Sammy Truswell Health

Sammy Truswell Health

This space aims to inform and motivate people to obtain better health through understandable, attainable and affordable lifestyle changes.

The basic fundamentals of health are often overlooked today as we are exposed to a constant flow of misleading and confusing information. Chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, mental illness and cancer are rising dramatically. Our food and lifestyle choices need to be considered in their rightful place as part of the integrative treatment in disease prevention, disease ma


“The small pleasures of life are not so small really, it is just that we get into the habit of taking them for granted.”

Sue Stuart Smith, The Well Gardened Mind, The Restorative Power of Nature


Introducing CARLY COLEMAN!!! Carly is an OT and she's wonderful!

This is Episode 12 - "Making Sense of Sensory"

I promise you will love hearing Carly explain Sensory Processing disorder, DIR Floor time and how to get your OT involved with school to support our wonderful teachers to adapt the environment to support Square Pegs.

Carly has also offered to chat to Patreon members if they have questions so if you are Patron please feel free to contact me about that special offer.
Thank you Carly! - search for Square Peg Round Whole

Timeline photos 31/01/2019

The season of nutrient dense . These guys tend to be heavily sprayed so choose organic when possible. Green capsicums have as many antioxidants as other varieties so if you can’t afford organic red go with green and roast them to bring out the sweetness.

Timeline photos 18/01/2019

Below is the jam packed nutrient dense recipe for beetroot dip courtesy of my creative and wonderful friend Kate. This dip is a hit with the little ones.

Roasted beets
Little bit of roasted pumpkin
Couple cloves roasted garlic
Soaked cashew nuts (about a cup)
Half bunch basil
Handful spinach
Dulse flakes
Chicken bone broth
Splash sauerkraut juice
Lemon juice
Splash Cold pressed olive oil
Buen provecho!!! 😘

Timeline photos 15/01/2019

What they lack in size, they make up for in flavour . Locally grown strawberries have a higher nutrient content as they are usually picked at the peak of their ripeness. Food that travels longer distances tends to be harvested too early, making them more durable for shipping and handling but at a loss of nutrients and flavour. Choose local, seasonal and try growing your own.

Timeline photos 11/01/2019

Blueberries (and most other berries) are a powerhouse of nutrients and their season is now. Prioritise organic as they are a highly sprayed crop. If you can’t afford or don’t have access to fresh organic berries, choose certified organic frozen. Research shows they are almost as nutritious as fresh. What’s most interesting is that cooked blueberries are MORE nutritious than raw. The heat rearranges the structure of phytonutrients thus making them more bioavailable.
Between my friend and I we picked 16 kilograms of organic blueberries this season and we both have been cooking up a blueberry storm. I aim to eat a cup a day whilst I am fortunate enough to have surplus.
If you have a sunny spot a blueberry tree can easily and happily thrive in a pot. Having access to fresh food from your garden (or your friends) is the greatest gift towards your health.
Today’s message - Eat more berries!

‘For 30 years I’ve been obsessed by why children get leukaemia. Now we have an answer’ 03/01/2019

‘For 30 years I’ve been obsessed by why children get leukaemia. Now we have an answer’ Newly knighted cancer scientist Mel Greaves explains why a cocktail of microbes could give protection against disease

Timeline photos 18/12/2018

One of the best pieces of advice I can give to clients and friends is to maintain balance on this quest for a healthier lifestyle. Especially when social media only ever portrays the shiny and perfect side of people’s lives. Health encompasses all aspects of life, not only what you put in your mouth. Becoming obsessive about any single dietary pursuit can of course be detrimental to an overall sense of wellbeing.
Do I drink alcohol? Yes. Do I eat sugar? Yes. Do I eat hot chips? Yes. The feeling of contentment that is nourished by social interaction shouldn’t stop you having an ice cream with your friends.
Your dietary regime doesn’t need to restrict you from the freedom of enjoying the experiences of life.

All things in moderation. #8020

Doctors Test Bacterial Smear After Cesarean Sections To Bolster Babies' Microbiomes 12/11/2018

Doctors Test Bacterial Smear After Cesarean Sections To Bolster Babies' Microbiomes After a C-section, does swabbing a baby with the mother's microbes reduce the risk of obesity and other health problems later in life? An ambitious study to help answer the question is underway.

