Sam K Whitaker: Personal Trainer & Diet Coach Videos

Videos by Sam K Whitaker: Personal Trainer & Diet Coach. Fitness & Nutrition Consultant. Fat loss Muscle gain Improved health Sports performance

[NEW Blog Post] How to measure progress without the scale

Weighing yourself is probably the most common way people measure progress when trying to lose weight.
Granted, if your goal is specifically weight loss, the scale is the only method to measure progress. But I bet the majority of people reading this don't really care about weight loss per se. What they're bothered about is losing fat.

The terms weight loss & fat loss are often used interchangeably, they're not the same thing. And while the bathroom scale is a good tool to use, it should be used in conjunction with at least 1 other method. I'll discuss some of these other methods in this post

Other Sam K Whitaker: Personal Trainer & Diet Coach videos

[NEW Blog Post] How to measure progress without the scale Weighing yourself is probably the most common way people measure progress when trying to lose weight. Granted, if your goal is specifically weight loss, the scale is the only method to measure progress. But I bet the majority of people reading this don't really care about weight loss per se. What they're bothered about is losing fat. The terms weight loss & fat loss are often used interchangeably, they're not the same thing. And while the bathroom scale is a good tool to use, it should be used in conjunction with at least 1 other method. I'll discuss some of these other methods in this post

[NEW Blog Post] Is your pre-workout supplement a waste of money? >>> <<< Pre-workout supplements are very popular with regular gym goers these days but are they worth it? Or are they just an expensive placebo? There aren't many supplements that research has consistently shown to have a positive performance enhancing effect. There are a few that have shown to be beneficial though, but the key is in the dosage. Most pre workout supplements boast containing such compounds, but lack sufficient amounts per serving to really have a meaningful effect. Let's look at a few common ingredients of pre workouts and what the research says about them...>>> <<<

Sunday morning hike. #cyprus #paphos2017 #paphos #hikingadventures #hiking #walk #walking #fit #fitness #cardio #workout

Pretty funny huh? I thought so too. Even though this would never happen in real life, I think many people do have a fear of the gym for this very reason. They feel like they'll be judged and everyone will be looking at them. The truth is, most people in the gym are too busy looking at themselves in the mirror. Or looking to see if other people are watching them. So if you do build up the courage to head into the gym when you don't feel comfortable doing so, hat's off to you. Here's a shout out to everyone making an effort to get in shape, even if they don't feel comfortable doing so. If you need some tips, pointers etc, drop me a message. Or if you want online personal training & diet coaching, fill in your details here

[Blog Post] The Truth about Fat Burning Workouts "It's nice to think that there's some advantage to that above strategies but it's just not the case. People are always looking for the magic bullet, the secret fat burning protocol or that 1 weird trick. Magazines and fitness 'gurus' play on this need to sell magazines & workouts plans. Unfortunately, the magic bullet doesn't exist." Read the truth about fat burning workouts, the fat burning zone & fasted cardio here -

Who could get on board with this workout plan?

β€œWe do stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” A Guide to Healthy Ageing - πŸ”· πŸ”· It's almost accepted that as you age you become frailer, less mobile & more accident prone. Obviously some physical deterioration is inevitable as we age. But that doesn't mean we can't do anything to slow it down and postpone the onset. Personally, I intend to fight the aging process & postpone it as much as I can. I've no interest in living a long time if my quality of life is reduced in those later years. Read the full article, with a few pictures thrown in, here -

Antagonist supersets for muscle growth πŸ’ͺ🏽What are they & why am I using them? Example from my current training program Chin ups x10 Rest 90secs Seated DB shoulder press x10 Rest 90secs Chin ups x10 Rest 90secs Seated DB shoulder press x10 Rest 90secs Chin ups x10 Rest 90secs Seated DB shoulder press x10 Performing the sets in this fashion, as apposed to doing all 3 sets chins & then 3 sets shoulder press, allows me to get more reps with a set weight. Or the same reps with a set weight but with less fatigue. If you can do the same amount of overall volume but with less fatigue & DOMS, the more frequently you can train effectively. Don't fall into the trap in thinking that just because you feel tired & have muscle soreness that it's the most effective way to train.

7 Stages of going on a diet
Losing weight and keeping it off isn't easy, I don't care what anyone says. However, it can be made easier. πŸ”·πŸ”Ά πŸ”ΆπŸ”· I wanted to give some simple tips that would help make dieting easier without you putting that much extra effort in...πŸ”·πŸ”Ά πŸ”ΆπŸ”·

Everyone knows someone who thinks they know all about weight training after lifting for just a couple of weeks. Tag them so they can read 5 of my top training tips - Of course you don't need to read them, because you don't need any help, do you ;) However, if you are interested in online personal training or nutrition coaching just fill in the questionnaire here And I'll be in touch to discuss the next move.

Ready to make some serious changes? If so, fill in your details here if you could use some help Lot's of people say they want to change but don't actually do anything about. Are you one of them? Or are you actually ready to take the first steps towards a better body, more energy and feeling fitter & healthier? If to want to find out a bit more about me, check out my website - - where you'll find my blog with helpful tips, information & advice.

The key to a good deadlift is in the set up. A few things to focus on: - Bar over the middle of your foot (about the knot of your laces) - Shins just touching the bar - Big breath into your belly - Brace your abs/core - Shoulder blades pull back to keep your back as flat as possible - Neutral head position If you've never done them before, start light, really light. And it's probably best pulling from a raised platform/mats. If you've any questions regarding training & exercise or want a custom training plan writing for you, drop me a message or fill in your details here

Leaving work & heading to the gym like...

Struggling with your 'get fit for summer' regime? Here's a song you might relate to...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ "My glutes are shaking, every time that I lunge. And that gluten free bread, tastes just like a sponge" Credit -

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Which stage are you in? #workout #fitness #fit #instafit #instafitness #Repost @powerliftingmotivation with @repostapp ・・・ Spot onπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @f**kxfit #powerliftingmotivation

A fantastic exercise to tone your bum & legs that isn't a squat. Squats are fantastic, don't get me wrong, but everyone knows squats are awesome. So I though I'd show you a lesser know but great exercise for your legs & ass...

Wonder if this mystery will ever get solved? ;)

#Repost @marksmellybell with @repostapp ・・・ Take a lesson from @kevinhart4real listening to the one and only @richforever and have some f**king FUN in the gym!

One of my favourite abs does make you look a bit silly but never mind.

Is there much difference between the more expensive, 'premium' protein powders & the cheaper ones? Use code SAM-RR2 for 25% at Myprotein -