Chocolate Thunder USS Strongman/Strongwoman Contest

Chocolate Thunder  USS Strongman/Strongwoman Contest

Chocolate Thunder will be a Strongman and Strongwoman contest sanctioned by United States Strongman located in Lewisburg, WV joining the Chocolate Festival

Chocolate Thunder 13/04/2016

Conan's Wheel, Yoke Carry, Log Press

*All photos in this album were taken by Todd Wagner.

Chocolate Thunder Competition 13/04/2016

Chocolate Thunder Photos: Log, Deadlift, and Stones

Log, Deadlift, and Stones

Feel free to tag!

United States Strongman 13/04/2016

Results are posted at:

United States Strongman Official Website of United States Strongman, Inc.

Chocolate Thunder Competition 13/04/2016

Log, Deadlift, and Stones

Feel free to tag!


April 9th, 2016 Chocolate Thunder went down despite several inches of snow! With a forecasted 1-6 inches of snow possible the decision was made to change the location away from downtown and to have the majority of the events inside. Thankfully I am surrounded by an OUTSTANDING community with Greenbrier Valley fitness that not only made it happen, but made it completely awesome! At 3:30 am there was already 1.5 inches snow and it was continually pouring down. With shovels, push brooms, and a whole lot of salt the surface was safe and ready to go. The grill and pit got fired up. The music was bumping and there were plenty of beverages, food, and chocolate for everybody. I think it is safe to say that a lot of weight got lifted and everybody had a good time. We ran 29 competitors through 5 events including awards in about 4 hours in not the most ideal circumstances.
First event was the yoke carry. In the light weight newcomers 17 year old Zachary Standifur started things off with a bang sprinting 500 lbs 60 ft in 7.94 sec(fastest time of the day). Tyler Perdue lead the way with the heavy newcomers and in the 165 ladies Laura Mancini took the top time from Alesha. However, Alesha would be coming back for more. Heather Marshall was the only 165+ lady to show up and she was able to take it for a walk in the park. In the Open 220 men Scott Loving almost caught Zachary Standifur’s time at 8.07 sec with 625 lbs surpassing Jermiah Branscombs time by 3 sec. 242 HW Alex Sanderson edged out Morgan Simon by almost 1.5 sec . When it came to the big boys things got heavier, but not much slower. Kevin Wickline came out like a freight train carrying 705 lbs the entire distance in 8.97 sec followed closely by Thomas Bruns 9.95 sec.
Next came the Conan’s Carry and once again Zachary Standifur and Tyler Perdue would not be denied with 175 ft and 121 ft respectively. Michael Deskins almost took the top spot NC 198+ ending just 3 ft shy of Tyler’s distance. Alesha Ray decided that 2nd place was not good enough and hung on to the pole for dear life for the longest carry of the day at 233 ft. Laura Mancini did everything she could for 207 ft. At this point it was clear there was steep competition between these two. Stephanie Judy secured 3rd with 140 ft followed by Amber Hardman just 20 ft behind. In the MW 220’s Scott Loving continued with his game plan almost catching Alesha’s distance at 218 ft for the win. HW 242 Alex Sanderson edged Morgan Simon by 8 ft. After loading the wheel to 700 lbs there was only one man able to break 100 ft and that was John Bryan with 118 ft.
Off to the log clean and press were 2 198 MW newcomers were able to complete reps with Joshua Blankenship getting 3 reps and Zachary’s 6 reps, then came the: “Flack Attack,” with Jason Flack tying Zach Daniels at 5 reps for 1st place in the heavy newcomers. Falling 1 rep behind was Michael Deskins in 3rd place. In the MW 165 women Stephanie Judy may not have been the tallest, youngest, or heaviest but the local sure could press taking home the event win with 7 reps followed by the consistent Alesha at 5 reps. Sherry Hanover tied Laura Mancini to get on the board with 1. After loading the log to 130 lb’s Heather Marshall put on a fine pressing display at 5 reps. MW 220’s Jared Miller and Jermiah Branscomb tied at 2 and Scott continued to do his thing at 6. HW 242 Alex Sanderson led the way at 4. In the HW242+ Jason Parmon showed he may not be quite as fast as the young bucks, but would soon excel in the static events winning the log clean and press at 7 reps of 250 followed by Thomas Bruns and Kevin Wickline who tied at 5.
In the deadlift Zachary did what he had to secure the win Thomas Carrico finished 2ndand Flack attacked the bar for the 198+ newcomer 1st place. Alesha Ray continued to operate like a well oiled machine and cranked off 20 reps followed by Laura at 16 and shortly behind was Stephanie at 14 reps. In the MW 220’s Scott Loving had no love for the bar and pulled off 20 reps. Jeremiah followed 3 reps behind Scott. Alex Sanderson showed he didn’t drive all the way from Michigan for nothing and pulled his way to another victory. With the big boys we had a tie for 1st between Jason Parman and Kevin Wickline at 15. Kevin was a little too amped up and didn’t wait for a few up commands, but still cranked off 15. Jacob Bobbs tried like heck to join the crew but wasn’t what quite able to lockout 15 before time ran out.
When it came to the atlas stones Zachary Standifur was all about the Chocolate, however, was unable to manage the Chocolate stone. Perhaps because he didn’t have tacky, however, he jumped to the lighter stone and still got 4 reps with limited time to secure the win. None of the heavyweight newcomers went for the Chocolate and Jason Flack heaved the light stone 7 reps for a 1st place finish in this event. Out of the 165 women there was only one woman to handle the 200lb Chocolate Stone and not only did she get it, but she got it for 4 reps and that was Alesha Ray. What would W***y Wonka say about this? All of the MW 220’s were loving the Chocolate especially Jeremiah Branscomb who reamed victorious with 4 reps of 335lbs. 242 Alex Sanderson sealed the deal with 1 rep on the Chocolate. The 242+ had several going for the 400lb Chocolate Monster, but ended up switching to the lighter 335 where Jason Parman was able to get 5 reps and secure the overall win for the big boys.

