CHCG is a leading middle market corporate finance institution specializing in providing financial and capital solutions for companies with revenue.


When you put your money in the bank you get no return. When you put your money on our institution your money grows and gives you ownership.

Great opportunity to own a piece of a hotel that makes you money daily. The moment is now. Contact us. 305-898-3507.
Cuando pones tu dinero en el banco no obtienes ninguna ganancia. Cuando pones tu dinero en nuestra institución ganas dinero y serás dueño de algo.

Gran oportunidad de ser parte dueño de un hotel que deja dinero Diario... El momento es ahora. Contactenos 305-898-3507


We are now offering the opportunity of becoming an owner at CHCG Trust.


Join Now and Own a piece of a hotel that makes money every day.


A 1,000 people with $1,000 to restore potential buildings in Puerto Rico. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for many.


We are giving a great opportunity to the people for the people. Our project "1,000 for Puerto Rico" gives you ownership to potential buildings like hotels, hospitals and many other lucrative ventures.
