Sairam Reinhardt Team

Sairam Reinhardt Team

Using Astrology, I help musicians&artists Quit the 9-5 job, LIVE their Passions. Ohh, & make BANK too


Why doesn’t your music make money? Well, if it doesn’t make money, it must be bad, right?

Why don’t you go listen to the top 40 hits and try to make something like that?

Everybody seems to like that. It’s gotta be good music, right?

Well, why don’t you just try doing something else? Music has a hobby init, after all?

They don’t ask me the last one was actually Went to university for Music Production. So I generally shove the degree upon their faces, (which “They” approve of, as legitimate) along with my middle finger.

But besides the cushion of the last question, How many of Y’all have had this fair share of questions been thrown at you?

I’m sure my imagination ran out after the first lot of questions, but the questions that you have been asked by those around you are way more intricate, vivid and craftfully executed to be painful, for those of you with a burning desire to express the music which is at the core of your very being.

If these questions sound familiar and you’re on the verge of quitting on your dream, then I feel you and understand you.

Everyone around, you seems to be getting it right. Everybody around, you seems to be doing ‘normal’ professions, which people around them do not question.

Everybody around, you seems to be giving you the look of “I told you so…”

I know you’re trying to look away and stay focused On bringing interpretation, the music that you love and deeply .

But as the bills pile on, As the sacrifices you are making for your music, are becoming bigger than the fruits of your efforts, You see two cross roads.

One is you sellout.

Make music that is commercial.
Cause everybody likes it.

And if everybody likes it, it has to be good right?

A mental picture of your neighbours and your family members around you nodding to that, is a very very familiar scene.

I’m sure you have played this reel in your mind hundreds of times.

The second option is you quit music and do what everybody who quits their dream generally does-

Gets a job that doesn’t draw too much attention; it isn’t low enough to raise criticism but also not too high to invite jealousy.

Get a job that makes the questions stop. Get a job that makes you fit in.

Get a job that makes you fit in with all those who never tried to pursue their dreams.

Get a job that makes ‘them’ feel comforted that dreams are not to be pursued, but hushed.

I have compassion for you If these are the only two crossroads you see right now.

But with the same compassion for you, I also ask:

Aren’t you a Musician?
Aren’t you a creative person?
Don’t you frequently use a part of your brain which others seldom do?
Don’t you have a heart which is bigger then the fear your mind produces?

By tapping into these qualities, these inherent qualities of yours that make you this condemned soul, in the society around you, can’t you come up with option number three??!

Option #1 was to sell out.
Option #2 was to do what everybody does: get a job and fit in.

Option #3….


I see that I am not going to catch up right now. The current scene ain’t favourable for me and I see that it is going to take some time.

But I am willing to quit my dream?
Hell NO.

Am I willing to strategize to find a way out?


Am I willing to chunk it into smaller parts so it’s achievable?

Am I willing to make a long-term plan and a short-term plan, that leads to the long-term plan?


What are the things that I lack right now?

1. My music isn’t Similar to mass consumed music. So I can’t plug it directly into the network.
2. Since my music is different, I am having to tweak it too much to make it fit into Existing formulas that labels promote.
3. As I am working on refining my music which is taking time, my lifestyle is deteriorating. This is taking a too long, and is taking a toll, not just on my music, but on my mental health too.


How do we go about achieving our life long dream then?


Chunk it. Chunk into two parts. Instituted together, when both the parts are individually ready.

Part #1:
Build a network for myself, build a brand for myself, based on my most authentic deepest self. Why? Because that’s where the adrenaline to make music comes from. I want to keep this close to that source.

Build a network of fiery like-minded people, Who are as driven, but far away from their goals as you are.

Build a network of people who are going to be with you when the time to launch is right.

But this is gonna take time…

Till then you gotta eat…

So let’s try to see how we can make money, and scale the money at the same rate that our network is scaling.


Is there someone who will pay you to do this?
Businesses who will benefit from your network building?

find a business, find an opportunity, find an affiliation that pays you as you are benefiting them.

Found it now. Now Keep scaling with them.

Part #2: Since part number one is taken care of your lifestyle, F**k the “fitting in” and get to work on creating the most authentic music that you possibly can...

Since part number one is letting me work from anywhere, I can keep remaining my music and practising pretty much the whole day…

Refining Option #3:

How I see this coming together:

If I have a network, that’s paying me, if I have accumulated the finances through this business over a few years, and refined my music to a satisfactory level, what in the world is stopping me from starting a record label that gets to set the rules,…, the same rules that ‘They’ tortured me with?

If I can get to this point with option #3, can’t I see that This is how musical movements and genres are actually created?

If I can get to this point with option #3, can’t I see that my music would be the same as the music that is listened to by a lot of people, or considered ‘normal’ by ‘Them’ cause ‘everybody’ listens to it?

If I can get to this point with option #3, can’t I see that I can actually be at the forefront Of something that I truly believe in?

If I can get to this point with option #3, can I see that I would not just have bo my deepest desires to reality, but also have helped a full network of musicians and artists and creatives and misfits, just like me, to Be able to find a way out of:

Option #1: to sell out.
Option #2: to do what everybody does: get a job and fit in.

If I can get to this point with option #3, Can me and all those musicians with me, on this path, Not have pulled this off in the most f**k yeah, rock ‘n’ roll-style imaginable??!

If I can get to this point with option #3, Can me and all those musicians with me, on this path, Not only have shown the finger to ‘Them’ but also pave the way with an option #3, for our future generation of musicians to come?

