Collette - Body Compass Discovery

Collette - Body Compass Discovery

Achieving and maintaining a positive mindset, healthy intake and regular fitness routine will guide you toward the future you really want for yourself.

Connect with me on other social media platforms to make sure you don't miss anything! Follow me on Instagram:

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Don't forget to check the website for new posts!


What is your favorite way to make ??

Lately I’ve been loving this version loaded with cucumbers and mini tomato medley. I just add a sprinkle of salt & pepper and top with some pumpkin seeds!

How do you make yours??


This is a smoothie I made multiple times a week this summer! It’s refreshing with a tropical taste!

Let me know if you try it!



Hi everyone!!

The site has been down all summer under construction.

While I revamp everything I wanted to let you know that you can still stay connected via my newsletter! Just DM me to subscribe and I can make sure that gets sent your way (along with my FREE ebook of sheet pan meals)!

I also offer wellness products for anyone needing an upgrade on their health! Comment below if you would like the link to shop or to discuss options for what you may be looking for help with.

I’m also most active on Instagram so hop over there if you are too!

Thanks for all your continued support!


I knew when I was pregnant with my first born that I would never go back in to an office job.

I’ve tried to find something lucrative to make that happen but in reality it was just the same method over and over again. It wasn’t until I reassessed my own drive and stopped following others that I realized the path to take.
And guess what? It’s SO much easier. I finally feel a weight off my shoulders- there is no pressure and I’ve only set myself up to gain. Now I can help others in the way that I want to and focus on building my own passions all while offering something with limitless value to those who want to pursue establishing a business FOR THEMSELVES online.

If you want to see what I’m doing on the side please follow along on my account

Moms do so much…. Let’s find a way to work $marter!


It’s important to hydrate with this intense heat. Why not make your water even more beneficial?
This drink mix helps you calm down!

It comes in individual packs so you can keep it on hand for whenever you need a moment to collect yourself.

→ Provides support for stress relief
→ Water soluble for superior absorption

① Sugar free with natural flavors
② Calm complex including GABA, L-Theanine, Magnesium and 5-HTP

Available with and without CBD*

Just add to water and take that edge off while on the go!
Comment ‘CALM’ if you need something to sip on that chills you out!


Still can’t believe my little is barely 2 and is about to not be my tiniest baby anymore!

She’s been SO in tune with this pregnancy- very much a mini momma bear already. Every day she is taking care of her dolls and asking when her baby will be here.
The difference from when she was in my tummy and my son was her age is so noticeable!

How did your kids react to a new sibling on the way??


My for the day:

• red butter lettuce
• strawberries
• red bell pepper
• cucumber
• red onion

What dressing would you add??

Healthy eating | salad recipes | quick lunch


I tried the hack of banana slices in pancake batter with my kids aaaand they didn’t eat it. Good thing momma liked it!
Have you tried this yet??
Maybe I’ll just stick to regular but they sure are cute!


Embracing this summer pregnancy!

It will be hot, I will get bigger, my energy will go down…. but trusting that I can handle this will get me through!

Staying tuned in to my body is essential.

What are your best tips for beating the heat of a September due date in Texas??


Surrender is about letting go. This is not giving up, it’s trusting what is happening is for you.
In surrendering we can find true peace and alignment. It is here that you can reach your full potential.


This morning while telling my oldest that he was the one who made me a mommy he asked if he was the first baby in my tummy. He’s only four, but we have a very open relationship so I answered honestly. I told him that his daddy and I had tried to have another baby but that he is my first to be born. He gave me a kiss and there were no more big questions.

So to ALL the mothers today (because if you have carried a life you have become a mom in some way, no matter how long it grew inside of you), remember to give yourself some love and peace today.
We give so much of ourselves through this journey of motherhood.

Don’t hide your loss, don’t suppress your struggles, don’t wonder if you are alone.
You have so much strength.


We don’t necessarily need strength to make it through the hard times, it’s growing with the change that makes us a stronger version of ourselves.


Do you juice??

Beets are high in folic acid and potassium, plus can even balance your hormones!

I sneak them in to salads and smoothies often too.

Photos from Collette - Body Compass Discovery's post 30/04/2023

Hey momma- are you pregnant with headaches? Feeling lethargic? Try to get in more folate!

Our bodies don’t store it, so doctors often recommend folic acid (the synthetic form) as a supplement for pregnant women, but you can get this from your diet too! The recommended daily intake is 400MCG, but pregnant and/or nursing women need 500-600MCG.

Did you know that heat can also destroy folate? Don’t overcook your veggies!
What is your favorite way to get this vitamin in? Mine is broccoli!


I have posts on the blog for what you can eat for fertility, but did you know that the VITAMINS you take daily can assist too??

Are yours contributing to regulating your body so you can be on track for baby?
If you want to try something else, comment below and I can help you get started!


In case you missed the stories this week, we have a lot going on over here!!

We were discussing growing our family later this year, all while in the process of moving and changing jobs. Might as well do it all at once right?!

Baby #3 is coming in September 2023!


