe that the family starts with a biological mother and father.
I believe that marriage is the primary & greatest institution on earth.
I believe that children are God's greatest gift.
And our most important values are honesty, loyalty, and love for family, fellow men, and country.
I believe in charity.
I believe God, as stated Biblically, expects men to feed, clothe, and protect their families with their lives.
This is who I was taught to be by the greatest man I have ever met, my father.
Although I could never be the man He was, I will live my life trying.
Sincerely, Tim


Hold On...
To God's Unchanging Love.
His rescue is imminent.
1 Cor.13


Make your "mountain" bow before you...
Use it to get closer to .


Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: But sin is a reproach to any people.


God anticipated our weaknesses & loved us even more.
Ps 103:13-14


Sin makes us all shockingly self-righteous.

1Cor. 10:12
1John 1:8


God will never ask you for the unreasonable --
Romans 12:1


Ask God about it.
Then worship and sit quietly whispering to Him.
You will hear.


I didn't have an"ordinary" experience with Jesus-
He raised me from the living dead.


I will not leave you, until I complete what I promised.
Genesis 28:15


Check the cause before getting angry.
Could it be from the deceiver?


Sometimes, Satan uses your family to sabotage your spiritual progress

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