Survive in BED - Jack Bridges

Survive in BED - Jack Bridges

The Survive in Bed system claims to help you achieve full, using nothing but 100% natural ingredients.

Timeline photos 30/09/2016

Amazing S*x Tricks

The Card Trick:

People should not have s*x without talking about it—lovingly, salaciously, practically, fearlessly—and often. How else can we know how to thrill each other? Couples don't ask for what they want because they're afraid they won't get it. If you don't ask, however, you are sure not to get it. The spoken word can be foreplay, intimate and hot. Be brave. Dr. Ava suggests this s*x game. Plan to make a night of it:

a. Set the mood for a romantic evening with your partner. Then write all your s*x fantasies on three-by-five-inch cards. All of them, no matter how be***al, or politically taboo.

b. Read your cards together and, as you do, divide them into three piles: fantasies you want to turn into reality (e.g., s*x in an airplane lavatory); fantasies you want to keep that way (e.g., s*x with your man and another woman); and fantasies that do nothing for one of the partners (e.g., s*x with Big Bird).

c. Discard the pile of fantasies that turn a partner off. Keep the other two piles. Have one partner choose a card from one of them, and then do whatever's written on it. If he chooses this time, you get to choose next time. If the chosen fantasy is one you both want to keep a fantasy, you're not going to actually do it—you're just going to make love as you talk about it. Example: he picks the fantasy where he makes love to you and another woman (most men's number one choice). Start to make love while both of you describe, in exquisite carnal detail, who's doing what to whom and how. To avoid hurt feelings it's best if you describe what the other woman looks like (he'll say "She's 18"—and you'll get mad). Make her your physical opposite: If you're small breasted, make her b***s a bonanza. If you're all-American, make her searingly exotic. You get the point. If your man is too shy to join in, ask him questions, like "I can't see her mouth—where is it?" Act things out (with flair!) as you narrate them. Dr. Ava recommends that you end these sessions with your man climaxing inside of you as you rather than as the other woman. This will maintain intimacy and quell that green-eyed monster.

Photos from Survive in BED - Jack Bridges's post 19/09/2016

About Survive in Bed

The Survive in Bed system claims to help you achieve full, long-lasting erections “literally on demand,” using nothing but 100% natural ingredients available at your local grocer. And perhaps more importantly, without expensive drugs and treatments, or their unwanted side effects!

Survive in Bed focuses on specific enzymes, amino acids, and other “naturally occurring substances” that can be obtained through different foods and supplements. When combined in a specific way at specific intervals, these ingredients can help relax blood vessels and increase the volume of blood that’s pumped throughout your body.