2023 has been very unexpected so far, and it’s without a doubt a year that can set us back if we let it or be the change we need to grow forward.
There is so much happening in our lives that make it all overwhelming, things that are extremely stressful just on their own but are now piling on top of each other. The secret to times like this are to focus your energy on building with it, rather than spending yourself fighting against it.

Have you gone through a lot of big changes all at once?? What was your best take away to make it through?


If I haven’t mentioned it yet, this stud and I are packing up the fam to move to the beach this summer!

Sometimes you find yourself holding on to things that are no longer serving you.. and we reached the point recently where we were constantly feeling like we couldn’t move forward anymore where we were. It’s finally time for the change we know we need!

Sometimes you don’t have to carry the weight, you CAN create new starts that fuel your dreams.

Photos from Collette - Body Compass Discovery's post 30/03/2023

Are you nursing?
Did you know that phytoestrogens are a great way to boost that milk supply?
Tag a mom friend who needs this!


37 is going to be a year of MAJOR change for me!

I’m learning to listen to myself more.
To fight for what I want but let go of expectations and be willing to take a different path sometimes.
I’ve learned lately, again and again, that challenges and redirection happen because it fuels a necessary growth.

“That which yields is not always weak”

I wrote that quote permanently on my body to always remind me.

I’m intrigued already at the version of myself I am meant to become now!


I find cooking to be very therapeutic.

For my birthday I threw some bok Choy in to my wok and paired it with salmon and a toasted sesame glaze.


Spring break is almost over and this little one keeps asking about school!
She started this past month and it was a decision we questioned multiple times, even though she is clearly so ready. Our son was over 2 when he first went to a Montessori homeschool program no she isn’t quite there yet, but we are moving soon and I didn’t want to lose the chance for her to have the same experience.
When a seasoned parent tells you this moments come to quickly they are right!
As a former teacher it’s hard to not just stay home with her (especially since I have the means to do so) however I also have been able to recognize what my own mental health needs are more within this past year- it is OK to allow yourself breaks from motherhood.


This little guy just turned 4!
I can’t believe I’ve been a mom this long, and that he has grown so fast already!

He has taught me so much about myself and I feel like I’m still developing right along with him.

Can’t wait to see where this next year takes us!

Photos from Collette - Body Compass Discovery's post 09/03/2023

Worried about high blood pressure?
Take that stress to the gym! Getting that heart pumping with an active lifestyle keeps your blood flowing properly so you decrease the risk of having high blood pressure issues.

Is this something you’ve been concerned about? Give it a try and see if you notice improvement!

Photos from Collette - Body Compass Discovery's post 19/02/2023

Feeling more anxious than usual lately? so make sure you are turning to the right foods!


Just a reminder as you scroll all the cute couple and family photos- life is a MESS!

We got in a stupid argument yesterday, the kids fought, there were tears and meltdowns and struggles all day long…. But mixed in are the hugs, laughter, sweet moments and meaningful discussions. What’s important is we are there for each other through it all and go to bed feeling loved.

Every day is a new day, and as I tell my son we have the power to choose how to change our days at any moment.

Don’t compare yourself to a social media capture, real life is made up of so much more than that!


Is what you start your day with helping you get through??

Have you been looking for something to replace or add to your morning brew so you don’t find yourself pouring a 4th cup in the afternoon? I LOVE coffee, but I also want to drink something that fuels my body in a better way….
We just started adding in this and 🤎 it!!!!

If you currently suffer from stress, extreme fatigue, brain fog, low libido, sugar and salt cravings, lack of sleep, afternoon crashes, digestive issues or maybe you are just looking for a coffee / caffeine alternative…
Q BRÜ features a delicious blend of ingredients designed to promote adrenal health, aid healthy digestion, improve mood, boost immune defenses, and support increased energy levels. 👏🏻

Cheers to coffee with benefits!
☕️ Who wants some?!


Ever made your own sushi?
Start with an easier fruit and veggie version.
I have this one step by step over on the blog, just grab that link from my bio!

Bonus if you have kids because they can learn skills making this with you and it makes it more fun! Plus, it’s a great way to introduce sushi and I bet they will be more inclined to give it a try! Mine was all about it!

Get rollin!

Photos from Collette - Body Compass Discovery's post 01/02/2023

Eat to THRIVE by eating right, not less.
All of that protein you are trying so hard to get in, wouldn’t it be unfortunate if your body consumed it all because you deprived it of carbs? And the fat stored that helps your body absorb nutrients, you wouldn’t want to limit that would you?
Did you know that gram for gram, carbohydrate contains fewer than half the calories of fat? It’s a common misconception that cutting carbs means cutting calories. Plus, you can find a lot of hidden fiber in carbs!
ALL three macronutrients are required for the body to function at an optimum level.
Just remember: carbs = energy
so just eat the right ones!

When choosing a good source of carbs, what is your favorite lately??

Photos from Collette - Body Compass Discovery's post 31/01/2023

Did you know that the stress, anxiety and depression you may be feeling could be caused by how you are eating?
Here is how you can improve that!

Guess what?? Dark chocolate is on the list too (in small amounts)

What is your go to food when you feel under pressure??

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