

Wake up SHEEPLE! We must stop the NWO! The chemtrails can't get us here on the internet!!! I am a proud member of the Illuminati.


You are special. Everyone else is dumb or paid.


You might not like it, but this is what a REAL seeker of truthy truthfulness looks like if you want the truth!!1!


The only way to end the war is to defeat Ruzzia. Every day that their genocidal invasion of Ukraine continues, not only do Ukrainians die, but the effects of war ripple outward. Tyrants like Putin and his legions of murderous rapists, both military and non-military enablers, won't stop on their own. They have to be forced to stop. Give Ukrainians the humanitarian aid they need to save lives as Russia invades. Give the Ukrainian military the weapons and gear they need to end the war and prevent further humanitarian catastrophe. (Link in comments)


Get checked!


If more people could understand this concept there would fewer, "If vaccines work, why are you so focused on everyone (getting vaccinated/wearing masks/getting tested/washing hands)?", conversations. Risk mitigation almost always includes multiple layers and failsafes.


Too true


Vaccines save lives.

How Do I Donate to Ukraine In a Way That is Actually Helpful? 09/01/2023

"Ukraine is fighting for our freedom and needs our support. All who are free, or wish to be free, must come together to support Ukraine and its citizens in their fight for that freedom. We can do this by raising awareness about the situation and donating money, resources, and supplies to assist in their efforts."

How Do I Donate to Ukraine In a Way That is Actually Helpful? People sometimes hesitate to donate to organizations because they are uncertain of how the funds will be spent or if they will be put to good use. Even when we support the objectives that the organization claims to advance, it can be frustratingly difficult to separate the good ones from the scams.....


Nail meets Thor's hammer.