The overall top 3 standings were:

Newcomer’s MW 198
1. Zachary Standifur
2. Thomas J. Carrico, Jr.
3. Joshua Blankenship
Newcomer’s 198+
1. Tyler Perdue
2. Jason Flack
3. Zach Daniels
MW 165 Women
1. Alesha Ray
2. Laura Mancini
3. Stephanie Judy
165+ Women
1. Heather Marshall
MW 220
1. Scott Loving
2. Jeremiah Branscomb
3. Jared Miller
HW 242
1. Alex Sanderson
2. Morgan Simon
HW 242+
1. Jason Parman
2. Kevin Wickline
3. Thomas Bruns

I want to thank all of you for deciding to come down to: “Chocolate Thunder!” I can’t thank the staff and helpers from Greenbrier Valley Fitness enough. You guys are awesome. This will be going down again at the same place next year and I will guarantee you that will be: much bigger, better planned, more food, beverages, fire, music, an even better time, and most importantly more “Chocolate Thunder!!!” Also if I have anything to say about it United States Strongman will be becoming much larger in the state of WV, so stay tuned!


Just got word from the big man himself Phil Pfister 2006 Worlds Strongest Man will be running the Mike at the show!


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! EVENT LOCATION HAS BEEN CHANGED: GREENBRIER VALLEY FITNESS, South Gym 113 Davis Stuart Rd, Ronceverte. This is the same location as early registration/weigh in. If your coming from out of town know that are two Greenbrier Valley Fitness Gym's and make sure your at the right one listed above. This decision was made with your safety and equipment damage in mind! It has been projected from 60 to 90% chances of snow 1-3 in on Friday and another 1-3 on Saturday with high winds+ lower temperatures Saturday morning. I have never heard of such a thing in Lewisburg at this time of year. The event order will change slightly with Conan’s Wheel and Deadlift exchanging places: 1) yoke 2) conan’s wheel 3) log clean and press 4) deadlift 5) atlas stones. The good news is we’ll have our own music, bathrooms, chocolate, and more importantly a warmer/safer environment. Yoke and wheel will still be outside(dress appropriately), but you can warm up inside until you’re up if you like. All times for registration, safety briefing, and contest start will remain the same. We are looking to have awards and everything done by 12:30 to allow for ample time to enjoy the chocolate festival. Also, if you get 1st place along with a custom wood carved chocolate thunder award you will receive 10 chocolate tasting tickets AND if you are 21 you may receive a glass of Chocolate Thunder (35 proof legal Chocolate Moonshine)if you like or a glass of chocolate milk or hot cocoa whatever you prefer. I will be sending out a mass text and I need verification from all who are attending that they are informed on the new location. If you have any concerns our questions you can message me via fb, email, or call at: (304)533-6177.