Timeline photos 08/08/2018

When trying to create a healthy lifestyle it is important to consider not only the food you eat but also your environment.

Chlorine is a antimicrobial agent that is added into our water systems as a disinfectant. Whilst many of us filter our water these days, we also can inhale and absorb chlorine and its potentially harmful compounds through our hot showers and baths.

Without getting too bogged down in it (as this can be a stress in itself) take small steps to create a healthy home. Especially if you are prone to skin conditions or have asthma, allergies or an autoimmune condition, it would be very worth your while to

1. Use a home filter system and drink from a glass or stainless steel bottle, 2. Purchase a vitamin C shower head filter and
3. Add 1000 mg of vitamin C powder into your baths. Vitamin C is used as a dechlorination agent as it helps to remove chlorine and its harmful compounds. .

On a side note many people who want to drink purified or alkaline water choose to drink solely bottled water. The harmful chemicals in plastic wreak havoc on your body not to mention the harm every bottle does to the environment. Your replacing one problem with another.

The picture below is vitamin C under a microscope.

Timeline photos 07/08/2018

It makes sense.

Homemade Coconut Milk 06/08/2018

Navigating your way through a dairy-free and gluten-free world can be challenging. It is often thought that vegan and gluten-free alternatives are always healthier choices, however, most of the time they are littered with additives you want to avoid. If you can't tolerate dairy, try making your own nut milks.

Follow the link to an easy homemade coconut milk recipe.

Homemade Coconut Milk Homemade coconut milk is inexpensive and simple to make. When searching for dairy milk alternatives it is important to read the fine print as many vegan milks are littered with additives. In addition, coconut milk is often bought in cans. The lining of cans contain potentially harmful chemi

Nicole's Slow Cooked Oxtail 23/07/2018

Returning to traditional methods of cooking means eating nose-to-tail. This way of eating has many benefits;

- It respects the entire animal by utilising and savouring ALL of it.
- Supports the farmer
- Provides you with nutrients that support your gut health and nervous system, all of which most of us are well in need of.
- If you eat meat it is important not to solely eat muscle meat. Eating nose-to-tail provides you with a balanced intake of amino acids e.g glycine found in the skin, bone and cartilage and methionine found in muscle meat.
- The cheaper cuts like oxtail, brisket and beef cheeks are actually more nutritious than "premium" cuts like sirloin and scotch. More economical!

Friend and health coach Nicole from Mrs Nutritious - Food and Lifestyle Coach has shared with us her slow cooked Oxtail recipe. A highly nutritious and easy to prepare meal that is perfect for the winter months.

Nicole's Slow Cooked Oxtail Nicole McMurray is the founder of Mrs Nutritious . Based out of Avalon, on Sydney's Northern Beaches, she holds workshops that provide you with informative, practical and nourishing ways to feed yourself and your family.  We need to return to traditional methods

Home - Your Health Your Choice 17/07/2018

Complementary medicine and natural therapies are recognised by leading Governments around the world as “effective, appropriate and cost-effective” solutions to helping hundreds of millions of people manage their healthcare every day.

The fact is, 70 percent of Australians make the choice to use natural therapies and products to help with common illness and manage chronic disease, yet access to services, products, education and accurate information is being increasingly restricted.

Good health is about choice in healthcare.


Home - Your Health Your Choice Behind all of these drastic cuts and proposed changes are Government-funded reports that declare there is NO evidence that 17 natural therapies from yoga to naturopathy are effective. The Government is using the reports to justify restricting your choice in healthcare.

Timeline photos 11/07/2018

What is the difference between herbal medicine and nutritional medicine?

Follow link,,

Dispensary ✨✨
What’s the difference between nutritional medicine and herbal medicine?.

A helpful explanation from one of our practitioners Sammy from Project Nutrition

“I often say to clients the difference between nutrition and herbal medicine is that nutrients help to replenish a deficiency. Nutrients are essential to health as they act like a lock and key, allowing essential pathways to function in order for you to perform optimally and prevent disease. Food is the foundation of health. Herbal medicine helps to bring about balance in the body by supporting an individual and stimulating their vitality. Natural medicine (both nutrition and herbal medicine) harnesses what nature has to offer and aims to find the root cause of ill health”


Healthy Kids & Healthy Pancakes - You can have both - OneTable 11/07/2018

My pancake recipe is up on OneTable Organics blog.