If I can get to this point with option #3, Can me and all those musicians with me, on this path, Make it ‘normal’ That when children with a love for music, ask their parents about it, they are shown:

Option #1: to sell out.
Option #2: to do what everybody does: get a job and fit in.
Option #3: show the middle finger to ‘Them’ and find and join people as crazy as you and keep following your dreams?


Time To Show The Finger

I shout out to you

Not the one in front of me

But the rebel inside of you

I speak to him

I speak to her

because I can see him

because I can see her

Are you in a point in life

where are you are

willing to shake hands with him,

willing to shake hands with her?

Are you at a point in time

where you have had enough?

Are you at a point in time

That you know how the story goes from here?

I know everybody around you

tells you this is the way life is

This is normal


Everybody around you

is doing it too

Tell me something Mr.Rebel,

“How can the crowd ever be wrong?”

Cuffed up neckties

strangling your neck

inside a cubicle that’s

about to become a resting place

for your sedated mind,

for your salaried mind,

If you don’t do anything about it

I shout out to you

Not the one in front of me

But the rebel inside of you

I speak to him

I speak to her

because I can see him

because I can see her

I know it wasn’t your fault

I know you had to do it

I know there wasn’t much of a choice

I know there was no easy way out

But there comes a point

in time in everyone’s life,

where the needle meets the thread ,

where your hands are wrapped around that floating boat

and you have reached a safe place

You are no more in a sea

A sea of financial turmoil

You’re getting by

You are comfortable

It doesn’t hurt as much as it used to

Life seems doable

You almost got this

This is the time

When the needle meets the thread

The patientlly waiting rebel inside of you

is expecting you to

man up

Is expecting you to

open that cage

Is expecting you to

unbutton that collar

Loosen that neck tie

Look back at the cubicle

with your rebellious flared eyes

And pull out that finger,

That waits silently inside

a beaten up, salaried Palm

Trained to follow instructions


That finger hasn’t seen the sunlight

in a long long time

It’s time to

Get that rebel inside of you

to boss you around

I know they trained you

to follow instructions well

I know they trained you

to say YES! to every thing

other than yourself

The rebel in you knows that too

there is no more leeway

Allow that rebel to

lead you to walk away

lead you to walk away

far enough from that cubicle

and unfurl that finger

And unfurl that finger

The symbol of rock ‘n’ roll

the symbol of rebellion

The finger that entrepreneurship

is made of

I know it’s been a long long time

The cubicle has done its trick

The cubicle has done its trick

of sedating that finger

But I speak to you

I shout out to you

Not the one in front of me

But the rebel inside of you

I speak to him

I speak to her

because I can see him

because I can see her

It’s time to pull out that finger

It’s the third one

from the pinky and

the second one from the index

It’s time to pull out that finger

point it at the cubicle,

kiss that 9 to 5,

kiss it for the stability

It has provided

move that finger

over to your boss’

glass clad window

He has scared you

long enough

He has left you

high and dry

It’s time for the

rebel inside of you

to get to work

it’s time to unfurl

that estranged finger

It’s time to bite the bullet

and go all in

It’s already long overdue

and you know that it is true

The day has come

the rebel in you says,

“It’s time to fire your boss,

pick up that guitar

and walk away…”

With Love, Quirk, & Timely Stimulation,

The Rebel In You.


Hey Legends,

My name is Sai and I am out to change the way we musicians, artists, and creatives think and feel about purity in creation and how our socially inflicted limited beliefs stop us from living a life of abundance while expressing the purity inside of ourselves.

Coming on the back of being a music graduate and having set up my own music production firm, I was heartbroken to see how what I had dreamed up as my ideal tracks, and creations were looked at from a cookie-cutter perspective from the music lables and world around me.

If my music is different, do I have to fit into a "Top 40 chart" box if I need to thrive?

This broke me down, internally to the point where the rebel in me that took apart, which took up music as a child rose and showed the revered centrifugal finger and told me I am going to find opportunities to create my own reality.

All this while driving forward with my rebel spirit, I overlooked the most obvious affiliate opportunity that my dear friend had been exposing me to.

Sometimes it takes enough searching to find something in front of your nose.

But I realized what stopped me.

It was the very limiting belief in me that I was trying to rebel against.

All this while I was trying to change the music system to allow me to fit my expansive 60 kg form. All I needed to see was my music could be the same as it always was.
It just had to be monetized differently, under a different set of rules, from the "Top 40 Saturate-me-please charts"

Rather than fight to "fit-in-to-the-cookie-cutter" to make it to the top of a record label company to be able to make serious bank,
I just had to "hold-hands-with-and partner-with" a company that encouraged me to chisel no part of me off as undesirable.

While gratitude isn't a regular word in my thick skinned vocabulary, there are certain times in life, when the notice the grandeur of plans laid out in front of you by ife itself, which makes you smile, tear-up, and get back to your swag at the same time.

This was one of those special moments.

And this opportunity has changed my life.

It would be selfish of me to stop here.

So I'm out to screamn from the mountain-tops till creatives who need to hear, hear it softly and feel it gently, like a nudge from their insides.

A nudge.

A nudge to say yes.

A nudge to not hold back nomore.

A nudge to pamper the rebel in you.

A nudge to make that childhood dream come true.

I am here to scream out what I have, from the lowest strings of my rock-n-roll throat, till you feel that nudge.

Cause I don't care if anyone has said this before.

But I am going to go ahead and say it anyways:

An internal nudge, felt from deep within,
has all the testosterone you need,
to change your life.

The time to feel it was Yesterday.
And I am here to remind you to go back and feel it.