Early weigh in/registration is at: Greenbrier Valley Fitness South Gym 113 Davis Stuart Rd, Ronceverte from 5:00pm to 7:00pm Friday. Day of weigh in/registration is at the contest location 100 Church St., Lewisburg(Beside Food and Friends)from 7:00 to 8:00. Everybody will need a United States Strongman Membership to be fully registered and they will be available during registration 20$. Going south on 219(from64) as you enter town pass E. Washington St, then take a right on Foster St. Go 2 blocks and you’ll run into Church St. you’ll see the location on the right. Mandatory safety/rules meeting is at 8:00 and game time is 8:30.

Here is the roster as of 04/02:

1. Thomas J. Carrico, Jr.
2. Demond Gary
3. Joshua Blankenship
4. Zachary Standifur

1. Michael Deskins
2. Jason Flack
3. Chad Hardman
4. John C. Reed
5. Tyler Perdue

1. Stephanie Judy
2. Laura Mancini
3. Jessica Hayes
4. Amber Hardman

1. Heather Marshall
2. Hal Yost

1. Jared Miller
2. Scott Loving
3. Jeremiah Branscomb

1. Morgan Simon
2. Patrick Bresley
3. Alex Sanderson

1. Thomas Bruns
2. John Bryan
3. Jason Parman
4. Justin Marlow
5. Kevin Wickline
6. Brian Short
7. Dustin Patrick
8. Jacob Bobbs
After the Yoke Carry this will also be the competitor order(reverse entry).


Hey everybody it is now crunch time! Entries need to be in this Saturday! So, if you haven't got them in them in the mail please do so.


Less than 1 week away from the DEADline! Lets get those entries in. Prices go up March 26th to 75$, why not save your self 25$ and spare me a little anxiety? Also, I'll be getting the Conan's Wheel out Tuesday evening if anybody wants to get there hands on it. Training this Saturday will have to be scheduled early starting at 7:30 am in preparation for the Easter Bunny.

19/03/2016 Big John feeling the Chocolate Thunder!!


The Conan's Wheel will be available this Saturday for those who want to get their hands on it.


Hey everybody lets get those entries in! Were just shy of 2 weeks out from entry deadline after March 26th the cost goes up from 50$ to 75$. I'd really appreciate it if you all could get them in soon. I have a lot more verbals than entries and remember after the Yoke Carry everything is reverse entry order. Also, next strongman training is scheduled this Saturday and every Saturday leading to the event from 9-11. Free for Crossfit Esprit members, 5$ for gym members, and 10$ for non-members.


Here are the weights for the deadlift:
HW 242+ 525 lbs
HW 242 500 lbs
MW 220 465 lbs
MW 198/Men’s Masters/Men’s Newcomer Crossover 425 lbs
HW 165 275 lbs
MW 165 245 lbs
LW 132 225 lbs


Hey everybody there's been a few updates! The deadlift will be will be with a Texas Deadlift bar, 12-13 inch pick, suits+straps permitted, and max reps/1min-similar to USS Nats. I'll put out weights shortly. I'm working on arrangements to pick up the Conan's Wheel right now and should have it available at Greenbrier Valley Fitness(south gym) within a couple of weeks. Tommorrow I'll be hosting training at the same place 9-11. It's suppossed to be cold-so tacky stones outside are out of the question this time. We will work on the log, yoke, stones without tacky, and your also welcome to the axle and farmers if you like as well. Whatever you want to work on I'll help. Happy Training!

United States Strongman | Upcoming Events 17/01/2016

Here we go folks April 9th “Chocolate Thunder “ will be going down in Lewisburg WV directly beside the Chocolate Festival which usually includes about: 35 vendors including everything from: chocolate beer, moose, pretzels, organic chocolate, chocolate martinis , and various types of cakes, brownies, and truffles. The majority of the strongman/strongwoman event will be completed prior to the festival starting, so competitors, family, and friends will have plenty of time to enjoy the festival. This is a United States Strongman “Gold Level” sanctioned event. Top 3 in each open division qualify for United States Strongman Nationals in Louisville, KY June 11th, 2016. Entry form and events can be found: #!upcoming-events/c1yws United States Strongman membership is required=20$. I will be hosting training sessions with events in the very near future at Greenbrier Valley Fitness(south gym), whoever is interested please let me know. Please post questions regarding the event at this fb page. You are also welcome to call or email me. My contact information is listed on the entry form.

United States Strongman | Upcoming Events Official Website of United States Strongman, Inc.

Untitled album 01/01/2016