A nutritionally sound and simple breakfast for your children.

Healthy Kids & Healthy Pancakes - You can have both - OneTable Take a look at this protein-packed pancake recipe your kids are sure to enjoy.

Timeline photos 04/07/2018


- Consume daily nutrient-dense seasonal wholefoods . Seasonal and therefore local foods contain more nutrients. Get to your local farmers markets

- Extra virgin cod liver oil

- Bone broth.

- Adequate rest and stress management.

- Pre and probiotic rich foods.

And finally,


I still remember doing this small activity in my microbiology class with .corse. A seemingly simple task but when done correctly and often enough, especially if you are in and out of public places, could prevent you from getting sick. Friction, hot (warm) water and soap. Don’t underestimate it!

Plastic Free July Ideas Advent Calendar - Pip Magazine - Permaculture 03/07/2018

Some ideas to reduce plastics for the health of the planet and for yours.

Plastic Free July Ideas Advent Calendar - Pip Magazine - Permaculture Fancy some inspiration to keep you motivated in Plastic Free July? Read our 31 tips - one for each day of the month - and create your own advent calendar!

Timeline photos 27/06/2018

- Michael Pollan.

Timeline photos 26/06/2018

Do you want a natural multivitamin? Look no further than the humble egg. However, it’s so important where you get them from. Healthy and stress-free chickens produce healthy and nutritious eggs.

You have to become a bit of a detective so here are some great questions from Mrs Nutritious - Food and Lifestyle Coach to ask when choosing your eggs.

- How are your chickens fed?
- If they are fed grain, what percentage of their diet does it make up?
- Is the feed organic, meaning that it hasn’t been exposed to pesticides?
- Do you use additives in their feed to enhance the yolk colour?
- How many birds per hectare do you farm?
- How do the birds gain access to pasture?

If your farmer is proud of his product he will gloat about his answers! If you are puzzled by the transparency of his responses, it may be one to look further afield”.
Eggs, from healthy chickens, are nature’s greatest superfood.

Timeline photos 25/06/2018

Life’s too short to feel below par.

Book in now for a holistic, evidence-based and comprehensive health assessment.

One spot available for next week.

Timeline photos 25/06/2018

Not the most attractive pair but these two were my gem finds at Wauchope Farmers Markets. Yacon I don’t think I’ve eaten since my travels in Peru. An unusual root vegetable, similar to the Jicama. It tastes like a crispy pear with the texture of a water chestnut, and can be eaten raw and cooked. It’s high in inulin, a prebiotic that helps to nourish the good bacteria in your gut . I diced it up and added it to a curry 👌.
To the right is an heirloom prickly cucumber. Heirlooms are thought to contain higher nutrients than today’s commercially grown food. Over the decades, plant breeders have continually sought ways to increase yields in crops but at the same time caused the nutritional content to decline. Research continues to show this trend. If you’re wanting to improve your health by increasing your daily nutrient intake, your food needs to contain the nutrients in the first place.
Seek out your local farmers markets. By buying here you will then naturally start to follow the seasons, which means more local and therefore more nutrient dense foods. Aim for organic and grab the heirloom varieties when you see them. Grow your own food and forage at any opportunity.

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

Food is one aspect of health. Movement is another and the consequences of leading a sedentary lifestyle can be profound. However, it’s not just about pounding the pavement for 45 mins a day and then that’s it. Aim to a include a variety of exercise and incidental movement throughout your day and week. Balance and stretch, strength and resistance and short bursts of high intensity exercise are equally, if not more, important as cardio. Walk instead of driving, choose activities with friends that include some form of movement, get a standing desk, take the stairs, wall sit whilst brushing your teeth or better yet whilst writing an Instagram post 😏, get stuck into the garden and produce food at the same time, punch out some dance moves to your favourite song upon rising, take your dog and go bush.

