Yasiel Puig’s Wild Horse Children’s Foundation

Yasiel Puig’s Wild Horse Children’s Foundation

The Yasiel Puig Wild Horse Children’s Foundation is a 501 c (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping underprivileged children.


Happy Birthday to the incredible Mr. Manny Mota! Mr. Mota has partnered with our foundation for years to take care-packages and toys to the needy in his native Santo Domingo. He is the one who showed the good he could do through an organization like the Mota Foundation. A genuinely kind man. He and his wife have been serving food and giving out toys in their country for over 60 years! We all wish him a Happy Birthday from us at


Thank you to and for graciously donating not just a car seat, but a stroller and bassinet to this beautiful family for this little girl’s use! The family is new to America and we were seeking a car seat so they can finish the last leg of their travels. Thank you to for always being there for others and never losing sight of the needs of others. We feel so blessed to share this village with you all.


Happy 4th of July! and his Wild Horse Children’s Foundation wish you the very best day with your families!

Our work has been rooted in Los Angeles since the beginning, and we strive to continue to meet the needs of the children and families of our communities daily. This 4th of July marks the 5th year that we start to acquire donations for our most vulnerable children to return to school in the fall.
We are excited to form new partnerships this year to continue our tradition. If you would like to contribute time or donations, please email Cris at [email protected]

Yasiel Puig Valdes Grew Up With A Dream...

Yasiel grew up in Cienfuegos, a seaport city of over 150,000 on the southern coast of Cuba. The city’s team, the Elefantes, fascinated Yasiel as a boy. As Yasiel grew to tower over the other boys he faced on the baseball diamond, all he wanted to do was play ball for his hometown team.

Yasiel didn’t own his own glove until he was almost 17, and his father used to have his bats made for him out of local wood. He experienced first-hand the difficulties of not having very much, and to this day tries to make up for so much that he didnt have access to when he was young. Unfortunately, his story is not unique. Many children have difficult childhoods due to either family circumstance or economic barriers. Yasiel wants to make a difference in these children’s lives, and it is here that his idea for his Foundation came about.

The name “Yasiel Puig’s Wild Horse Children’s Foundaiton” is a nod to Mr. Vin Skully, who aptly gifted Yasiel with the moniker of the “Wild Horse”, for his way of passionately playing on the major league field.

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