Leith McHugh

Leith McHugh

Transformational Life Coach | Trauma, Grief & supporting loved ones impacted by Addiction


Imagine a world where the road ahead is illuminated by a single, powerful step—the first step. It's the step that can transform your life. You are cordially invited to step into this world, into a realm of boundless possibilities, where you hold the key to your own transformation.

Our next MOTION call is Tuesday, April 16th. If you'd like to join, visit https://www.leithmchugh.com/motion.

Empowered | A Workshop About Boundaries 20/08/2023

For all of you who have asked me about doing another (virtual) Empowered | Boundaries Workshop- its here! This Saturday 8/26 at 9a/MT! Feel free to bring a friend!

Empowered | A Workshop About Boundaries Do you ever find yourself saying "yes" when you really wanted to say "no"?


J O L L Y call.
Bring or Borrow some JOY on Wednesday morning. 2/8. 8a/MT. 15 min only.
Zoom link:

"I realized how much I start with a positive comment and then quickly turn to all the hard stuff going on when I talk with people. Talking only about joy made me realize that. Thank you for sharing this brilliant idea with me!” Roxann L


J O L L Y Zoom call. EVERY Wednesday.
This week: Feb 1. 8a/MT. 15 min.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7192717291?pwd=MWtmMHcrR3ZlMW1EbFVKa3orYlZFdz09

“I came today - to borrow joy - but now I am realizing that I DO have some of my own joy to bring.“ Allison M


Bring or Borrow some J O Y.
This Wednesday, and every Wednesday for a bit...
J O L L Y call.
8a/MT. a simple 15 min.
Zoom link:

"I need that every morning! Completely turned my day around." - Roxann L


Bring or Borrow some joy on my weekly
J O L L Y call.
Wednesday mornings 8a/MT.
15 min of happy on Zoom.

Hope to see you there.
Zoom link:


See you Wednesday, Jan 11 @ 8a/MT
- come hop on a quick Zoom call to share the good things that are happening in your world. ❄️
The call will be approximately 15 minutes long - you are welcome to share your goodness in the chat if you would prefer not to share it live.
AND - if it is hard to find the good things happening in your world - but you’d like to borrow some joy from others - join in just to listen, get filled up and maybe add some hope to your bucket. 🪣
Zoom | Same link each week
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7192717291...
Hope to see you there!


You Matter : A call about Self Care. This is a one hour b l a s t of self care info & resources.

January 9th, 2023 9:00 am

Register Here:


Join me in the month of January - every Wednesday morning at 8a/MT - to hop on a quick Zoom call to share the good things that are happening in your world. ❄️

The call will be approximately 15 minutes long - you are welcome to share your goodness in the chat if you would prefer not to share it live.

AND - if it is hard to find the good things happening in your world - but you’d like to borrow some joy from others - join in just to listen, get filled up and maybe add some hope to your bucket. 🪣

Zoom | Same link each week
Meeting ID: 719 271 7291

Hope to see you there!


J O L L Y call.
Join me in the month of January - every Wednesday morning at 8a/MT (FIRST Call will be Jan 4) - to hop on a quick Zoom call to share the good things that are happening in your world. ❄️

AND - if it is hard to find the good things happening in your world - but you’d like to borrow some joy from others - join in just to listen, get filled up and maybe add some hope to your bucket. 🪣

Zoom | Link in BIO.

Hope to see you there.


J O L L Y Call
Join me in the month of January - every Wednesday morning at 8a/MT - to hop on a quick Zoom call to share the good things that are happening in your world.

AND - if it is hard to find the good things happening in your world - but you’d like to borrow some joy from others - join in just to listen, get filled up and maybe add some hope to your bucket.

Zoom | Same link each week

Meeting ID: 719 271 7291


Hope to see you there!


A new year. New hopes. New dreams. Same YOU.
Need to love on that YOU and it starts like this:

YOU MATTER | A call about Self Care.

Monday, January 9, 2023 | 9 A MT.

Click here to register for call:


Are you a grieving momma? I have something for you.
A safe space where us moms can connect with one another as we attempt to make movement forward in our grief journey.

Call is Thursday, January 5 @ 6p/MT.

Register HERE:


You Matter : A call about Self Care. This is a one hour b l a s t of self care info & resources.

December 13th, 2022 11:00 am

Register Here:



You Matter : A call about Self Care. This is a one hour b l a s t of self care info & resources.

December 13th, 2022 11:00 am

Click here to register for class:



Self Care Call Schedule (All Time Mountain Time Zone)

December 13th, 2022 11:00 am Mountain Time Zone
Register Here:

January 9th, 2023 9:00 am Mountain Time Zone
Register Here:

February 21st, 2023 2:00 pm Mountain Time Zone
Register Here:


You Matter : A call about Self Care. This is a one hour b l a s t of self care info & resources.

November 8th, 2022 11:00 am -12:00 pm

Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuduGtqjkjEtIGlcBcWd8DyOcSnPnKJtOR


I am looking for an online coaching/teaching platform that allows my clients to have:
-to do list (that allows for links to be included)
-learning modules
-assignments they can turn in to me that will allow them to go forward and back a page without losing data & will allow them to save the data as they go.
I have used Kajabi and looking for other suggestions.

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