Egypt Cradle of civilization

Egypt Cradle of civilization

Egyptology , Ancient Egypt , 360 Photos , Virtual Museum , Old Kingdom , Middle Kingdom , New Kingdom Ancient Egypt History of ancient Egypt A.

Ancient Egypt

History of ancient Egypt
Prehistoric Egypt
Protodynastic Period
Early Dynastic Period
Old Kingdom of Egypt
First Intermediate Period of Egypt
Middle Kingdom
Second Intermediate Period of Egypt
New Kingdom of Egypt
Third Intermediate Period of Egypt
First Persion Period
Graeco-Roman Period
Arab Conquest
Egyptian language
Old Egyptian language
Middle Egyptian language
Late Egyptian la


Amenhotep III, the Ninth King of Egypt's 18th Dynasty

Amenhotep III wearing the Crown which was a sign of war and worn in ceremonies


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Tomb of Tutankhamun


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Hypostyle Hall , Karnakl Temple


Shrine dedicated to Hathor by
Thutmose iii

- Painted sandstone
- Deir al-bahari
- Excavation by the egypt Exploration fund (1906)
-18th dynasty

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The Egyptian Museum
The death mask of Amenemope, one of the treasures of Tanis.


The Egyptian Museum
Gold burial mask of King Psusennes I, discovered in 1940 by Pierre Montet. Interestingly, the skull of Psusennes reveals that one of his eyes was higher than the other, so as with many other pharaohs, the image is idealised.


14th century BCE
c.1400 BCE - c.1301 BCE

Queen Mother Pendant Mask: Iyoba
16th century
Nigeria, Igun-Eronmwen guild, Court of Benin


Mask of Tutankhamun


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Tomb of Seti I


Bust of King Akhenaten, Amenhotep IV or Amenophis IV. XVIII Dynasty, new kingdom


Mummy of Seti


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Tomb of Ramses III
Copyright Karol Gazdík
For better and correct view: Kuula 👉
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At Corridor D2 of the Tomb of Ramses III (KV 11), the floor rises and the corridor angles turn to the left, these are indications that the quarrymen were ignorant how close they might be to the Tomb of Amenmeses. Both the left and right walls of corridor D are decorated with texts, most of them are from the Imydwat; the fourth hour is on the left wall, the fifth on the right. Along the left wall, there is a huge snake with four legs and three heads. On the right wall, a boat bearing Ra-Horakhty and eight other figures is being towed through the underworld


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Statue of Ramses II between Osiris and Anubis
Egyptian Museum in Cairo


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Tomb of Ramses VI


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Hatshepsuit Temple , Valley of Queen


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Temple of Hathor, Dendara


Shrine at Abydos’.

’Royal nomenclature in Seti Shrine at Abydos’.

In royal nomenclature the rush and the bee hieroglyph generally precede the name of the pharaoh, meaning “He who belongs to the rush and the bee”, where the rush was the emblem of Upper Egypt and the bee of Lower Egypt. Below the bee and the rush we see hieroglyphs that tells us that the pharaoh is “Lord of the Two Lands”.
On the right the duck and sun glyph inform us that he is the “Son of Ra” and below that is stated that he is “Lord of the Crowns”.
This relief detail can be found on the west wall of the Seti Shrine in the Seti I Temple at Abydos. The Seti Shrine is one of three small shrines that are located north of the Inner Osiris Hall. The relief is part of a scene in which Ramses II offers incense to the deified pharaoh Seti I (for a wider view see photo 29932).
The Seti Temple at Abydos was begun by Seti I and completed by his son Ramses II in the 13th century BC.


Carved column with hieroglyphs and painted decorations, dated to the Ptolemaic Period, ca. 305-30 BC. The Double Temple of Sobek and Haroeris, Kom Ombo.


Mask of Merit,
XVIII Dynasty
now in the Egyptian Museum
Torin Italy


Wedjat Eye Amulet
Ptolemaic Period
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The symbolism of this wedjat-eye amulet was one of the most pervasive and powerful in ancient Egypt.
Combining a human eye with the stylized markings of a falcon's, it represents the eye of the god Horus, one form of the sun god


Virtual Tour (360 photo) reconstruction of Temple of Isis , Philea


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Inside Temple of Nefertari.
Ramses II offering to the goddess Hathor lotus the Golden, inside the speos Queen, Abu Simbel - Egypt


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Temple of Seti I , Abydos

Upper scene: the king censes a sanctuary containing effigies of different gods. Probably these signs were used at processions. From left to right:

1. Standing jackal, symbol of Wepwawet of the South
2. Sitting jackal, symbol of Wepwawet of the North
3. Ibis, symbol of Thot
4. Falcon, symbol of Horus
5. Standing man, symbol of Onuris

Next to them stands the fe**sh of Osiris surrounded by the figure of two bulls.

Lower scene: the king makes some offerings to Osiris being dressed like a mummy with Horus standing behind him.

Upper scene: From right to left the king censes the nechemet bark of Osiris being placed in a naos, alike the divinities. Finally, he offers some flowers to Osiris.
Lower scene: From right to left the Pharaoh censes Osiris, then he anoints the statue of Osiris that holds the sign ankh. The faces are nearly all hammered. It is probably Horus standing behind Osiris. Finally, the king enters the naos to touch Osiris behind whom Isis stands.

The Pharaoh offers various cloths and the necklace menat to Osiris.

Upper scene: the king offers incense to Osiris

Lower scene: From right to left, Osiris is represented in three different ways, always seated. In the first scene, Seti I censes and offers a libation to the green-colored Osiris. Osiris is displayed as a mummy on the second scene. Finally, the pharaoh enters the naos of Osiris and illuminates him with his burn-incense


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Tomb of Wahtye

Dating back to the rule of Neferirkare Kakai, the newly-discovered tomb of ‘Wahtye’ has been found in excellent condition, completely untouched for 4,400 years, since the rule of the third King of the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. During excavation, archaeologists found five shafts which promise further finds. While one of them was unsealed and empty, the four others were sealed, and one of them in particular is expected to hold excellent discoveries. We will know all that for sure once these shafts are excavated during the upcoming days.

The tomb, 10-meter long, three-meter wide, and three-meters high, is decorated with hieroglyphs and statues of pharaohs. What took the archaeologists by surprise is that the colors are in almost pristine condition, despite the tomb dating back 4,400 years. Hieroglyphs show scenes of a person with his mother, wife, and family, in addition to colored statues carved into the walls of the tomb


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Tomb of Ramses VII

Ramesses VII was buried in Tomb KV1 upon his death. His mummy has never been found, though four cups inscribed with the pharaoh's name were found in the "royal cache" in DB320 along with the remains of other kings


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Tomb of Pashedu, Deir el-Medina,TT3

The Theban Tomb TT3 is located in Deir el-Medina, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. It is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian artisan (his exact title was Servant in the Place of Truth), Pashedu and his family.

Pashedu was a son of Menna and Huy. His wife was named Nedjmet-behdet. Pashedu was also owner of TT 326


Happy international kissing day
Akhenaton and Nefertiti


Easy question, Which tomb is it and Where is it?


Virtual Tour (360 photo) Statue of Ramses in the Osiris Position, Hypostyle Hall, Sun Temple, Abu Simbel

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Temple of Kom OmboCopyright ©️ @alaa_tour_guide