Markup UK

Markup UK

Markup UK 2021: A conference about XML and other markup technologies. London, 21-22 May, 2021.


There's (obviously) going to be a demojam at Markup UK next week. Bring your laptops!

Markup UK 22/05/2023

The full 2023 programme is now online:

Markup UK Conference Programme We're very pleased to announce this year's speakers at Markup UK: Daniel Arthursson - Working with XML inside a web browser - edge computing for XML Achim Berndzen and Thorsten Rohm - From XSLT’s :next-in-chain to . Improving quality critical XML workflow...

Markup UK 13/05/2023

For those of you unable to travel to London in June, we're offering an online attendance option for the main conference. Head over to and find out more.

Markup UK Remote Attendance For those of you unable to attend Markup UK in person, you can enjoy the two main conference days remotely. Head over to the registration form and choose Online. For more information, see the Registration page.


We're very pleased to tell you all that Markup UK 2023 will take place on 1-3 June. The venue will be the Queen Mary University of London. Start thinking about those papers now!