Timeline photos 21/06/2018

Beets with their leaves attached are usually fresher than just beet roots bought separately. Beet leaves are more nutritious then their counterpart. Treat them as you would English spinach. Sautéed with eggs anyway is 👌. Among many health-promoting compounds, beets are high in nitrates, which act as vasodilators, improving blood flow and cardiovascular health. Beetroot soup with chicken broth, red sweet potato, caramelised onions, garlic and butter will have just about anyone asking for seconds. Beetroots steamed and added to dips also goes down a treat. Head to the markets over the weekends and stock up with one of my top picks for health-promoting foods. One tip when storing whole beets is to chop the leaves close to the root and store separately.

Can You Change Your Microbiome? — NOVA Next | PBS 20/06/2018


We hear so much about it and we should keep on listening.

Continuing to prioritise food over supplements is key in optimising health long-term. Food is medicine. Don't underestimate it.

So what can you do to influence your gut microbiome? Read on..

Can You Change Your Microbiome? — NOVA Next | PBS Boosting beneficial microbes sounds simple enough, but the advantages for healthy people are hard to pin down.

Timeline photos 19/06/2018

A garden favourite of mine is Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis). Commonly known for its use in anxiety and associated digestive distress. It’s also anti-microbial and anti-viral (cold sores). It’s a perennial plant and it’s easy to grow. Once flourishing you can steep the leaves fresh or dry for teas or you can make a natural cordial in summer. An easy to make and effective topical treatment is to make a poultice out of the fresh leaves. A poultice is made from crushing the leaves into a pulp and applying directly to skin. It is is also a great addition in cooking ✨

Timeline photos 14/06/2018

A little dirt goes a long way...

Nature is a fundamental component of our well-being not just in the sense of how it makes us feel (usually pretty great) but what it exposes us to. Our cultures obsessiveness with cleanliness may be negatively affecting our immune system. It is important, especially in the first few years of life, to be exposed to a variety of microorganisms. This helps to train the developing immune system and potentially ward off allergic diseases that can appear later in life.

We evolved outdoors and our relationship with nature should still remain strong.

Shoes off!!!

Timeline photos 08/06/2018

My favourite picks this week - dandelion greens, Jerusalem artichokes, yellow capsicums, purple sweet potato and native blood limes.

I am slightly obsessed with roasting whole Jerusalem artichokes👌. . Combine roasted artichokes, roast red potato and sautéed dandelion greens with butter, lemon and salt and you’ll be one happy camper.

Red sweet potato (purple on the outside and white inside) contains predominantly soluble fibre along with other root vegetables. This type of fibre is soothing to the gut compared to that of insoluble (found in leafy greens, brassicas, green beans and more), which can irritate an already inflamed gut. If you are struggling with digestive issues and consuming predominantly insoluble fibre yet you’re not feeling any better, favour soluble fibre and moderate your intake of insoluble until symptoms improve.
Tune in and see what’s right for you.

Timeline photos 04/06/2018

Happy World Environment Day! Get out there and enjoy! But whilst you’re at it, remember to tend to and preserve the natural world we are so lucky to have!

These beauties are our sweet potatoes! 🍠 💦

Timeline photos 04/06/2018

Keeping warm through winter with roast vegetables.

Choose the smaller sizes, roast whole and retain more nutrients.

Preferred fats to roast with are ghee, virgin coconut oil and rendered fats. However, newer studies are showing extra virgin olive oil keeps its integrity under higher heat than originally thought. This is due to its high antioxidant content.

Stay tuned for an article to follow on oils and fats, what to eat and what to steer clear of.

Head to the website and sign up to receive the latest

A little colour on this rainy afternoon...

OneTable Organics

Our Story

Project Nutrition was created by a qualified nutritionist and herbalist with the aim to inform and motivate people to obtain better health through understandable, attainable and affordable lifestyle changes. The basic fundamentals of health are often overlooked today as we are exposed to a constant flow of misleading and confusing information. Chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, mental illness and cancer are rising dramatically. Our food and lifestyle choices need to be considered in their rightful place as part of the integrative treatment in disease prevention, disease management and overall wellbeing.

“The human body has an incredible ability to heal itself given the right help. I hope this space helps you create a greater connection to your food and ultimately to your health” - Sammy
